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Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:21 pm
by Mutu
Then he meet a pretty woman

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:32 pm
by fuct
who he used to make man/gorilla hybrids

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 3:51 pm
by sajh
and they lived happily ever after. The End!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:09 pm
by dudemcpek
... Would be the best ending. However, gorilla told this woman

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:54 pm
by gegoj
"Ooook!" *

*which in english means:

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:35 pm
by fuct
I have a screwdriver up my nose. Remove it and i will grant you 3 wishes

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:37 am
by bliz
but the woman didn't understand that and

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:54 am
by Repsaj
stood their totally confused, making the gorilla very

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:03 am
by Haur
uncomftable.. but all of a sudden

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:09 am
by bliz
Perry came out of nowhere and dove towards the

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:20 am
by Haur
paralyzed woman! Come with me he yelled..

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:04 am
by Jabu
and throw a banana what was disguised grenade to gorilla.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:10 am
by Haur
The gorilla quickly picked up the banana-grenade and

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:14 am
by bliz
sniffed it curiously, but then

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:25 am
by Haur
superman flew in from Hawaii where he had just