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Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:05 am
by Winball
Deimos i have used that cfg for a long time now :) Work fine to me =)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 5:39 pm
by Winball
I taguht this post was gonna be on "Level Design & Editing" =)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:39 am
by Stric
DaNi: I checked your cfg.

sound.cfg :oh:

Code: Select all

set cl_footsteps 		"1"

set cl_autoskins 		"0"

set cl_blend 			"0"

set cl_entities 		"1"

set cl_gun 			"0"

set cl_lights 			"0"

set cl_maxfps 			"70"

set cl_noskins 			"0"

set cl_particles 		"1"     <- ON

set cl_stereo 			"0"

set cl_stereo_separation 	"0.4"

set cl_testblend 		"0"

set cl_testentities 		"0"

set cl_testlights 		"0"

set cl_testparticles 		"0"

set cl_vwep 			"1"

set cl_footsteps 		"1"

set cl_particles 		"0"    <- OFF

Well you see ? First you set particles on then off .

You have cl_particles in sound.cfg but not in video.cfg :)

I think that should solve your problem.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:29 am
by DaNi
tried it but still dont see blood :)

but thnx for pointing out this mistake tho

SHARP! :shocker:

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:45 am
by kaaos

Code: Select all

bind mouse1 "+attack"

pretty much all I need :I

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 12:27 pm
by Clement
well kaaos.. don't blame the cfg that you don't know how to strafejump :hop: :D

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 11:48 am
by Stric
Well, this is it.


Code: Select all

set gl_particle_min_size 		"0"

set gl_particle_max_size 		"0"

set gl_particle_size 		 	"0"

set gl_particle_att_a 			"0.00"

set gl_particle_att_b 			"0.0"

set gl_particle_att_c 			"0.00"

That is your problem. Even if u turn on particles u have them but they are soo small that you cant see them :) So try this code below. This is from my CFG and it should work.

Code: Select all

set gl_particle_min_size 		"2"

set gl_particle_max_size 		"40"

set gl_particle_size 		 	"40"

set gl_particle_att_a 			"0.01"

set gl_particle_att_b 			"0.0"

set gl_particle_att_c 			"0.01"

Happy fragging :P


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:55 pm
by Winball

Code: Select all

bind n "radio 2;radio back;say TOBAKK"


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:56 pm
by Winball

Code: Select all

//Walk Shooting (Better Aim)

alias +ws "set cl_run 0;+attack"

alias -ws "set cl_run 1;-attack"

alias wson "bind mouse1 +ws;echo WS is on;bind m wsoff;bind r spes2"

alias wsoff "bind mouse1 +attack;echo WS if off;bind m wson;bind r spes1"

bind j wson


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:59 pm
by Winball

Code: Select all

//=========\ Smil faces :)

alias smil smil1

alias smil1 "say B>;alias smil smil2"

alias smil2 "say [=;alias smil smil3"

alias smil3 "say =];alias smil smil1"

alias smil4 "say 8>;alias smil smil4"

bind o smil

More goodies

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:10 pm
by Winball

Code: Select all

bind TAB "inven;radiogender female"


alias +superjump 	"+moveup;wait;wait;-moveup;wait;wait;wait;+moveup"

alias -superjump 	"-moveup"

bind 9 "reload;reload;reload;reload;reload;reload;reload;echo [==Reloading 6x==]"

bind 0 "radioteam 3;wait;wait;radioteam 2;wait;wait;radioteam 1;wait;wait;radioteam go"

Enemyd script

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:11 pm
by Winball
Btw,I need a good enemyd down script...Plz help me :P

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:31 pm
by Da^JuaN

Code: Select all

alias enemyd1 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd2"

alias enemyd2 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd3"

alias enemyd3 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd4"

alias enemyd4 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd5"

alias enemyd5 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd6"

alias enemyd6 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd7"

alias enemyd7 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd8"

alias enemyd8 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd9"

alias enemyd9 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd10"

alias enemyd10 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd11"

alias enemyd11 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd12"

alias enemyd12 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd13"

alias enemyd13 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd14"

alias enemyd14 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd15"

alias enemyd15 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd16;"

alias enemyd16 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd17"

alias enemyd17 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd18"

alias enemyd18 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd19"

alias enemyd19 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd20"

alias enemyd20 "say_team ---------------------;radio enemyd;bind i enemyd1"

bind i "enemyd1"

something like that? :o


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 5:57 pm
by Winball
Thank you Da^JuaN =) Just what i was looking 4 ;) <3

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 6:41 pm
by Clown

Code: Select all

bind x say_team I killed %K

It's the best one