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Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:40 pm
by Kurupt
I'm on Span's side, tj forever!


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:42 pm
by Zeniten
Put up some site where you can vote maps to be in the new serverrotation. The map with the most votes will be used. AiiIiIiIiIiIiiiiiIiIiight! :)

P.S: Span's the maN!1

Ye well

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:43 pm
by seNseed
There's a difference between a new map and a bunch of crap a friend piled together when he was plastered.. Get that shit out of there! Span rocks! :)
Kurupt wrote:I'm on Span's side, tj forever! <- wtf

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:54 pm
by Samislide
Old maps 4ever \o/ fo sho.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:32 pm
by .UncycleD
Sure it can be fun to play old classics from time to time, but this is my point: Out of every ten servers, 9 is running the same rotation (urban, u2, u3, tj, c2, cloud etc...) Why can't we accept that we now have one server running a whole bunch of maps, old and NEW.

And the new maps that has been added aren't "a bunch of crap a friend piled together when he was plastered.." They are quality work from some the best map-makers out there.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:45 pm
by Ssuussii
GJ :rambo:

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:03 pm
by CandyShot
Gotta go with Span on this one, fair enough that there's a need for new maps.
But considering its the only server in norway which is half - decent pingwise i would like bringing back some of the older maps that havent been played in ages and take out a few of the new.

New maps are great, but most of'em got gameplay like cliff2 ;spray & pray, or thats the way they are beeing played atm.

Besides nothing wrong with playing old maps. It aint exactly like the community is getting bigger by the years either.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:36 pm
by Flunx
Running the following maps in order:
urban2, cloud, rok, actcity2, urban,
simplicity, city, cliff2, museum, zoo,
urban3, lighthouse, teamdepo, cemal,
tokyo, tjt, change, riot, cliff,
sludge1, kumanru

Old maps: urban2, cloud, rok, actcity2, urban, city, cliff2, museum, urban3, lighthouse, teamdepo, riot, cliff, kumanru

New maps: simplicity, zoo, cemal, tokyo, tjt, change, sludge1

This is how I see it. I don't know what you think is 'old' maps but I don't see anything to complain about. There's lots of old maps.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:30 pm
by Span
Gee. My little comment really stirred up quite a fuzz, eh? :o

I wouldn't say sludge1 is a new map tho. It's been played for ages.

Well, ehm. Anyhow. It's not that there are no classics in rotation there. I just don't like all those new maps. :( I guess I'm just too lazy to learn any new ones.

I'd like to see monastery tho. Maybe even actcity3. 8)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:40 pm
by Flunx
It's hard to make everyone happy.

BTW you can vote the maps Span. They're in the votelist :)

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:07 am
by minchiano
.UncycleD wrote:Out of every ten servers, 9 is running the same rotation (urban, u2, u3, tj, c2, cloud etc...)


If you don't like it, play on some other server. There should be plenty of them running the "old"(worn-out) maps.
New maps are great fun to play, and I'm not all alone thinking that. 'We' are not in majority though, most people want exactly that rotation. Well I for one would like even more new maps! But there has to be some balance to it all I guess, admins sneaking in one-two-three new maps in the rotation making the players learn (and actually like :shocker: ) new maps. Catch is doing just that and doing it just fine.

There are, as Uncy said, lot's of servers running urban, u2, u3, tj, c2, cloud, go play there instead.

And FYI, I've PG-13'd this so your tiny heads wouldn't explode with all the swearing. Be glad. Now go play NEW MAPS!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:35 am
by CandyShot
Flunx Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:36 pm Post subject:


Running the following maps in order:
urban2, cloud, rok, actcity2, urban,
simplicity, city, cliff2, museum, zoo,
urban3, lighthouse, teamdepo, cemal,
tokyo, tjt, change, riot, cliff,
sludge1, kumanru

Old maps: urban2, cloud, rok, actcity2, urban, city, cliff2, museum, urban3, lighthouse, teamdepo, riot, cliff, kumanru

New maps: simplicity, zoo, cemal, tokyo, tjt, change, sludge1

This is how I see it. I don't know what you think is 'old' maps but I don't see anything to complain about. There's lots of old maps.
Tokyo & sludge are old maps. Could easiliy take out one of the cliff maps and replace it with monastery,subway99,blockwar,riot2 and so on. But It is quite a decent rotation. But a bit to many maps for my taste.
Just my 0.00002 cents

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:00 am
by n99
CandyShot wrote: (a) New maps are great, but most of'em got gameplay like cliff2 ;spray & pray, or thats the way they are beeing played atm.

(b) Besides nothing wrong with playing old maps. It aint exactly like the community is getting bigger by the years either.
a: HAVE U EVEN TRIED PLAYING DIFFERENTLY ON ONE OF THE NEW MAPS?? Maybe every new map that comes along feels like that to u since it's all u ever try to do on new maps.

b: Which is exactly the reason to not stay rooted to the same spot for fucking ages. Fresh air. Some new things to do, discover, LEARN.

My final point is this. Catch has more old maps than new maps, but there is something there for everyone. If you just like old maps, there are oldmap servers in finland, where I sometimes go to play when I feel like some nostalgia. But hey, that's probably too much of an effort ping-wise right? Second option is putting down some cash and getting your own server, and you make alot of people happy plus u can decide whatever u like about actcity3, monastery and lighthouse. While u are struggling to find the last little lagging camper, I'll be jumping from rooftop to rooftop in simplicity, okay?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:28 am
by Samislide
Just play the maps you like, and shut the fucker :shock:

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:55 am
by CandyShot
n99 Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:00 pm Post subject:


CandyShot wrote:

(a) New maps are great, but most of'em got gameplay like cliff2 ;spray & pray, or thats the way they are beeing played atm.

(b) Besides nothing wrong with playing old maps. It aint exactly like the community is getting bigger by the years either.

a: HAVE U EVEN TRIED PLAYING DIFFERENTLY ON ONE OF THE NEW MAPS?? Maybe every new map that comes along feels like that to u since it's all u ever try to do on new maps.

b: Which is exactly the reason to not stay rooted to the same spot for fucking ages. Fresh air. Some new things to do, discover, LEARN.

My final point is this. Catch has more old maps than new maps, but there is something there for everyone. If you just like old maps, there are oldmap servers in finland, where I sometimes go to play when I feel like some nostalgia. But hey, that's probably too much of an effort ping-wise right? Second option is putting down some cash and getting your own server, and you make alot of people happy plus u can decide whatever u like about actcity3, monastery and lighthouse. While u are struggling to find the last little lagging camper, I'll be jumping from rooftop to rooftop in simplicity, okay?
Keep on trucking.
I'm just expressing my opinion.
And when it comes to choosing between new maps and old maps.
Old maps that haven’t been played at all the last 3-4 years. I kinda tend to choose the latter.
Well im sorry if i like the wrong maps from your neck of the woods but hell who are you to judge?
I aint telling anybody what to do I’m just expressing my opinion. And if you say I need to get my own god damn server for having an opinion, I recommend staying away from aq2 the next decade.
And when it comes to finish servers, yeah there’s old maps, there’s quality players with experience, but they don’t utter one single word that makes sense to me except vittu, the lag I can handle against your so well-founded accusation of otherwise.
And you surely didn’t grasp why I even bothered replying to this topic, Catch is the only server in Norway that's on a real good connection.
Thus some debate over it is just healthy.