Page 6 of 8

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:32 pm
by ToMaTo
Hey AK, does your stats script dump your stats to some sort of TXT file or something? How do you actually view your stats?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:36 am
by cloN

Code: Select all

alias fragayss "killmsg"
trigger fragayss "*to $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*by $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*from $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*of $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*caught $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*after $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*via $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*accepts $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*see $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*remove $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*against $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*got $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*underestimated $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*ate $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*feels $name$*" 

alias killmsg killmsg1
alias killmsg1 "radioteam 1;say_team  [1] - %K ;wave 2;alias killmsg killmsg2"
alias killmsg2 "radioteam 2;say_team  [2] - %K;wave 2;alias killmsg killmsg3"
alias killmsg3 "radioteam 3;say_team  [3] - %K;wave 2;alias killmsg killmsg4"
alias killmsg4 "radioteam 4;say_team  [4] - %K;wave 2;alias killmsg killmsg5"
alias killmsg5 "radioteam 5;say_team  [5] - %K;wave 2;alias killmsg killmsg6"
alias killmsg6 "radioteam 6;say_team  [6] - %K;wave 2;alias killmsg killmsg7"
alias killmsg7 "radioteam 7;say_team  [7] - %K;wave 2;alias killmsg killmsg8"
alias killmsg8 "radioteam 8;say_team  [8] - %K;wave 2"

trigger "alias killmsg killmsg1" "LIGHTS..."

There you go. ;>

EDIT: Janner got the "killmsg" part. :p

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:39 am
by Janner
ToMaTo wrote:Hey AK, does your stats script dump your stats to some sort of TXT file or something? How do you actually view your stats?
mapstats ;)

clon: Where's my credit?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:06 am
by Repsaj

Code: Select all

set autonmedown "0"
alias nmedownline "inc autonmedown;radioteam $autonmedown;say_team %K was only human after all."

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:37 pm
by ToMaTo
Janner wrote:
ToMaTo wrote:Hey AK, does your stats script dump your stats to some sort of TXT file or something? How do you actually view your stats?
mapstats ;)

clon: Where's my credit?
I type that in console? Thanks mate.

Finnish Swear Script

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:50 am
by Haudrauf
Swearing in finnish is more useful in AQ2 than binding +moveup to a button.

So here it is, the Finnish Swear Script by Haudrauf:

Code: Select all

echo Vittujen kevat 	Goddamn! (lit. Spring of the pussies!)
// some internal settings
set h_sf_count 217
set h_sf_say "say"
set h_sf_random "lal" // init random var

// provides h_sf for public, so, just bind h_sf to a button.
alias h_sf "random h_sf_random 1 $h_sf_count; h_sf_$h_sf_random$"

alias h_sf_1 "$h_sf_say Vittujen kevat; echo Goddamn! (lit. Spring of the pussies!)"
alias h_sf_2 "$h_sf_say Perseensuti ; echo Asswipe"
alias h_sf_3 "$h_sf_say Paskapaa ; echo Shithead"
alias h_sf_4 "$h_sf_say Paskanaama ; echo Shitface"
alias h_sf_5 "$h_sf_say Horatsu ; echo Slut"
alias h_sf_6 "$h_sf_say Paskanmarjat ; echo Bullshit (lit. berries of shit)"
alias h_sf_7 "$h_sf_say Vittupaa ; echo Cunthead"
alias h_sf_8 "$h_sf_say Kusipaa ; echo Pisshead"
alias h_sf_9 "$h_sf_say Paskiainen ; echo Bastard"
alias h_sf_10 "$h_sf_say Paska ; echo Shit"
alias h_sf_11 "$h_sf_say Suksi vittuun ; echo Fuck off (lit. Ski into a cunt)"
alias h_sf_12 "$h_sf_say Painu vittuun ; echo Fuck off"
alias h_sf_13 "$h_sf_say Painu helvettiin ; echo Fuck off, go to hell"
alias h_sf_14 "$h_sf_say Veda vittu paahan ; echo Draw a cunt over your head"
alias h_sf_15 "$h_sf_say Pallinaama ; echo Ballface"
alias h_sf_16 "$h_sf_say Kyrpa ; echo Penis, dick, cock"
alias h_sf_17 "$h_sf_say Palli ; echo Penis, dick, cock"
alias h_sf_18 "$h_sf_say Perse ; echo Ass"
alias h_sf_19 "$h_sf_say Peppu ; echo Butt"
alias h_sf_20 "$h_sf_say Loskavittu ; echo Slushcunt"
alias h_sf_21 "$h_sf_say Kives ; echo Testicle"
alias h_sf_22 "$h_sf_say Hemmetti ; echo Darn! or Hell! (A mild swear that can be used freely in front of one's granny)"
alias h_sf_23 "$h_sf_say Voi vittu ; echo Fuck! (lit: Oh cunt!)"
alias h_sf_24 "$h_sf_say Tissit ; echo Tits"
alias h_sf_25 "$h_sf_say Persereika ; echo Asshole"
alias h_sf_26 "$h_sf_say Mulkku ; echo Dick"
alias h_sf_27 "$h_sf_say Vittu ; echo Cunt"
alias h_sf_28 "$h_sf_say Saatana ; echo Satan"
alias h_sf_29 "$h_sf_say Jumalauta ; echo Goddamn! (lit. Help, God!)"
alias h_sf_30 "$h_sf_say Kyrpa ; echo Cock"
alias h_sf_31 "$h_sf_say Paskiainen ; echo Bastard (lit: little shit)"
alias h_sf_32 "$h_sf_say Huora ; echo Whore"
alias h_sf_33 "$h_sf_say Huoranpenikka ; echo Son of a bitch"
alias h_sf_34 "$h_sf_say Perse ; echo Ass"
alias h_sf_35 "$h_sf_say Runkata ; echo To wank"
alias h_sf_37 "$h_sf_say Pillu ; echo Pussy"
alias h_sf_38 "$h_sf_say Nussia ; echo To fuck (copulate) used commonly also as verb "to steal""
alias h_sf_39 "$h_sf_say Naida ; echo Mild expression for copulating. (lit: to marry)"
alias h_sf_40 "$h_sf_say aalio ; echo Moron"
alias h_sf_41 "$h_sf_say Haista vittu ; echo Fuck you (lit. Smell the cunt)"
alias h_sf_42 "$h_sf_say Haista paska ; echo Smell shit"
alias h_sf_43 "$h_sf_say Ime kyrpaa ; echo Suck cock"
alias h_sf_44 "$h_sf_say Revi persees ; echo Rip your ass open"
alias h_sf_45 "$h_sf_say Helvetti ; echo Goddammit! (lit. Hell)"
alias h_sf_46 "$h_sf_say aitisi nai poroja ; echo Your mother copulates with reindeers"
alias h_sf_47 "$h_sf_say Perkele ; echo Damn!, Hell! (lit. Devil)"
alias h_sf_48 "$h_sf_say Homo ; echo Gay"
alias h_sf_49 "$h_sf_say Hintti ; echo Faggot"
alias h_sf_50 "$h_sf_say Vuohenraiskaaja ; echo A goat-raper"
alias h_sf_51 "$h_sf_say Vittu! ; echo Fuck! (lit. "cunt." The most common swearword in the Finnish language)"
alias h_sf_52 "$h_sf_say Hevon vittu ; echo Fuck that! (lit. horse's cunt)"
alias h_sf_53 "$h_sf_say Narttu ; echo Bitch"
alias h_sf_54 "$h_sf_say Slerssi ; echo Prick"
alias h_sf_55 "$h_sf_say Veda kateen ; echo Jerk off (imperattive: go masturbate. Lit: pull on your hand)"
alias h_sf_56 "$h_sf_say Vetaa kateen ; echo To masturbate (lit. pull into one's hand)"
alias h_sf_57 "$h_sf_say Kettutytto ; echo A tree-hugger girl (lit. fox-girl)"
alias h_sf_58 "$h_sf_say Palli ; echo Testicle"
alias h_sf_59 "$h_sf_say Ruskean reian ritari ; echo Faggot (lit. Knight of the brown hole)"
alias h_sf_60 "$h_sf_say Hinuri ; echo Faggot (lit. tug)"
alias h_sf_61 "$h_sf_say Hinaaja ; echo Faggot (lit. tug)"
alias h_sf_62 "$h_sf_say Pyoria kuin puolukka pillussa ; echo Roll like cowberry in a pussy"
alias h_sf_63 "$h_sf_say Vittunaama ; echo Cuntface, Fuckface"
alias h_sf_64 "$h_sf_say Skeida ; echo Shit, Crap"
alias h_sf_65 "$h_sf_say Ime mun muna lutka! ; echo Suck my dick, Bitch!"
alias h_sf_66 "$h_sf_say Kolmannen asteen turbomuna ; echo Turbodick of a third degree"
alias h_sf_67 "$h_sf_say Mita vittua?! ; echo What the fuck?!"
alias h_sf_68 "$h_sf_say Vittu ma tapan sut! ; echo I'll fucking kill you!"
alias h_sf_69 "$h_sf_say Ruumiinraiskaaja ; echo Corpse fucker, necrophiliac"
alias h_sf_70 "$h_sf_say Laskiperse ; echo Fat ass"
alias h_sf_71 "$h_sf_say Runkkari ; echo Wanker"
alias h_sf_72 "$h_sf_say Mutsinnussija ; echo Motherfucker"
alias h_sf_73 "$h_sf_say Voi Kristuksen veri! ; echo Goddammit! (lit. Oh, the blood of Christ!)"
alias h_sf_74 "$h_sf_say Kuohilas ; echo Castrate"
alias h_sf_75 "$h_sf_say Perseen nuolija ; echo Ass kisser"
alias h_sf_76 "$h_sf_say Inva ; echo Retarded"
alias h_sf_77 "$h_sf_say Kullin lutkuttaja ; echo Dick sucker"
alias h_sf_78 "$h_sf_say Juoppo ; echo Drunk"
alias h_sf_79 "$h_sf_say Narkkari ; echo Drug addict"
alias h_sf_80 "$h_sf_say Juokse junan alle! ; echo Go and run under a train"
alias h_sf_81 "$h_sf_say Kaappihomo ; echo Gay (lit. closet gay)"
alias h_sf_82 "$h_sf_say Veda ittes hirteen ; echo Hang yourself"
alias h_sf_83 "$h_sf_say Kusiperse ; echo Piss-ass"
alias h_sf_84 "$h_sf_say Tuhkamuna ; echo Limp dick (An infertile man. Lit: Ashcock)"
alias h_sf_85 "$h_sf_say Harrastaa seksia ; echo To have sex"
alias h_sf_86 "$h_sf_say Rakastella ; echo To make love"
alias h_sf_87 "$h_sf_say Sina imet loysaa muna ; echo You suck limp dick"
alias h_sf_88 "$h_sf_say Sina olet paskapaa ; echo You are a shit head"
alias h_sf_89 "$h_sf_say Ime paskaa ; echo Suck shit"
alias h_sf_90 "$h_sf_say Urpo ; echo Idiot"
alias h_sf_91 "$h_sf_say Passi ; echo Idiot"
alias h_sf_92 "$h_sf_say Vajokki ; echo Retard"
alias h_sf_93 "$h_sf_say Vitun kullijuudas ; echo Fucking dick-Judas"
alias h_sf_94 "$h_sf_say Tatiseta ; echo Transsexual"
alias h_sf_95 "$h_sf_say Huoripukki ; echo Gigolo (lit. Whore Goat)"
alias h_sf_96 "$h_sf_say Herpesperse ; echo Herpes Ass"
alias h_sf_97 "$h_sf_say Lutku ; echo Slut"
alias h_sf_98 "$h_sf_say Vosu ; echo Slut"
alias h_sf_99 "$h_sf_say Votakka ; echo Slut"
alias h_sf_100 "$h_sf_say Saatanan Kakarat ; echo Goddamn bastards"
alias h_sf_101 "$h_sf_say Sutenoori ; echo Pimp"
alias h_sf_102 "$h_sf_say Lintumies ; echo Homosexual [male] (lit. Birdman)"
alias h_sf_103 "$h_sf_say Nannipihan talonmies ; echo Nippleyard's janitor"
alias h_sf_104 "$h_sf_say Nortti ; echo Nerd"
alias h_sf_105 "$h_sf_say Ruma huoranraiskaaja ; echo Ugly whore rapist"
alias h_sf_106 "$h_sf_say Saatanan apara ; echo Bastard of Satan"
alias h_sf_107 "$h_sf_say Tanopaa ; echo Idiot"
alias h_sf_108 "$h_sf_say Fagis ; echo Gay"
alias h_sf_109 "$h_sf_say Fagari ; echo Gay"
alias h_sf_110 "$h_sf_say Nisti ; echo A drug-user, bum"
alias h_sf_111 "$h_sf_say Spuge ; echo Bum"
alias h_sf_112 "$h_sf_say Spurgu ; echo Bum"
alias h_sf_113 "$h_sf_say Horo (Huora) ; echo Slut"
alias h_sf_114 "$h_sf_say Perkele! ; echo Fuck!"
alias h_sf_115 "$h_sf_say Heita homo voltti! ; echo Screw you, faggot! (lit. do a somersault, fag)"
alias h_sf_116 "$h_sf_say Homoperse ; echo Gayassmuppet"
alias h_sf_117 "$h_sf_say Nukkepoksy ; echo Puppetpants"
alias h_sf_118 "$h_sf_say Katiska ; echo Fish trap (Used to describe an ugly person)"
alias h_sf_119 "$h_sf_say Vitun homo ; echo Fucking faggot"
alias h_sf_120 "$h_sf_say Vitun pelle ; echo Fucking clown"
alias h_sf_121 "$h_sf_say Urpo/ jurpo ; echo Idiot"
alias h_sf_122 "$h_sf_say apara ; echo Bastard"
alias h_sf_123 "$h_sf_say Laardiperse ; echo Lard ass"
alias h_sf_124 "$h_sf_say Separi ; echo Retard"
alias h_sf_125 "$h_sf_say Tampio ; echo Idiot"
alias h_sf_126 "$h_sf_say Juntti ; echo Idiot"
alias h_sf_127 "$h_sf_say Hypaa kaivoon ; echo Go jump into a well."
alias h_sf_128 "$h_sf_say Nuija ; echo Idiot"
alias h_sf_129 "$h_sf_say Tumputtaa ; echo To jerk off"
alias h_sf_130 "$h_sf_say Vetaa kateen ; echo To jerk off"
alias h_sf_131 "$h_sf_say Skitso ; echo Schizophrenic"
alias h_sf_132 "$h_sf_say Pulunnussija ; echo Motherfucker (lit. pigeon fucker)"
alias h_sf_133 "$h_sf_say Revin perseesi irti ja syotan sen sinulle ; echo I'll rip your ass off and feed it to you."
alias h_sf_134 "$h_sf_say Pissaliisa ; echo Whorishly-dressed teenager (lit. "Pee Alice" - comes from the fact that often drunk whore-looking teenage girls pee on the streets during weekends.)"
alias h_sf_135 "$h_sf_say Mene jouseen ; echo Fuck off (Go walk into a cross-bow)"
alias h_sf_136 "$h_sf_say Mulkvisti ; echo Bastard"
alias h_sf_137 "$h_sf_say Vitun perseenreika! ; echo Fucking asshole!"
alias h_sf_138 "$h_sf_say Haista vittu! ; echo You smell like a cunt!"
alias h_sf_139 "$h_sf_say Rekkamiehen pastilli ; echo A dried lump of shit dangling on one's anal hair. (lit. "the truck driver's pastil")"
alias h_sf_140 "$h_sf_say Paskapaa ; echo Shithead"
alias h_sf_141 "$h_sf_say Pimppi ; echo Cunt"
alias h_sf_142 "$h_sf_say Kusiaivo ; echo Pee brain"
alias h_sf_143 "$h_sf_say Masturboida ; echo To masturbate"
alias h_sf_144 "$h_sf_say Voi, Vitunlihakeitto! ; echo Oh, soup-made-out-of-the-flesh-of-cunt!"
alias h_sf_145 "$h_sf_say Saatanan sika ; echo Fucking swine"
alias h_sf_146 "$h_sf_say Sissijuusto ; echo Dick cheese"
alias h_sf_147 "$h_sf_say Homppeli ; echo Faggot"
alias h_sf_148 "$h_sf_say Haahka ; echo Hag"
alias h_sf_149 "$h_sf_say Kusiainen ; echo Pissant"
alias h_sf_150 "$h_sf_say Pompo ; echo Fool"
alias h_sf_151 "$h_sf_say Paskavatsa ; echo Coward (lit. shit stomach)"
alias h_sf_152 "$h_sf_say Suolijuna ; echo Colon train"
alias h_sf_153 "$h_sf_say Juntti ; echo Redneck"
alias h_sf_154 "$h_sf_say Vitun homo ; echo Fucking faggot"
alias h_sf_155 "$h_sf_say Pelle ; echo Clown"
alias h_sf_156 "$h_sf_say Paras osa sinusta valui lihavan aitisi sisareitta pitkin ; echo The best part of you ran down your fat mother's inner thigh"
alias h_sf_157 "$h_sf_say Otat kuulemma perseeseen mielellasi ; echo I heard you like to take it up the arse"
alias h_sf_158 "$h_sf_say Ota pikkuhousut pois ja pyllista, lutka ; echo Take your panties off and bend, bitch"
alias h_sf_159 "$h_sf_say Lattaperse ; echo Flat ass"
alias h_sf_160 "$h_sf_say Kerro aidillesi, etta maksan myohemmin ; echo Tell your mother I'll pay her later"
alias h_sf_161 "$h_sf_say Vitun tyynynpurija ; echo Fucking pillow biter"
alias h_sf_162 "$h_sf_say Panopuu ; echo Fuckstick"
alias h_sf_163 "$h_sf_say Pikkupillu ; echo Teenage slut (lit. little cunt)"
alias h_sf_164 "$h_sf_say Kurapillu ; echo Mudcunt"
alias h_sf_165 "$h_sf_say Kuraperse ; echo Mudass"
alias h_sf_166 "$h_sf_say Hevonvitun perse ; echo Horse's cunt's ass"
alias h_sf_167 "$h_sf_say Kyrpajyra ; echo Cockbuldozer"
alias h_sf_168 "$h_sf_say Jeesuskyrpa ; echo Jesusdick"
alias h_sf_169 "$h_sf_say Tussu ; echo Cunt"
alias h_sf_170 "$h_sf_say Tuhero ; echo Cunt"
alias h_sf_171 "$h_sf_say Karvakolmio ; echo Cunt"
alias h_sf_172 "$h_sf_say Limavittu ; echo Slimecunt"
alias h_sf_173 "$h_sf_say Jalkeiset ; echo Afterbirth"
alias h_sf_174 "$h_sf_say Jalkiliukkaat ; echo After slide (having intercourse after someone has already cum in the vagina)"
alias h_sf_175 "$h_sf_say Huoranperse ; echo Whore's ass"
alias h_sf_176 "$h_sf_say alykaapio ; echo Idiot, witmidget"
alias h_sf_177 "$h_sf_say Perakammarinpoika ; echo Mom's boy (lit. a boy of the last bedroom)"
alias h_sf_178 "$h_sf_say Istun taikka kavelen, pera antaa savelen ; echo Whether I sit or walk, my arse will talk."
alias h_sf_179 "$h_sf_say %P on hiivainfektiosta karsiva keski-ikainen opettaja ; echo <name> is a middle aged teacher suffering of a yeast infection"
alias h_sf_180 "$h_sf_say Teinipimppi ; echo Teenage cunt (a term used of 13 - 15 years old girls)"
alias h_sf_181 "$h_sf_say Pottupillu ; echo Potato cunt (a term used of 13 - 15 years old girls whose tight jeans or mini-skirts make walking quite difficult ; they walk just like as if they had a hot potato there)"
alias h_sf_182 "$h_sf_say Laski, tankki,paksu ; echo Fat, chubby"
alias h_sf_183 "$h_sf_say Kusiparta ; echo Piss beard (a term for old men)"
alias h_sf_184 "$h_sf_say Rapatati, humppatati ; echo A ditzy girl"
alias h_sf_185 "$h_sf_say Persikkapylly ; echo A peach ass"
alias h_sf_186 "$h_sf_say Selluperse ; echo A cellulite ass"
alias h_sf_187 "$h_sf_say Sellusaari ; echo A cellulite thigh"
alias h_sf_188 "$h_sf_say Anna persetta ; echo Give me some ass."
alias h_sf_189 "$h_sf_say Anna vittua ; echo Give me some cunt"
alias h_sf_190 "$h_sf_say Polja ; echo Dumb"
alias h_sf_191 "$h_sf_say Vitun huora ; echo Fucking whore"
alias h_sf_192 "$h_sf_say Perkele ; echo Dammit"
alias h_sf_193 "$h_sf_say Voi paska ; echo Oh shit!"
alias h_sf_194 "$h_sf_say Vittu ; echo Cunt"
alias h_sf_195 "$h_sf_say Kristuksen vittu ; echo Cunt of Jesus Christ"
alias h_sf_196 "$h_sf_say Hitto ; echo Damn!"
alias h_sf_197 "$h_sf_say Voi vittujen kevat ja kyrpien takatalvi! ; echo Spring of the pussies and a cold spell of the cocks!"
alias h_sf_198 "$h_sf_say Saatanan sarjarunkkaaja ; echo Fucking serial masturbator"
alias h_sf_199 "$h_sf_say Severi ; echo Retard"
alias h_sf_200 "$h_sf_say Paassasi tekee paska patoja ja kusi puroja ; echo In your head, shit builds dams and piss runs in rivers."
alias h_sf_201 "$h_sf_say Tulee puukosta! ; echo I'll stab you (with traditional Finnish puukko-knife)"
alias h_sf_202 "$h_sf_say Veda vittu paahan ja pakene vuorille. ; echo Draw a cunt over your head and run to the mountains."
alias h_sf_203 "$h_sf_say Vitun alykaapio! ; echo You fucking retard! (alykaapio means 'intelligence midget')"
alias h_sf_204 "$h_sf_say Voi sianvittu! ; echo Goddamnit fuck! (lit. cunt of a pig!)"
alias h_sf_205 "$h_sf_say Vittujen kevat ja kyrpien keskitalvi! ; echo God-fucking-damnit-fuck! (lit. spring of pussies and midwinter of cocks!"
alias h_sf_206 "$h_sf_say Pimppi ; echo Pussy"
alias h_sf_207 "$h_sf_say Puhkon silmasi ja kusen aivoihisi, senkin paskanaama hinttari! ; echo I'll pop your ears and piss into your brain, you shithead faggot!"
alias h_sf_208 "$h_sf_say Onko sinun naamaasi ammuttu haulikolla? ; echo Has someone shot your face with a shotgun? (Used to describe a person with acne or other facial marks)"
alias h_sf_209 "$h_sf_say Vittulan vaki! ; echo Oh for fucks sake! (lit.: People of Cuntville)"
alias h_sf_210 "$h_sf_say Paskaa paahtoleivalla! ; echo A phrase to express contempt or disgust. (lit. shit,Crap on a toast)"
alias h_sf_211 "$h_sf_say Paskaa kateen! ; echo Oh fuck! (Literally: shit into hand)"
alias h_sf_212 "$h_sf_say Kuse muuntajaan! ; echo Piss off, drop dead. (lit. "Piss into a transformer!")"
alias h_sf_213 "$h_sf_say Jos olisin noin ruma, kusisin muuntajaan! ; echo If I were that ugly, I'd go piss into a transformer!"
alias h_sf_214 "$h_sf_say Hitto ; echo Devil"
alias h_sf_215 "$h_sf_say Pulsu ; echo Bum"
alias h_sf_216 "$h_sf_say Syo paskaa ; echo Eat shit"
alias h_sf_217 "$h_sf_say Kyrvansyyla ; echo Penis wart)"

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:20 am
by Gepardi
Hahah, nice one. Kuwu's Finnish still pwns more tho!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:53 am
by skmz
I think you need the newest Aprq2 for Haud's script to work, since you are using the 'random' command. I think that command wasn't available in older versions, nor in other clients.

Not sure, just mentioned.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:55 am
by Haudrauf
But you are right.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:14 pm
by Repsaj

Code: Select all

// Auto screenshot of scores
bind F1		"showscore0"

alias showscore0	"score;alias autoscore autoscore1;bind f1 showscore1"
alias showscore1	"score;alias autoscore autoscore2;bind f1 showscore2"
alias showscore2	"score;alias autoscore autoscore0;bind f1 showscore0"

alias autoscore	"scorewait;autoscore0"
alias autoscore0	"scorewait;score;scorewait;screenshotjpg"
alias autoscore1	"scorewait;screenshotjpg"
alias autoscore2	"scorewait;score;scorewait;score;scorewait;screenshotjpg"

alias scorewait	"wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait"

trigger "alias autoscore autoscore1" "LIGHTS..."
trigger "bind f1 showscore0" "LIGHTS..."
trigger "autoscore" "Match is over*"
This should make a screenshot of the score after a game ends. Haven't extensively tested it yet though, but it worked so far. Of course you have to wait for the game to actually finish and you should replace "f1" with the key you use to see scores.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:45 am
by Lotus
//---------[Alias for crosshair changing]---------\\
alias cross1 "set crosshair 1; echo Cross1 ; bind Del cross2"
alias cross2 "set crosshair 2; echo Cross2 ; bind Del cross3"
alias cross3 "set crosshair 3; echo Cross3 ; bind Del cross1"
bind Del "cross1"

//---------[Increase data upload exploit function]---------\\
alias jumptecho "cl_maxfps 26;echo [30 fps] ;bind mouse5 jumptecho2"
alias jumptecho2 "cl_maxfps 111;echo [120 fps] ;bind mouse5 jumptecho"
bind mouse5 jumptecho
bind mouse4 "cl_maxfps 60; echo [60 fps]"

This script I use to change my fps while jumping. There are some jumps I find tricky to do with 120 fps, so sometimes I change it to 60.
the 3 fps mode is for make various ladder jumps easier.
I'll thank Blue_Vex for this script.
Because I was pretty much new with AQ2 when I got a hold of it.

//---------[Walk toggle]---------\\
alias dynamic "cl_run 1;echo [RUN] Enabled;bind 5 stealth"
alias stealth "cl_run 0;echo [RUN] Disabled;bind 5 dynamic"
bind 5 stealth

//---------[Lagometer script]---------\\
alias lagometeron "scr_drawlagometer 3;echo [Lagometer] Enabled;bind Pgdn lagometeroff"
alias lagometeroff "scr_drawlagometer 0;echo [Lagometer] Disabled;bind Pgdn lagometeron"
bind Pgdn lagometeron

//---------[Stop data upload exploit function]---------\\
alias +nofps "set cl_maxfps 0"
alias -nofps "set cl_maxfps 120"
bind 3 +nofps

This script is pretty much is just for when your stuck in doors. Just jump and puch the script button and you should easily get free. You shouldn't press the script button repeatedly, cause that will make you overflow.
This scirpt also goes to the credit of BLue_Vex cause it was in his cfg I found them :P

//---------[Change hand script]---------\\
alias changehand "hand 1; echo [Hand 1]; bind end changehand2"
alias changehand2 "hand 2; echo [Hand 2]; bind end changehand3"
alias changehand3 "hand 3; echo [Hand 3]; bind end changehand"
bind end changehand

alias graph_on "set netgraph 1;echo [Graph ON];wait;bind Pgdn graph_off"
alias graph_off "set netgraph 0;echo [Graph OFF];wait;bind Pgdn graph_on"
bind graph_on

//---------[sky change]---------\\
alias sky1 "sky drksky; echo [Sky - Drksky]; alias NextSky sky2"
alias sky2 "sky actcity3_; echo [Sky - Act3]; alias NextSky sky3"
alias sky3 "sky husk_; echo [Sky - Husk]; alias NextSky sky4"
alias sky4 "sky snow; echo [Sky - Snow]; alias NextSky sky5"
alias sky5 "sky hk; echo [Sky - Hk]; alias NextSky sky6"
alias sky6 "sky koldmars_;echo [Sky - Mars]; alias NextSky sky7"
alias sky7 "sky stars; echo [Sky - Stars] ; alias NextSky sky8"
alias sky8 "sky bluesky; echo [Sky - Bluesky] ; alias NextSky sky9"
alias sky9 "sky storm; echo [Sky - Storm]; alias NextSky sky10"
alias sky10 "sky night1; echo [Sky - Night]; alias NextSky sky11"
alias sky11 "sky happy; echo [Sky - Happy]; alias NextSky sky1"
alias nextsky sky1
bind pgup "nextsky"

I know these are pretty much "crappy" scripts, but they I think their handy. I guess most of you have seen most of these scripts before : P

And I don't know if anyone have pasted these before in the forum, cuase I've havent checked the whole thread yet.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:34 pm
by m1ndless

Code: Select all

bind . "say_team Smoke? [%H]; radio 2; radio back"

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:07 pm
by Paifas
sanity wrote:

Code: Select all

set num "0" // begins with setting the variable to 0
alias enemyd "enemyd$num " // executes the current enemy down alias (e.g enemyd3)
alias enemyd1.000000 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Pain... [%K]" // enemyd1
alias enemyd2.000000 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Suffering... [%K]" // enemyd2
alias enemyd3.000000 "radioteam enemyd;say_team Misery... [%K];set num 0" // enemyd3 also the LAST enemydown will reset the variable to 0 again so it will loop
trigger "inc num 1;enemyd" "*head from $name$*" // trigger will increase the variable (3 to 4) and execute the enemyd alias
trigger "inc num 1;enemyd" "*organ thanks to $name$*" // same
trigger "inc num 1;enemyd" "*lunch to $name$*" // same
trigger "inc num 1;enemyd" "*legless because of $name$*" // same
so when you kill someone it'll execute alias enemyd1
next person you kill, executes enemyd2
and third, executes enemyd3
fourth: executes enemyd1 again :)

now why the aliases are called: enemyd1.000000 and enemyd2.000000 is because for some reason "inc var 1" will increase 0 to 1.000000 and 2 to 2.000000, probably this can be fixed, but who cares, it works

apr v1.18 needed
this doesnt work with apr 1.20 right?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:26 pm
by Stric

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Should work

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:13 am
by ZoRoXo
bind r "bandage;1x"
trigger "radioteam cover;say_team Bandaging [ %H% ]" "You've started bandaging"
trigger "bandage" "You can`t bandage now"
trigger "sky stars" "You`ve entered the game"