The current best clan and the current worst clan?

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Post by Bruicer »

for me the status of the best clan is far more than endless wins. for example 97% victories doesnt have value for ME if it's done by camping the whole enemy's map (or if it's done by playing only few maps) but as I said that's what I think, some of you might rank it to the top. Maybe it's that I know few old UNi players or that they dont have need to play a certain map to achieve a victory but either way I too would think UNi is a ideal good clan among apr and few others.
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Post by IBA »

herty wrote:Ping is just a number just like Devirus said.
rofl :shocker: :sleep:
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Post by sajh »

herty wrote:Ping is just a number just like Devirus said.
So is economy, death counts in wars etc. etc. :) Find a better reason not to whine ;)
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
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Post by Rulf »

bjäbb bjäbb

Pings are something that the programers just put up on the beggining so "we" computer geeks can whine if we plays bad :santa: :santa:

Btw hail slovenia servers! =)
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Post by Gepardi »

As Bruicer said above, the best clan doesn't mean the clan with the highest winning percentage for me either. Nice behavior, a fair playing style, good results, great achievements, the list could go on but I think you get the point.

When I think of good clans, the first one that pops into my mind is Apprime. I personally don't know their players very well but clanwars versus them are always fair. They have won a lot of tournaments. Their players are always behaving well and they're always tough to beat, especially in tournament games. That's what makes them one of the best clans in my opinion.

There are of course other good clans behaving nicely and getting nice results.
But my vote goes to Apprime.
Gepardi /pr0
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Post by herty »


Maybe I let this one to be my last post at this forum then.
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Post by V34 »

Seems like one and I'm having it the same way. Apprime always behaving nice while playing.
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Post by BeAViS »

Devirus wrote:Ping is just a number.
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Post by Samislide »

You do not understand and cannot comprehend. It's all about what you are used to. I didn't have any problems hitting well on 56k because I was used to it. If you play with bad ping for some time, you will most likely get to know how to time your bullets right(of course not 100% accurate). But who am I to lecture you naive babybrains about ping & aq2 when I couldn't care less about you. Maybe it's just me whos so god damn good at the game... Dunno.

Different people, different opinions.
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Post by BeAViS »

Devirus wrote:You do not understand and cannot comprehend. It's all about what you are used to. I didn't have any problems hitting well on 56k because I was used to it. If you play with bad ping for some time, you will most likely get to know how to time your bullets right(of course not 100% accurate). But who am I to lecture you naive babybrains about ping & aq2 when I couldn't care less about you.

Different people, different opinions.
under this aspect im agreeing with you.. im always playing with like 90 ping and sometimes i do some frags.
what i ment is that if a man with 90 ping and a man with 15 ping shoot each other, the bullets fired from man with 15 ping will reach the man with 90 ping before he can fire. and thats quite frustrating, expecially in clanwars. :D
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Post by IBA »

aq2 is not only about hitting. if u are used to or not. eg. c2 water spawn up and rush down. ull often get legdmg with highping or u are dead after action without coming a bullet out of ur gun. I know what im talkin about, played long time with ping 30-40 and now im playing with 80 in Germany. maybe u are used to the legdmg on c2 i dont know.
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Post by Samislide »

I usually avoid those situations when playing with a high ping. Infact, I don't play the same at all with high ping. Dunno about you, but I just don't find it that hard to avoid fast paced situations and adapt to the ping. This doesn't mean I dont' see you point, cause I do. That leg-dmg drama at cliff2 - I manage to get it even with 20 ping. But you learn from this, and try to avoid it when you got high ping?... it's called adapting to the ping.

Btw, Current best clan, :OwN: - worst: }i{
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Post by BeAViS »

IBA wrote:aq2 is not only about hitting. if u are used to or not. eg. c2 water spawn up and rush down. ull often get legdmg with highping or u are dead after action without coming a bullet out of ur gun. I know what im talkin about, played long time with ping 30-40 and now im playing with 80 in Germany. maybe u are used to the legdmg on c2 i dont know.
no im glad i can do that wout getting legdamage... pheew...
but id really love to have 20 ping... only for reasons i have written before: yesterday or maybe the day before i dont remember we played a cw versus.. mmm.. dont even remember btw theyr homemap was sludge; leaving the fact that i hate that map, i did a very few frags, because most of times a few second after "action" i was dead (playing with 110 ping on cg)
but maybe that haveing a smart ping would be less funny that how now is... i mean that i have fun playing even with high one, because i can even do fine frags and laughing on it. bah. dont even care that much :D

Devirus wrote:it's called adapting to the ping.
its what i always try to do
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Post by angra »

top5, OwN, Apr, }i{, [e], UNi.

ice is just a frindsclan so i don't take them serious.
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Post by Samislide »

So obvious you didn't take iN in that top 5 of yours angra, when I voted you for worst clan. And once again you proved me right, me and sajh predicted something like this. tehe
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