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Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:39 pm
by Alien
That "most of fi scene is cheaters" is a fucking bullshit. Since we have had foc's and I can tell you that all the top clans plays clear.

But hey this, I played against them, not playing against them anymore.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:43 pm
by herty
skmz wrote:Always.. always.. and always .fi people who are yelling.. They must suck bigtime.

And also just like Jolla said, people who says Siru didn't cheat accuse Jolla? Haha, well.. Siru.. there you got clearly wallhack. I haven't checked this demos of Jolla yet though. But if he wallhack while he is drunk, then he gotta be damn good one.

You are just so patethic guys, always whining at .swe people, but never ever do a .fi guy whine about another .fi guy? Atleast, I haven't seen that yet.

You just can't stand loosing, not even vs. drunk guys. It's just so fun.

Swe (easily) > Fin.

I can accuse anyone.. I don't care about locations. Just facts..

I'm also not afraid of telling people the truth, nor share my opinions. I'm no asslicker either, like many others are.

Whine as much as you want, I'm no cheater, nor is Jolla. Most of the Fi aq scene is...

Always fun to see threads like these when I get back from my trips.
You're just a good example why I prefer more than I don't think that Finns have been here "yelling" or "whining" more than other nationalities, but I suppose Finns don't have the same rights as people from other countries in your opinion? A Finn hasn't got a right to make a thread here if he thinks that some swede for example is playing in a bit suspicious way, is that what you think? In my opinion it's not the Finns who turn these discussions into "Fin vs rest" but some guys, who seem to be for some reason bitter for Finns, just like skmz.

And yet Finns don't agree on everything but they also have a messageboard of their own where they can discuss in Finnish so that they wouldn't have to argue in English.

I remember how you sticked up for yourself when you got caught of wallhack and frankly that reminds me of this post of yours since both are - to be honest - full of crap.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:06 pm
by Den
Once upon a time there was an evil king called skmzotchie who only came down from his icy throne when his minions where whispering "cheaters" in the hallways of his allmighty castle high up in the clouds.

And boys & girls...

He heard it...

He awoke from his slumber, now its his time again to reign the forums and defeat all the brave people who dare to oppose him.


Anyway, this thread makes me laugh (keep it coming :hail:). UNi are my boys so ;)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:18 pm
by Yuhmouth
see you in hell Jolla.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:25 am
by SheMale
Herty, plx mr lagghack user... couldnt care less :hop:

Alien: "played them once and never again",
[23:33:43] * Joins: scorni (
[23:33:44] <scorni> cw
[23:33:44] <scorni> ?
[23:34:53] <scorni> vRGL cw?
[23:35:04] <vRGL> :D
[23:35:06] <vRGL> ya think?
[23:35:16] <vRGL> accusing us for wh and shit
[23:35:36] <scorni> :>
[23:35:44] <scorni> so?

ooops, dum finne

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:35 am
by herty
SheMale wrote:Herty, plx mr lagghack user... couldnt care less :hop:
Heh, it was the connection that sucked back in the days when I lived with my parents. Nowadays I've got "a little bit" smaller ping 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:51 am
by chron
Always fun to see threads like these when I get back from my trips.
AA meetings aren't considered trips. And don't tell me where you did go, because i couldn't care less.
Once upon a time there was an evil king called skmzotchie who only came down from his icy throne when his minions where whispering "cheaters" in the hallways of his allmighty castle high up in the clouds.

And boys & girls...

He heard it...

He awoke from his slumber, now its his time again to reign the forums and defeat all the brave people who dare to oppose him.
Couldnt agree more den, since skmz always seems to be the one defending "the one accused of cheating" the most.

And do I hold a grudge against you skmz? - No, your English is just so bad that I really have to concentrate hard to understand one single bit of it and I really would like to reply here to advice you to consult the English dictionary before you post anything to ease the pain of our dear forum readers. And don't give me that crap about 'I don't care about my spelling' because you actually should do that if you wan't people to understand you if you want to make a statement or give your opinion. Think about it: you want to give your opinion but no-one understands, why give it then? See thats a vicious circle. So therefore I give you this constructive criticism if you want to get ahead in life. Furthermore there aren't any valid arguments concerning this thread just your own opinion that probably no-one cares about or as I mentioned: understands. Actually I missed the "you probably never got laid, go get a girl" one, so I'll just whisper it in your ear now so that you use that one.

If you have nothing to say: don't. Why flame at the .fi guys? We can argue for weeks about this, but different nationalities do exist with different cultures, but its the personality of the person that makes them a lamer or a cheater or whatever, not the country where they come from. For instance: You are one, but you are Swedish, does that make you a Fin, the nationality that you seem to hate so much? (perhaps this is a mindbreaker, but atleast try to think about it ok?).

Now concerning this thread: Does it actually matter?
We can argue for ages about this, but some people do accuse him of cheating, others don't. Its all based on personal opinions and its impossible to get facts. Even if we enable a wallhack to "check" if he is cheating its just guessing because in this game the weirdest kills are made. If we hit 5 heads in a row its just "luck" but it can also be a cheat. When we just started playing this game ~ 6/7 years ago, cheating was obvious. Those fast moving bots, no cheat detection but if you specced the players it could clearly be seen. Nowadays its harder, cheats became more sophisticated and players became more aware of the fact that its "Illegal". And in my opinion you can prevent it yourself, because there is no clear statement of what is "lame". Lame? Yes, because when you have the feeling that you are playing against cheaters...just leave? In the early days clanwars were exciting and we actually had some sort of competitive element in this game, now its all about the green pages. If you don't like a game, leave and never play them again. Who gives a rats ass about what is wrong or right over the internet in a 7 year old game. Its a bit of a cliche, but this game is ment to be fun and not about 'finishing a compulsory 2nd map'.

Therefore this sidenote to the other thread concerning: "Inferno", I completely understand him. And if you dislike the fact that he leaves, don't play, its easy as Dell. I read some posts and I really liked the one that said: We just join the channel again with another nickname - now that is having fun and perhaps some sort of a challenge to see how many times you can do that before he notices.

Ontopic again: Its better to let the admins decide if he is cheating, not because they know so well, just because they are the ones that can do something (or nothing) about it.

Kind regards.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:24 am
by maGro
The TV-Show Scrubs rocks... so.. amazing!

And noone of them cheats. One time the janitor tries to pretend to have a twinbrother.. but i dont think that could be named cheating.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:22 am
by pauhi
skmz wrote:Always.. always.. and always .fi people who are yelling.. They must suck bigtime.

Swe (easily) > Fin.

Whine as much as you want, I'm no cheater, nor is Jolla. Most of the Fi aq scene is...
Will you stop generalizing that it's only .fi people whining at .se guys.
It has nothing to do with countries if a player is lame and decides to cheat, he's an shitty individual not depending on country.

We could 'argue' about this FI>SWE/SWE>FI thing for all day and in the end, both would have the same opinions as in the beginning, it's futile. We've talked enough bullshit about this already.

Just my few thoughts, and I hope you understand this as I'm writing in a small hangover :p

[edit]Oh, lol. Didn't notice there was 4th page, chron pretty much said all that I had to say ^^

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:31 am
by Siru
splh you little fuck need no more than my elbow to kill you. here is my phonenumber if you are ever coming to kokkola, just take all your friends with you 0400-530731 and i show you why kokkola is finlands most violent city

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:35 am
by pauhi
Siru wrote:splh you little fuck need no more than my elbow to kill you. here is my phonenumber if you are ever coming to kokkola, just take all your friends with you 0400-530731 and i show you why kokkola is finlands most violent city
Lol, take a look at yourself. How old were you again? :)
That solves nothing.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:38 am
by quba
Action Quake 2 is a computer game. Fucking psychos :D

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:41 am
by Siru
soon i'm 23, sure madwolf can post here some information who we are (not forcing to do so but, maybe if that would lopettaa vittuilun)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:45 am
by angra
bla bla bla swe vs fi bla bla...
there is most finnish dudes banned for cheating becuse they have more players nothing else.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:45 am
by pauhi
Siru wrote:soon i'm 23, sure madwolf can post here some information who we are (not forcing to do so but, maybe if that would lopettaa vittuilun)
well then act like it, its a game for fucks sake. [end of off-topic]