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Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:14 am
by skmz
Janner wrote:FreddyK is Gunpl@y? :o, I never knew that!
I knew that.

Hi Chris, I'm just fine, what about you?


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:49 pm
by Lotus

When you said earlier that you didn't need more proof about that it was Freddy that was cheating, and not his brother. Here's a funny story:

It was the last weekend of the Easter holiday, me and other AQ2 players were attending The Gathering. Where Prinsii performed his excellent dance. Suddenly when we where playing public on catch, a guy with a wierd name start to frag like a weggie on a boy at fat camp. I heard from at the end of the row where I was sitting on TG that some guys where furious. It was Dynamex and Violent (If you didn't get it, they were also on TG and playing on catch at the time). Then someone sent me a msg on MSN.

16.04.2006 04:39:10 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: the one with the strange leters on same server as you is me
16.04.2006 04:39:11 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: DONT TELL THEM
16.04.2006 04:39:18 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: I never talk to you again if you tell them its me
16.04.2006 04:39:59 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : kookko
16.04.2006 04:40:12 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : why not? .P
16.04.2006 04:40:22 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: couse I cheat :P

I didn't like what he was doing but he was my friend so let him cheat (/me fell guilty). But didn't really care. When several rounds passed I started to get irritated. Cause we weren't on the same team. And I couldn't compare against som Voodoo crap Cheat Whatsoever.

16.04.2006 04:41:21 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: ses
16.04.2006 04:41:31 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : :<
16.04.2006 04:41:36 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : dont cheat on me :P
16.04.2006 04:42:51 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : lol
16.04.2006 04:42:54 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: hehe
16.04.2006 04:42:55 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: :P
16.04.2006 04:42:59 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: you see :P
16.04.2006 04:44:59 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: Ratbot
16.04.2006 04:45:02 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: Improved
16.04.2006 04:45:03 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: :P
16.04.2006 04:45:05 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: dont tell
16.04.2006 04:45:14 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: watch me take Mp5-laser now :P
16.04.2006 04:45:17 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : ok

As irritated as I was, I left my team and started to spec him. I regret that I didn't recorded the cheater, but now that he's banned everything worked out fairly. When Dynamex and Violent "yelled" at him, he said he was Bizz or Bulle (I don't remember precisly), but they still didn't believe that it was pure skills. They insisted that it was a bot, and they were right. I tried to knock some sense in the guy, but he seemed to want more.

16.04.2006 04:46:22 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : I think you should stop
16.04.2006 04:46:25 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : cause that was sock
16.04.2006 04:46:30 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : sick*
16.04.2006 04:49:16 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: had to go
16.04.2006 04:49:19 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : ok
16.04.2006 04:49:43 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: you saw it? bout 40frags on just around 11 min ;) ?
16.04.2006 04:49:48 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : yeah
16.04.2006 04:49:52 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : but you have to stop, cause you will get banned.
16.04.2006 04:49:52 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: I'm gonna go pwn on finish noob public
16.04.2006 04:49:53 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : sigh
16.04.2006 04:50:07 Mrs.Krueger. heh.///////: I dont care getting banned from there :P
16.04.2006 04:54:54 Aleksander -> Hei TG ;) : :<

That was the conversation I had with the FELLA on TG. And some days after, the conversation that I pasted earlier happened a few days later. Since Freddy is my friend you maybe think that hate the admins. But I really couldn't care less about it. Why? Well, I warned him. And it's not like he's my brother or anything. :o.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 1:49 pm
by V34
Cant god ban him from real life?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:18 pm
by Da^JuaN
oh Lotus, so great to read this :D

My day was already great.. but this conversation made it fabulous, thanks! :D

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:24 pm
by Lotus
Nice to hear. <3 :-)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:44 pm
by m1ndless
I'm your brother LotuS

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:54 pm
by Caracol
V34 wrote:Cant god ban him from real life?
And this sentence made my day... gosh, is great!

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:33 pm
by Haur
I'm your brother LotuS
ok.. But Lotus I'm you father...

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:38 pm
by Lotus
Then I'm your son Haur! :D

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:48 pm
by Haur
hehehehe :D welcome home son!

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:54 am
by Lotus
gosh, thanks :-)

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:37 am
by m1ndless
Freddyk is not Gunpl@y,,, but he is Gunplay, he played in #stener before i think.. Gunpl@ is a new player which is now know ass Bom

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 4:30 pm
by Haur

I should fuck you up.. Gunplay has nothing to do with #Stener.. They wanted to reopen #Stener back in the old days, but they didn't have the balls so it was like 1-2 days.. The Only true #Stener's out there are: Thunder, Fitze, Hue, Franz(his bigbrother :shock:), Zan and my self!


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:19 am
by dudemcpek
I heard #care is back on track!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:48 am
by Lotus
#word is also recruiting noobs... :-O