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Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:24 am
by HcPeura
I didn't mean single headshot frags,what i ment was that the 2-5 kills in one round could have been with headshots only a.k.a waiting for proper material.

well,i could have been. did i call every single one of you an asshole after you posted your opinions to me? hmm.. lets

well i understand it hurts to get bad posts like this from a movie someone really put effort into,unlike "we" did but i still didnt force everyone to like it and call people total dorks and say they had a bad childhood if they didnt like our movie.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:26 am
by HcPeura
and btw,my avatar is the character "Red XIII" from final fantasy 7 and he's a dog. AND he hasnt got anything to do with this,so did you run out of ideas to insult me?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:36 am
by maGro
HcPeura wrote:I didn't mean single headshot frags,what i ment was that the 2-5 kills in one round could have been with headshots only.
:D i am wondering if i should answer this... lemme see... okay. The movie contains 12 headshots. Or are you talking about sniperheadshots? so everything except a sniperheadshot is a normal frag for you? ... Means.. you want me to make 5 sniperheadshots in a round and clip them together.. Sounds like a good idea.

I am grateful for every reply, for bad ones sometimes even more than for positive ones. If i am critizised by someone who has a clue about aq/movies/sounds/editing/codecs... its a chance to grow. Still someone like you is welcome... but hey, i tried to use a better music, but i was out of a dancetrancechristianjesussongs... maybe you could send me the one from your movie?

PS: Oh.. i didnt know that your cat is a dog called "Red XIII" from final fantasy 7... do i have to make an excuse to the cat?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:49 am
by HcPeura
I hope you dont get children and that you stay in germany..

frags are more cooler if you bang alot of heads. and forget that glue thing you said.I like to see action that raises adrenaline and give you the feeling you need to kick some ass right now:crazy rushes, tactical playing and action where heads just fly around. your movie bored me im sorry.
As for the music of my friends movie,it was suposed to be horrible and we actually were kind of sure that people would turn their sounds off.

Your tony hawk2 musics didnt make your movie good and Even if you took our musics "Di leva - Everyone is jesus" I still wouldnt like your movie.

PS: you should excuse to the dog since he is a character of the best game ever made for the console playstation. i bet he would also hate your movie.

Now i have to go,i have better things to do than argue with some "i got my iq closer to zero than hundred,i must be real smart" guy. :p sorry.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:55 am
by maGro
hang on, on the phone...

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:00 am
by maGro
HcPeura wrote: As for the music of my friends movie,it was suposed to be horrible and we actually were kind of sure that people would turn their sounds off.
Are you sure that you understood that whole soundtrack thing?
HcPeura wrote: and forget that glue thing you said.
i really see you´ve got the glue.. and i... am glueless :(
HcPeura wrote:grow up some of you. :/
Nickname: HcPeura
Real name: =OnA=Xn^
Date of birth: September 29th 1989 (16 years)
.. question answered.
HcPeura wrote:AND he hasnt got anything to do with this,so did you run out of ideas to insult me?
Your pubic hair will grow before that happens.

We might stop this discussion at this point.. its not that i dont like to talk to you.. but movies are still about flavour, and if you like horrible music that makes the audience turning it off.. we might just be a little different.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:26 pm
by HcPeura
wow im impressed,but did you know there are some that dont grow up as fast as others(ring a bell?). :p its useless to talk to someone like you,you dont seem to understand,but im not blaming your childhood for that.


Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:10 pm
by imeiz
take off the hate glasses and act like adults, thank you.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:16 pm
by maGro
freedom of speech! :(

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:37 pm
by minchiano
There is now. Now continue the discussion, I'm keeping scores...

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:50 pm
by maGro
whats the current score?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:26 pm
by minchiano
Secret, sorry. I'll tell you when you're done with the Escape movie ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:28 pm
by maGro
damn! ok, i´ll go on working again!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:44 pm
by NRGizeR
When I said that you must have an unhappy childhood I was refferring to HOW you criticize maGro, not THAT you criticized him. Everyone has, and will always have differing opinions about everything, but you don't go about flaming someone that put alot of work into something (and which actually IS a good film btw, it's not only down to what kind of frags it contains you know) It IS helpful to get feedback, especially from those who didn't like the thing you created, but if it comes in this form, one only gets hurt, and sad. That's why you are getting flamed Peura... that and the fact that you're telling people to grow up when I think most of us here are in agreement over who is the more childish person in this discussion... my 2c... over and out...

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 11:14 pm
by Clement
You rock HcPeura!