I just thought of one big difference between clanwars now and then, while I was browsing the old m.i page from 2000(the first m.i page that was only there for members if I'm not wrong
), M.I had special rules about clanwars, such as that the people wanting to play a game have to go online 15 min before the game.
This was were it struck me, these days you play clanwars like you drink water, you take it when you need it, which means no preparations.
Back in the days a game could be scheduled a weak ahead, and everyone got psyched up about it, practised the maps and so on, and when the opponent was as good as you, or better, it was always nervwrecking games where you really did your very best.
Not that I can say I play any clanwars these days, but the few times I play there is never any real excitement about winning or loosing
the last time I remember getting really nervous in a game was in NAQL(not the last one), I'm not sure who we played vs, but we were supposed to play 4 maps, and count mapwins, we won two, they won two, but since we had the higher win percentage we got to pick a map, and we picked urban3 which was a bad choise, they played as good as we, and on the last round the game was still a tie, and the final round decided the game, in the end there was me and I think hebereque(not sure about this) left, and we both fought it out with snipers, i think he was as nervous as me because he missed as much, then he hit me in the legs and I hit him in the kevlar, he died and I barely lived. This is what I miss
These days every clan expects to win, but when they do win, it doesn't really matter, also I'd like to flame my own clan here, going to extremes to win a game, M.I vs cSu in the springcup game on airport and subway2.. I decided not to play because it turned out our tactic on subway2 was to camp for our lifes, I wouldn't have wanted to be in cSu's seat on this game, because I would be pretty pissed. Maybe that's why the fin clans say fin only?