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Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:50 am
by Stric
oh, gl_modulate 1 and then vid_restart. After that modulate to 5 . Thats

the old trick i think and still many people dont know about it :)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:44 am
by Clown
I don't use Q2ICE, so I can't be exploiting :)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:24 am
by Repsaj
Clowneh! wrote:I don't use Q2ICE, so I can't be exploiting :)
he means u cant do that thing with q2ice since it resets the modulate even without vid_restarting d0h :P

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:22 pm
by Clown
That told me :(

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 9:46 am
by Stim
Den wrote:

Code: Select all

bind F9 "Q2ACE - Q2 Anti-Cheat-Edition v1.21" 

lol hawaii?

....I see! :p

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 2:36 pm
by Blue Vex
Haha, Den. I can see who you got your cfg layout from. ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 2:41 pm
by Den

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 3:05 pm
by Deimos
Here's mine, it's old though...


Code: Select all


// Action Quake 2 Configuration File

// By: Miami


// -[ Exec Config Files ]----------------------------------------------------------------


//player Settings

exec cfg/1.cfg

//video setings

exec cfg/2.cfg

exec cfg/3.cfg


exec cfg/4.cfg

//radio Settings

exec cfg/5.cfg

//sniper config

exec cfg/6.cfg

//some alias'es

exec cfg/7.cfg


exec cfg/scriptmsg.cfg


exec cfg/person.cfg


exec cfg/nocheat.cfg


// Miami



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//Action Quake 2 Configuration File						     1/7

//By: Miami


// -[ player Settings  ]----------------------------------------------------------------

set name "deimos"				// The player's name.

set skin "moobull/moobull"			// The texture skin that the player is wearing.

set crosshair "3"				// Toggle the use of the crosshair (X crosshair)

set hand "1"					// Toggle the handedness of the player (0 = Right, 1 = Left, 2 = Center)

set sensitivity "5.5"				// The mouse sensitivity.

set intensity "2"				// The brightness of the OpenGL display.

// -[ Download Options ]-----------------------------------------------------------------

set allow_download "1"				// Toggle the automatic downloading of game files.

set allow_download_maps "1"			// Toggle the automatic downloading of map files to the client from the server.

set allow_download_sounds "1"			// Toggle the automatic downloading of sound files.

set allow_download_models "1"			// Toggle the automatic downloading of model files.

set allow_download_players "1"			// Toggle the automatic downloading of player skin files.

// -[ Sound Settings ]-------------------------------------------------------------------

set cd_loopcount "4"				// The number of times that the looping track will play.

set cd_looptrack "11"				// The number of the music track designated to loop.

set cd_nocd "0"					// Toggle the use of CD music.

set cl_footsteps "1"				// Toggle the footstep sounds.

set s_initsound "1"				// Toggle the use of sound hardware.

set s_khz "22"					// The sampling rate in KHz of the sound samples.

set s_loadas8bit "0"				// Toggle if the sound samples should be loaded as 8-bit files.

set s_mixahead "0.2"				// The delay before mixing sound samples.

set s_primary "0"				// Toggle the use of the DirectSound primary buffer. If this toggle is enabled it might cause problems for some sound hardware, use with caution.

set s_show "0"					// Toggle the display of all sounds which are currently playing.

set s_testsound "0"				// Toggle the generation of a test tone to test the sound hardware.

set s_volume "0.2"				// The volume for the playback of sound samples.

set s_wavonly "0"				// Toggle the playback of only .wav file sound samples.

// -[ Mouse Settings ]-------------------------------------------------------------------

set in_initjoy "0"				// Toggle the initialization of joystick. If this variable is set to 0 the game will not try to detect the joystick and will disable all joystick functions in the game.

set in_initmouse "1"				// Toggle the initialization of the mouse. If this variable is set to 0 the game will not try to detect the mouse and will disable all mouse functions in the game.

set in_joystick "0"				// Toggle the use of input from the joystick.

set in_mouse "1"				// Toggle the use of input from the mouse.

set freelook "1"

set lookspring "0"

set lookstrafe "0"

set m_filter "1"

set m_forward "0"

set v_kickpitch 0.0

set v_kickroll 0.0

set v_kicktime 0.0

set m_filter "1"				// Toggle the filtering of mouse input.

set m_forward "1"				// The sensitivity for moving forward and back with the mouse.

set m_pitch "0.026"				// The sensitivity for looking up and down with the mouse.

set m_side "0.8" 				// The sensitivity for moving left and right with the mouse.

set m_yaw "0.026"				// The sensitivity for looking left and right with the mouse.


// Miami                                                                       4/6



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//Action Quake 2 Configuration File						     2/7

//By: Miami


// -[ Video Settings #2 ]----------------------------------------------------------------

set gun_x "-10"					// The x-axis position of the player's gun. The x-axis is the left to right axis with negative numbers on the left and positive on the right.

set gun_y "1"					// The y-axis position of the player's gun. The y-axis is the forward and back axis with negative numbers back and positive forward.

set gun_z "2"					// The z-axis position of the player's gun. The z-axis is the up and down axis with negative numbers down and positive up.

set r_drawentities "1"				// Toggle the display of entities on the map.

set r_drawworld "1"				// Toggle the display of walls and map BSP objects.

set r_dspeeds "0"				// Toggle the display of the render speeds in milliseconds.

set r_fullbright "1"				// Toggle the use of maximum texture brightness.

set r_lerpmodels "1"				// Toggle the prediction of model movment.

set r_nocull "0"				// Toggle the rendering of objects which are covered up.

set r_norefresh "0"				// Toggle the refreshing of the renderer display.

set r_novis "0"					// Toggle the use of BSP VIS tables.

set r_speeds "0"				// Toggle the display of the renderer statistics.

set scr_centertime "2.5"			// The amount of time in seconds that center print messages will be displayed.

set scr_conspeed "3"				// The speed at which the console is raised and lowered.

set scr_drawall "0"				// Toggle the display of extended characters on the client's display.

set scr_printspeed "8"				// The speed in characters-per-second that messages should scroll on the client's screen.

set scr_showpause "1"				// Toggle the display of the pause graphic.

set scr_showturtle "1"				// Toggle the display of the slow frame-rate graphic.

set showclamp "0"				// Toggle the display of clamping information which relates to network performance.

set showdrop "0"				// Toggle the display of information about dropped network packets.

set showpackets "0"				// Toggle the display of information about all network packets.

set showtrace "0"				// Toggle the display of network packet tracing information.

set sw_allow_modex "1"				// Toggle the use of ModeX video modes.

set sw_clearcolor "1"				// The color of areas outside the map.

set sw_drawflat "1"				// Toggle the removal of textures from walls.

set sw_draworder "1"				// Toggle the order of rendering walls.

set sw_maxsurfs "0"				// The maximum number of surfaces that the game should handle.

set sw_mipcap "0"				// The dimensions of displayed textures.

set sw_mipscale "0"				// The blending level of distant objects.

set sw_mode "4"					// The software video mode.

set sw_polymodelstats "0"			// Toggle the display of current number of polygons.

set sw_reportedgeout "0"			// Toggle the display of the number of edges which could not be rendered.

set sw_reportsurfout "0" 			// Toggle the display of the number of surfaces which could not be rendered.

set sw_stipplealpha "0"				// Toggle the alternative display of alpha information.

set sw_surfcacheoverride "0"			// Override the usage of surface cache.

set sw_waterwarp "0"				// Toggle the warping effects while underwater.

set vid_fullscreen "1"				// Toggle if the video is displayed in full-screen mode.

set vid_gamma "1" 				// The video gamma setting.

set vid_ref "ncgl"				// The name of the video renderer driver.

set vid_xpos "3"				// The x-axis position of the game screen on the desktop.

set vid_ypos "22"				// The y-axis position of the game screen on the desktop.

set viewsize "100"				// The size of the game screen.

// -[ Misc Settings ]--------------------------------------------------------------------

set bob_pitch "0"				// Toggle how much player pitches during bob.

set bob_roll "0"				// Toggle how much player rolls during bob.

set cl_forwardspeed "200"			// The maximum forward and backward movement speed.

set cl_pitchspeed "150"				// The constant movement speed for the up and down axis.

set cl_run "1"					// Toggle automatic running.

set cl_sidespeed "200"				// The maximum left and right movement speed.

set cl_timeout "120"				// The maximum time in seconds that the client will wait for a network packet before disconnecting.

set cl_upspeed "200"				// The maximum speed for up and down movment.

set cl_yawspeed "140				// The speed at which the player will turn while using a keyboard.

set con_notifytime "3"				// The delay before console messages disappear from the screen.

set coop "0"					// Toggle cooperative play.

set dedicated "1"				// Set the game into dedicated server mode.

set g_select_empty "0"				// Toggle the ability of players to select weapons without ammo.

set gender "female"				// The gender of the player.

set gender_auto "0"				// Toggle the use of automatic gender detection based on the player's model.

set log_stats "0"				// Toggle the logging of map statistics.

set logfile "0"					// Toggle the logging of console messages.

set lookspring "0"				// Toggle automatic centering of the screen.

set lookstrafe "1"				// Toggle automatic strafing.

set run_pitch "0.000"				// The amount that the player should tilt up and down while running.

set run_roll "0.000"				// The amount that the player should tilt left and right while running.

//set v_centermove "0.15"			// The speed at which the screen will automatically center.

//set v_centerspeed "500"			// The distance traveled before the screen will automatically center.

set win_noalttab "0"				// Toggle the ability to switch away from the game back to Windows.

set zombietime "2"				// The amount of time in minutes before a frozen character is removed from the map.

set gl_shadows "1"				// Toggle entity shadows.


// Miami                                                                      2/7



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//Action Quake 2 Configuration File						     3/7

//By: Miami


// -[ Video Settings  ]-------------------------------------------------------------------

set cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"			// The multiplier value for the yaw and roll axes. While the +speed command is enabled or the cl_run toggle is enabled the values of cl_forwardspeed, cl_sidespeed, and cl_upspeed are multiplied by this value.	

set cl_autoskins "0"				// Toggle the use of autoskins.

set cl_blend "1"				// Toggle the use of palette blending effects. The palette blending effect is used while being injured, using a powerup, or under water. It might be beneficial to disable this effect to see clearly in water, but then if the player is being injured he won't know it.

set cl_entities "1"				// Toggle the display of entities.	

set cl_gun "1"					// Toggle the display of the gun.

set cl_lights "1"				// Toggle the display of dynamic lighting.

set cl_maxfps "120"				// The maximum number of packets-per-second the server should send to the client to cap the frames-per-second rate.

set cl_nodelta "0"				// Toggle the use of delta network packet compression.

set cl_noskins "0"				// Toggle the display of custom skins on other players. 0 - Enable the use of skins, 1 - Disable the use of skins, 2 - Enable the use of skins but do not download new skins from the server.

set cl_particles "0"				// Toggle the display of partices.

set cl_predict "1"				// Toggle prediction of entities between network packets.

set cl_showmiss "0"				// Toggle the display of missed predictions.

set cl_shownet "0"				// Toggle the display of latency information for network packets.

set cl_stats "0"				// Toggle the display of information for map statistics.

set cl_stereo "0"				// Toggle the use of stereoscopic display mode.

set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"			// The seperation value between the left and right images in stereoscoptic mode.

set cl_testblend "0"				// Toggle the display of test for pallet blending.

set cl_testentities "0"				// Toggle the display of a test for entities.

set cl_testlights "0"				// Toggle the display of a test for dynamic lighting.

set cl_testparticles "0"			// Toggle the display of a test for particles.

set cl_vwep "1"					// Toggle the use of Visual Weapons on players.

set debuggraph "0"				// Toggle the display of the debug graph.

set developer "0"				// Toggle the display of developer information.

set fixedtime "0"				// Toggle display of all game frames.

set flushmap "0" 				// Toggle the flushing of map during map changes.

set fov "90"					// The size of the player's peripheral vision.

set freelook "1"				// Toggle the use of the forward and down movements into look up and look down.

set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"			// Toggle the use of alternative code for 3D Labs video drivers.

set gl_allow_software "0"			// Toggle the emulation of missing OpenGL functions by the game software.

set gl_bitdepth "0"				// Toggle the use of 16-bit textures.

set gl_clear "0"				// Toggle the clearing of the screen between frames.

set gl_cull "1"					// Toggle the use of OpenGL culling functions.

set gl_driver "opengl32"			// The filename of the OpenGL .dll driver.

set gl_dynamic "1"				// Toggle the use of dynamic lighting.

set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"		// Toggle the use of a compiled vertex array.

set gl_ext_multitexture "1" 			// Toggle the use of multiple texture processors.

set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1"			// Toggle the use of textures with their own color pallets.

set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"			// Toggle the use of point parameter files.

set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"			// Toggle the use of the swap interval between frames.

set gl_finish "0" 				// Toggle the use of gl_finish() function after each frame.

set gl_flashblend "0"				// Toggle the blending of lights onto the environment. If this toggle is enabled the lights will blend into a translucent ball of light.

set gl_lightmap "0"				// Toggle the display of light map used for testing static lighting. If this toggle is enabled all of the textures will be removed from the display and only the static lights will be shown.

set gl_lockpvs "0"				// Toggle the locking of the current PVS table.

set gl_log "0"					// Toggle the logging of all the OpenGL commands.

set gl_mode "4"					// Toggle the screen resolution mode.

set gl_monolightmap "0"				// Toggle the display of a monochromic light map to test dynamic lighting.

set gl_nobind "0"				// Toggle the binding of textures to triangles.

set gl_nosubimage "0"				// Toggle the usage of subimages for rendering.

set gl_particle_att_a "1"			// The value for the intensity of the particle A attributes.

set gl_particle_att_b "1"			// The value for the intensity of the particle B attributes.

set gl_particle_att_c "0"			// The value for the intensity of the particle C attributes.

set gl_particle_max_size "4"			// The maximum size for a rendered particle.

set gl_particle_min_size "1"			// The minimum size for a rendered particle.

set gl_particle_size "4"			// The default size for a rendered particle.

set gl_picmip "1"				// The dimensions of displayed textures.

set gl_playermip "2"				// The dimensions of displayed player skins.

set gl_polyblend "0"				// Toggle pallet blending. The pallet blending effect is used while being injured, using a powerup, or under water. It might be beneficial to disable this effect to see clearly in water, but then if the player is being injured he won't know it.

set gl_round_down "1"				// Toggle the rounding of texture sizes.

set gl_saturatelighting "0" 			// Toggle the saturation of all lights.

set gl_shadows "1"				// Toggle entity shadows.

set gl_showtris "0"				// This command toggles a map of the triangles that the engine is drawing for the current view. The edges of the triangles are shown in white and the faces are darkened.

set gl_skymip "2"				// Toggle the usage of mipmap information for the sky graphics.

set gl_swapinterval "1"				// The delay between frame buffer swaps.

set gl_texturealphamode "default"		// The color mode for alpha-blended textures.

set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"	// The texture drawing mode.

set gl_texturesolidmode "default"		// The color mode for solid-blended textures.

set gl_triplebuffer "0"				// Toggle the usage of triple buffering for OpenGL cards.

set gl_vertex_arrays "0"			// Toggle the use of vertex arrays.

set gl_ztrick "0" 				// Toggle the clearing of the z-buffer between frames.

set graphheight "36"				// The height in pixes of graphs.

set graphscale "1"				// The vertical scale of displayed information on graphs. If this register is lower than 1 the data in the graphs will be shrunk, if higher than 1 the data will be enlarged.

set graphshift "0"				// The vertical shift of information on graphs.


// Miami                                                                        3/7



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//Action Quake 2 Configuration File						     4/7

//By: Miami


// -[ bind Settings  ]----------------------------------------------------------------


set cl_predict "1"

set sv_reconnect_limit "3"

set msg "1"

set rate 8000

set cl_maxfps 120

alias graph_on "set netgraph 1;set cl_shownet 1;echo Graph ON...;wait;bind F2 graph_off"

alias graph_off "set netgraph 0;set cl_shownet 0;echo Graph OFF...;wait;bind F2 graph_on"

bind F2 graph_on

bind t "messagemode"

bind y "messagemode2"


bind f11 "l0"

alias "l0" "bind F11 l1;gl_dynamic 1;echo Dynamic on"

alias "l1" "bind F11 l0;gl_dynamic 0;echo Dynamice off"

//Standard use

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind TAB "inven"

bind ] "invprev"

bind [ "invnext"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind x "cmd help"

bind F12 "screenshot"

bind ENTER "invuse"


bind a "+moveleft"

bind space "+movedown"

bind d "+moveright"

bind s "+back"

bind w "+forward"

bind c "opendoor"

// toggle to switch between walking (quieter) and running

alias run "set cl_run 1; bind SHIFT walk; echo Movement set to Running"

alias walk "set cl_run 0; bind SHIFT run; echo Movement set to Walking"

bind SHIFT walk

bind mouse2 "+moveup"


bind INS "wave 0"

bind HOME "wave 1"

bind PGUP "wave 2"

bind DEL "wave 3"

bind END "wave 4"


bind q "use M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; use MP5/10 Submachinegun; use Handcannon; use Sniper Rifle; use M4 Assault Rifle"

bind mouse1 "+attack"

//sniper rifle

bind z "drop item"

bind mwheelup "bandage" 

bind mwheeldown "reload"

bind j "use M26 Fragmentation Grenade"

bind alt "drop weapon ;use throwing Combat Knife ; set sensitivity 5.5"

bind i "radiogender female"

//misc stuff

set bholelimit 40

set splatlimit 40

set shelloff 0

dmflags 528

set floodprot 0

//server intellingen

set hostname "server"

set allweapon "1"

set allitem "1"

set maxclients 12

//adrese action

set adr0 "" 		// Sov's Server

set adr1 "" 		// TNX Clan AQ2

set adr2 ""			// TP SWAT [UK]

set adr3 ""		// eDome AQ2 Teamplay #1 [FI]

set adr4 "" 		// eDome AQ2 Teamplay #2 [FI]

set adr5 "	"		// TNX Clan AQ2 #2 [NL]

set adr6 ""		// Last Resort [GER]

set adr7 ""	// Teamaction [DK]

set adr8 ""			// TNX AQ2: TNG[Teamplay]

// mijn config

bind ctrl "+shift"

set button1 "mouse1"

set button2 "mouse2"

set button3 "mouse3"

//Button #1

set b1_func1 "+attack"

set b1_func2 "set sensitivity 0.8"

//button #2

set b2_func1 "+moveup"

set b2_func2 "use Sniper Rifle"


set b3_func1 "use dual mk23 pistols"

set b3_func2 "use M26 Fragmentation Grenade"

alias +shift "bind $button1 $b1_func2; bind $button2 $b2_func2; bind $button3 $b3_func2"

alias -shift "bind $button1 $b1_func1; bind $button2 $b2_func1; bind $button3 $b3_func1"

//insult on c

alias f

//insult on r

alias abc "set sensitivity 5.5; bind f bcd;echo sens 5.5;exec cfg/6.cfg"

alias bcd "set sensitivity 5.5; bind f abc;echo sens 5.5;exec cfg/6.cfg"

bind f abc

alias jp2 "set sensitivity 5.5; bind v jp2;echo sens 5.5;exec cfg/6.cfg"

bind v jp2


// Miami                                                                       4/7



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//Action Quake 2 Configuration File						     5/7

//By: Miami


// -[ radio Settings  ]----------------------------------------------------------------

// -[ Enemy Spotted ]--------------------------------------------------------------------

alias spotted1 "radioteam enemys; say_team -??[ Enemy spotted ]??-; bind KP_INS spotted2"

alias spotted2 "radioteam enemys; say_team -??[ We've got visitors ]??-; bind KP_INS spotted3"

alias spotted3 "radioteam enemys; say_team -??[ Enemy sighted ]??-; bind KP_INS spotted4"

alias spotted4 "radioteam enemys; say_team -??[ Whoho think we are not Alone here ]??-; bind KP_INS spotted5"

alias spotted5 "radioteam enemys; say_team -??[ Finaly i can cee them :] ]??-; bind KP_INS spotted1"

bind KP_INS 	"spotted1"			// Enemy Spotted.

// -[ Go ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

alias go1 "radioteam go; say_team -??[ Forward [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_5 go2"

alias go2 "radioteam go; say_team -??[ Fan out [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_5 go3"

alias go3 "radioteam go; say_team -??[ Go [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_5 go4"

alias go4 "radioteam go; say_team -??[ Spread out [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_5 go5"

alias go5 "radioteam go; say_team -??[ Let party [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_5 go6"

alias go6 "radioteam go; say_team -??[ lets rock and role [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_5 go7"

alias go7 "radioteam go; say_team -??[ fuck them all [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_5 go8"

alias go8 "radioteam go; say_team -??[ Dunno wath to say.... [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_5 go1"

bind KP_5 	"go1"				// Go.

// -[ Cover Me ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------

alias cover1 "radioteam cover; say_team -??[ Cover me [ %T ], while I attack with my [ %W ] ]??-; bind KP_END cover2"

alias cover2 "radioteam cover; say_team -??[ I need some cover fire [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_END cover3"

alias cover3 "radioteam cover; say_team -??[ Cover me [ %T ] so i can kill it :P ]??-; bind KP_END cover4"

alias cover4 "radioteam cover; say_team -??[ Cover me [ %T ] So we can enyoy m8. ]??-; bind KP_END cover5"

alias cover5 "radioteam cover; say_team -??[ Cover my ass [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_END cover6"

alias cover6 "radioteam cover; say_team -??[ Cover the unit [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_END cover7"

alias cover7 "radioteam cover; say_team -??[ Cover all your teamy's!!! [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_END cover8"

alias cover8 "radioteam cover; say_team -??[ you know wath to do [ %T ] ]??-; bind KP_END cover1"

bind 4 	"cover1"			// Cover Me.

// -[ Taking Fire ]----------------------------------------------------------------------

alias fire1 "radio taking_f; say_team -??[ Taking Fire, Request Assistance ]??-; bind * fire2"

alias fire2 "radio taking_f; say_team -??[ Requesting backup ]??-; bind * fire3"

alias fire3 "radio taking_f; say_team -??[ Ok team, help me give you teamy AssiSTANce ]??-; bind * fire4"

alias fire4 "radio taking_f; say_team -??[ Need help!!!! Need help!!!! S.O.S ]??-; bind * fire5"

alias fire5 "radio taking_f; say_team -??[ Give me quik backup!!! ]??-; bind * fire6"

alias fire6 "radio taking_f; say_team -??[ Ok g00 actack them like a team!! ]??-; bind * fire7"

alias fire7 "radio taking_f; say_team -??[ We are under heavy fire ]??-; bind * fire1"

bind 7		"fire1"				// Taking Fire.

// -[ I'm Hit ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------

alias hit1 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ I'm Bandaging with [ %H% ] health remaining ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit2"

alias hit2 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ Im Hit! Cover me while I bandage ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit3"

alias hit3 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ The Hit me :S %H healt remaining ] ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit4"

alias hit4 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ that hurd!!! :( [ %H ] ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit5"

alias hit5 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ stupid me I AM HIT!!! [ %H ] ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit6"

alias hit6 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ Whooped bandaging on  [ %H ] ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit7"

alias hit7 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ dammmmm again!!! [ %H ] ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit8"

alias hit8 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ Go away men [ %H ] ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit9"

alias hit9 "radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -??[ Ouch I'm hit, or I just felt stupidly [ %H ] ]??-; bind KP_PLUS hit1"

bind 5		"hit1"				// I'm Hit.

// -[ Teammate Down ]--------------------------------------------------------------------

alias tdown1 "radio teamdown; say_team -??[ I think one of us just died ]??-; bind KP_MINUS tdown2"

alias tdown2 "radio teamdown; say_team -??[ They shot one of us ]??-; bind KP_MINUS tdown3"

alias tdown3 "radio teamdown; say_team -??[ Man down ]??-; bind KP_MINUS tdown4"

alias tdown4 "radio teamdown; say_team -??[ n00b down ]??-; bind KP_MINUS tdown5"

alias tdown5 "radio teamdown; say_team -??[ teamy down ]??-; bind KP_MINUS tdown6"

alias tdown6 "radio teamdown; say_team -??[ some mother fucker of our team is down ]??-; bind KP_MINUS tdown7"

alias tdown7 "radio teamdown; say_team -??[ Elivis have left the building!!!! ]??-; bind KP_MINUS tdown8"

alias tdown8 "radio teamdown; say_team -??[ Were is he going? ]??-; bind KP_MINUS tdown1"

bind 6		"tdown1"			// Teammate Down.

// -[ Reporting In ]---------------------------------------------------------------------

alias repin1 "radio reportin; say_team Reporting in"

bind 2		"repin1"			// Reporting In.

// -[ Team Report In ]-------------------------------------------------------------------

alias trepin1 "radio treport; say_team Anyone alive?"

bind 1	"trepin1"			// Team Report In.

// -[ Roger That ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------

alias roger1 "radio 10; radio 4; say_team Roger That"

bind 3		"roger1"			// Roger That.

// -[ Enemy Down ]----------------------------------------------------------------------

alias gotem1 "radioteam enemyd; say_team %K down"

bind g 		"gotem1"			// Enemy Down.

// -[ Say Directions ]-------------------------------------------------------------------

bind UPARROW 	"radio forward; say_team Forward %T"

bind DOWNARROW	"radio back; say_team Back %T"

bind LEFTARROW		"radio left; say_team Left %T"

bind RIGHTARROW		"radio right; say_team Right %T"

bind HOME		"radio up; say_team Up %T"

bind PGUP		"radio down; say_team Down %T"

bind v			"say_team %D on %P"

// -[ Say Numbers ]----------------------------------------------------------------------

bind 8 "radio 8"

bind 9 "radio 9"

bind 0 "radio 10"


// Miami                                                                       5/7



Code: Select all


//Action Quake 2 Configuration File						     6/7

//By: Miami


// -[ sniper config ]----------------------------------------------------------------

alias ded "weapon;bind e frf;echo sens 1x zoom;set sensitivity 2.8;echo sens 2.8"

alias frf "weapon;weapon;weapon;bind e ded;echo sens zoom 0x;set sensitivity 5.5;echo sens 5.5"

bind e ded


// Miami                                                                      6/7



Code: Select all


//Action Quake 2 Configuration File						     7/7

//By: Miami


// -[ some alias'es]----------------------------------------------------------------

alias tnx1 "connect"

alias tnx2 "connect"

alias tnx3 "connect"

alias gelre "connect"

alias edo_pub "connect"

alias edo1 "connect"

alias edo2 "connect"

alias edo3 "connect"

alias edo4 "connect"  

alias damain "connect"

alias jolt "connect"

alias btp1 "connect"

alias btp2 "connect"

alias bt1  "connect"

alias bt2  "connect"

alias bt3  "connect"	

alias lol1 "set hand 2;bind k olo ;echo geen hand"

alias olo "set hand 1;bind k pop ;echo hand links"

alias pop "set hand 3;bind k lol ;echo hand recht"

bind k lol1

alias rer "say :-)"

bind r rer

alias hyh "set crosshair 1;bind h huh"

alias huh "set crosshair 2;bind h hjh"

alias hjh "set crosshair 3;bind h hyh"

bind h hyh

// Sounds

bind f5 "funkmusic"

alias "funkmusic" "voice muu1.wav;bind f5 funkmusic2;m00m00m00m00m00"

alias "funkmusic2" "voice matrix.wav;bind f5 funkmusic3;Lets play!!!!!!!!!!!"

alias "funkmusic3" "voice idiota-1.wav;bind f5 funkmusic4;wh00t!!!!!"

alias "funkmusic4" "voice boom.wav;bind f5 funkmusic5;MUhaaaaaaaaaaa"

alias "funkmusic5" "voice clear.wav;bind f5 funkmusic6;:D tum ti tum"

alias "funkmusic6" "voice clint.wav;bind f5 funkmusic7;Come one try it!"

alias "funkmusic7" "voice likelove.wav;bind f5 funkmusic;lol"


bind . gelre


bind f8 exec cfg/scriptmsg.cfg


// Miami                                                                     7/7



Code: Select all


//Action Quake 2 Configuration File						     1/7

//By: Miami


// -[ NoCheat Settings  ]----------------------------------------------------------------

set cl_highlight 0	//Will highlight people's names in console

gl_celshading 1	// celshading

gl_scale 1		// Hud view

m_xp 2		// Force mouse to xp fix, even without xp

gl_coloredlightmaps 0	  

 // Setting to 0 results in greyscale lightmaps with a software render look.


// Miami                                                                       4/6



Code: Select all

set name "deimos"

set hand 3

set gender female

set gender_auto 0

set radiogender female

set crosshair 3

set cl_run "1"

set cl_gun "2"

set cl_footsteps "1"

set skin sas/sassc


Code: Select all


//Action Quake 2 Configuration File :: Script Message

//By: Miami


// -[ Script Message ]-------------------------------------------------------------------



echo --[ Information ]--------------------



echo  You are using deimos config. For

echo  questions contact me:


echo   IRC: @ quakenet

echo   ICQ: 53843298

echo   MSN:

echo   Email:




echo --[ Miami ]-------------------------


Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 3:40 pm
by Da^JuaN


Code: Select all


//Action Quake 2 Configuration File :: Script Message

//By: Miami


// -[ Script Message ]-------------------------------------------------------------------



echo --[ Information ]--------------------



echo  You are using deimos config. For

echo  questions contact me:


echo   IRC: @ quakenet

echo   ICQ: 53843298

echo   MSN:

echo   Email:




echo --[ Miami ]-------------------------


This part is fun, if anyone is using your cfg, he will remove this part :)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:03 pm
by DaNi
what a crap cfg :)


u can find mine on

only problem is that when i shoot and hit people i dont see blood.

So only way u know ur hitting them is by reading in upperleft of ur screen where u hit m.


Anyone know how to fix it?

k, thnx

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:09 pm
by Den
gl_flashblend or gl_polyblend not sure tho :)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:09 pm
by Flunx
gl_polyblend is what your looking for DaNi.


Toggle pallet blending. The pallet blending effect is used while being injured, using a powerup, or under water. It might be beneficial to disable this effect to see clearly in water, but then if the player is being injured he won't know it.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:12 pm
by dudemcpek
I'm not sure, but isn't 'set cl_particles "1"' for blood too? And what about 'set splatlimit "50"'? :?

Haven't used these commands for awhile. :x

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:30 pm
by Clement
It's definitely not gl_polyblend.. the only damage you don't see is the damage done to yourself. Blood of others are still shown..

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:36 pm
by DaNi
try'd m all

no effect so far..