CotT season 2? presents the Clash of the Titans -

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Post by arild »

well termy and overii has played in s4p, and i believe kurupt did aswell ? :)
im not sure tho. However, I can only speak from my own experience tho. And what I mentioned in my previous posts are my experiences from those kind of clans.

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Post by Zak »

nufan wrote:invite 8 teams. :rambo:
Hooray for nufan :)
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Post by Den »

s4p! :bday:
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Post by emu »

n99 wrote:Clans like quad, DA, and [e] come to mind as having the strength, on paper, to participate.
quad and DA ? dont make me laugh.
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Post by Haudrauf »

Don't make me laugh! :x
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Post by hage »

arild wrote:well termy and overii has played in s4p, and i believe kurupt did aswell ? Smile
Kuwu was leader of s4p! He has been in the clan for a couple of years while overlord and termy not even for a year
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Post by n99 »

emu: it's the on paper part that's italicized, and for good reason.

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I don't know how this game actually went, but quad seemed able to hold it's own against iN here.

So stop laughing.

There are clans outside of scandinavia, that can occasionally, due to whatever reasons (who cares?), outperform respected clans from scandinavia. Go it?
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Post by nufan »

thats right. you don't know how it went. :<
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Post by emu »

n99, dude get real. atm [e] is the only clan outside .sca that can make it to CotT. 1 match or 2 matches ? who cares. its the overall that couts. and Quad doesn't play good enough on the overall to be in CotT. sure they might beat some of the good clans now and then, but every clan sometimes beat the good clans.
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Post by Sovnig »

I belive RAW definately got the strength to be in CotT :rambo: :D
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Post by n99 »

nufan wrote:thats right. you don't know how it went. :<
Right - That's what I said. I don't know; tell me about how it did go.
emu wrote:n99, dude get real. atm [e] is the only clan outside .sca that can make it to CotT. 1 match or 2 matches ? who cares. its the overall that couts. and Quad doesn't play good enough on the overall to be in CotT. sure they might beat some of the good clans now and then, but every clan sometimes beat the good clans.
Well, I didn't say they should be in COTT now did I? I said I wanted to see clans from other countries have a right to earn a (not plural, singular) spot in the tourney. I don't like the fact that it's ARBITRARY (sigh how many times must I type this?), as in, it's just the opinion of someone. I don't mind the scandinavian clans in there, the breeding ground of skill lie up north, and that's a big compliment coming from someone from .nl. I just don't think it's up to you, me or anyone else to decide who gets in and who is left out - it's specific rules that should allow entry (just as in certain sports and in TCG, quoting my own initial post), rules everybody knows. That way, maybe, clans might decide to push it a little harder at the eaql (if things get a bit speedier, at least) so they can gain entry in the Masters (read: COTT). Clear?
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Post by n99 »

Ah forgot it. I'm a clanless, out-of-shape, angry man, that most don't even know, and yet has this explicit opinion and is big-mouthing it all the way. I got in fights about my character before, both in this scene and out on the streets, and frankly, I don't know why I keep pushing it. It's not as if anybody sees something sensible in the things I say here, anyway, so I might as well shut up. The game can rot in hell, for all I care; I just thought my well-argumented, thought-out opinion could count, even if I were a nobody, but I guess people don't take you seriously around here if u play less than an hour a week. But emu, go fuck yourself will you? Whenever I come here, I always see you berating the posts of others, but do I see anything constructive coming from your end of the line? I don't think so. (And don't be offended, I tell my parents to go fuck themselves, too.)
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Post by hage »

:sleep: cant be arsed to read all that
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Post by Mjr »

u should :) its funny
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Post by emu »

n99, the way you earn a spot in CotT is to be among the best clans. if your not go practice.
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