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Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 6:19 pm
by Stric
Hehe realy nice to hear that someone is working on that :) I cant wait on sniper&silencer improvements :rambo:

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 7:44 pm
by PanConLonga
It would be nice that u can jump more or run faster with the stealth slippers, change the name to athletic shoes or something........ that item is the weakest on the game.

handcannon+stealth slippers :shock:

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:23 pm
by Blue Vex
Uncle- wrote:I cant wait on sniper&silencer improvements
Got any ideas? :)
PanConLonga wrote:It would be nice that u can jump more or run faster with the stealth slippers, change the name to athletic shoes or something
There are many suggestions about making the player able to fall from greater heights, jump higher and run faster when using Stealth Slippers. The reason I dont like these ideas is because they will modify every possible jump we have discovered in todays maps. It's going to be like "ok, we couldn't do this jump in urban before, but now we can because they buffed the Slippers". I don't like the sound of that.. :/
Thanks for your feedback though. Please keep it coming. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:31 pm
by mOrg
Wow, theres alot of suggestions as to how aq2 could become a better game, some of them are in my opinion better than others, but i dont think it can said too many times be careful u dont create a totally new game(which i doubt is what you are trying to do), aq2 is one of the best games around(imo :shocker: ) allready as it is, it could be even better tho im sure, as for some suggestions of my own, i think it would be cool(like any other weapon btw) that when u kicked someone, u didnt just "kick" them and they dropped thier weapons, why not make it so u kick a certain place on your opponent, head, leg, chest etc, and make different damage on different areas on the body, might even be able to break your opponents leg(thats just my own little fantasy :oh: )

Anyways i wont spend that much time talking about stuff that i think would ruin the game after reading all this, i believe aq is in safe hands where it is
keep it comin BV... :bday:

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:11 am
by Nozaki
OMG! This will just be great, I remember hearing you talk about this some time ago BV, finally there is something going on! wheeeee

and for me, I love the m3 above everything, and hate the m4 above everything, so this sound great....

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:02 am
by Caracol
When a weapon is silenced, the sound supressor absorves a lot of heat. So, if you don't stop firing, the sound supressor collapses. Haven't you played Wolfenstein 3D? That's a good example. Anyway, it's not really neccesary. But, if the silencer makes the weapon more accurate, it should be a nice feature to "limit" the new power, making it fire 10 burst at max (in the MP5... pistol and sniper shouldn't be neccesary; anyway, just a suggest).

But, Jazzie, realistic in favor of the playability sounds good for me. I'm not talking of making CS 0 or something like that. Just put some details that make you think "Uhmm, in the end... it's not so fantastic...". And if I want to make aq2 REAL, the changes should be eternal. And that's not the point.

I was thinking a bigger change about the stealth slippers. Ok, you are dextrous, maybe you can kick better and walk freely. And what about if you, in a minimal probability, can dodge bullets (no, not matrix style). But if you are facing a mp5'er, and he is firing at you, maybe 1 or 2 bullets could be dodged. Or if you are going to the place of a sniper, and you are looking at him how he aims at you. Maybe you could try to avoid a "complete" damage, and only have 50 leg damage instead of 60... or maybe the head don't kill you right away, the stomach maybe don't kill you at all. So on. I know, it's a BIG change... so i suggest it only for a big mod change.
And, now, i think ond maybe one of the common called "useless" items could make a faster bandage. Or a faster reload. Maybe... just maybe.


Edit: By the way, Span. I'm from Chile, maybe that's the reason. And you are from the TNG team or something?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 8:41 am
by Blue Vex
mOrg wrote:i dont think it can said too many times be careful u dont create a totally new game
You're 100% right. AQ2 is already a crown jewel.
If you should be able to inflict locational damage when kicking I'm afraid you would never hit someone in the legs because you're high up in the air when kicking people. You can kick someone down from a roof if you want to hurt their legs. ;)
Thanks for the feedback. :)
Nozaki wrote:OMG! This will just be great, I remember hearing you talk about this some time ago BV, finally there is something going on!
Nozaki. I thought you where gone. You're the one who introduced me to the AQ2 world. You showed me how to enable teamplay, the servers, and you took me into my first clan. I still remember when I had my deathmatch tryout in cracked. :)
I also share your love for the M3. It's my favorite weapon. Got any suggestions other than what I've suggested?
Caracol wrote:When a weapon is silenced, the sound supressor absorves a lot of heat. So, if you don't stop firing, the sound supressor collapses.
I stand corrected. :)
If this is true, then your suggestion is very good. Instead of decreasing the damage of the weapon, you will have to stop shooting. I like your suggestion.
Caracol wrote:But if you are facing a mp5'er, and he is firing at you, maybe 1 or 2 bullets could be dodged.
I like this one even better. I've had problems trying to figure out a way to make Slippers usefull in combat, and this is a superb suggestion since it's combat related. Apart from decreasing the sniper damage, I really love this one.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 8:57 am
by mOrg
Well BV i did also add that breaking my opponents legs wa own personal little fantasy, hehe...
But i see your point so lets leave the legs out of it.. however i still think its funny they never made different locations to hit when your kicking, personally i would rather be kicked in my kevlar vest, than in my face.. example a facekick could make u bleed and loose hp like you´d been hit by a regular weapon..

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:03 am
by Nozaki
Blue Vex wrote:
Nozaki wrote:OMG! This will just be great, I remember hearing you talk about this some time ago BV, finally there is something going on!
Nozaki. I thought you where gone. You're the one who introduced me to the AQ2 world. You showed me how to enable teamplay, the servers, and you took me into my first clan. I still remember when I had my deathmatch tryout in cracked. :)
I also share your love for the M3. It's my favorite weapon. Got any suggestions other than what I've suggested?
Hehe, I remember that good aswell :)
Have been away for some time yes, long time actually. Back now, more or less. Btw. VfN is back to :D hehe

Just love what you are thinking about with the m3, and the slippers. So when can we expect a beta to trye BV or Spawn?
and the bullet dodging sound sool!

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 12:08 pm
by n99
Yeah and when can some of us test these beta changes on a server, I mean, I would love to try double silencer or double laser on akimbo...

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:18 pm
by Span
Currently, we are running a test server. Although it's not frequently updated. But a few of the changes are implemented. Like mp5 accuracy. Akimbo with silencer and semi-auto* (subject to change) and knives in slashing-mode.

You can test at
Caracol wrote:But if you are facing a mp5'er, and he is firing at you, maybe 1 or 2 bullets could be dodged.
Considering most weapons ('cept throwing knives) are instant-hit weapons that feature may be difficult to implement. So as per now, I wouldn't expect anything like that to be done.

But keep the suggestions coming. We'll consider each and every one of them.

Oh, and nice to see a friendly face around, Nozaki. :)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:29 pm
by n99
So let me get this straight, since I am an idiot (as you have probably noted from my earlier posts, both on this subject and others.) You connect to the server and the changed affect me, since this is serverside?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:44 pm
by Span
n99 wrote:So let me get this straight, since I am an idiot (as you have probably noted from my earlier posts, both on this subject and others.) You connect to the server and the changed affect me, since this is serverside?
Yeah, these are exclusively server-side modifications. No updates needs to be done to the clientpak.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:52 pm
by Blue Vex
Nozaki wrote:Hehe, I remember that
I wasn't very good back then. I remember I received an e-mail that we were going to play a cw, and it said I was going to use the Shotgun. :)
n99 wrote:Yeah and when can some of us test these beta changes on a server, I mean, I would love to try double silencer or double laser on akimbo...
Just message me on quakenet, and I'll set up a server for you so you can test the feeling of it. Or you could go to Span's server if there are people there. :)
n99 wrote:You connect to the server and the changed affect me, since this is serverside?
Span already answered this, although there might be a new sound when you turn on your flashlight. There is already a flashlight sound in the TNG clientpak though, but who want's that sound anyway? It's from Half-Life!
I'm not sure if the M3 is getting slugs yet, but if it does, it's going to need a unique sound. And switching to slugs is going to need a different sound than the typical "click" sound aswell.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:14 pm
by Blue Vex
The AQ2 code is a mess, but Span has been learing it, and today he got the Mounted Flashlight on the M3 working. :)
At first it had alot of bugs, but Span squished them one by one, and now it's nearly perfect. The light created by the Flashlight isn't satisfying enough at the moment. It's dim and orange. But have no fear. The Mounted Flashlight just hasn't been used before, and it's no wonder the light bulb has rusted over the years. I'm sure Span will find us a new light bulb so the Flashlight can shine with a bright and white light. (And perhaps a new pair of batteries). :)

The Mounted Flashlight will currently be turned on/off when you press your weapon button, and some text will be printed to your console:
"M3 Mounted Flashlight on"
"M3 Mounted Flashlight off"
Whenever you turn it on/off you will hear the standard "click" sound. This sound should be changed to something more appropriate. If anyone has a neat "flashlight" sound, please send it to me. :)

If you happen to swap out or drop your M3 when the Flashlight is turned on, it will automatically turn itself off. Same happens if you die with the Flashlight enabled.
You can't touch the Flashlight when bandaging, so remember to turn it off before starting. :) If you try touching the Flashlight while bandaging, the typical "You'll get to your weapon when you're done bandaging" text will apear, and when you're done bandaging, the Flashlight will be switched between on and off depending on how many times you had pressed your weapon button while bandaging. Get it? ;) It's exactly like trying to touch your Pistol while bandaging.

I hope Span can make the Flashlight clientside so the light is constantly in the middle of your crosshair. Right now, it lags behind just simular to the Lasersight.