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Post by chron »

Cant believe that the admins are getting "complaints" i mean seriously.. Dont u think its about time u handled your own problems? Most of u are 20+ for god sake.
Handling ones own problems includes talking to people who can help you when you are unable to do so yourself, so doesnt that sound quite logical then?

Personally I think you are the one not giving any constructive criticism here and perhaps you should go through your 10 grades again to try to work on that.

And its not that people feel mocked, it is about the fact that they are trying to discuss about this subject and you interfere with posts attacking other people without any reason and starting a 'lets attack the finnish people' thread again. (And it still isnt clear to me after all these years why it are the finnish people).

Perhaps it has something to do with IQ, I can't tell since I'm no psychologist, but this isnt a very open minded way of thinking and being open to other peoples opinion and just trying to get right over and over again. Plus you are trying to mock everyone here, personally I think this is good stuff to read when I need a laugh but when people are seriously trying to discuss something perhaps you should just leave the thread be or accept the fact that you aren't allowed to post anymore if there are people that are complaining.
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Post by Moose »

sCrewFace wrote: Moose ive never spoken to you, only the time where everybodyin finland challenge me in 1on1 and i beated them all ^_^ Yes u were one of them.
We spoke that day so you can't really say we've never spoken. By the way this reminds me that you refused to play my map in Finland because "you can't hit well with that ping". So we ended up playing both maps on Boomtown. Hope you see the irony here when regarding the original topic of this thread. Probably not.
Moose{UNi} | | #clanunited@qnet
United AQ2 Admins | | #aq2admins @ qnet
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Post by sCrewFace »

Thats the biggest fucking lie ive ever heard. Why the hell did i play commu on finnish server then? cut the fucking crap and get real. The point was that we both had the same ping on boomtown. And thats why u stayed there to play. U had ping 8 on edome at that time and i had ping 50. Jesus lieing about a fucking game, how low does it get?!

And for the record, i started out talking about the point of this thread. If u take a look back ull see that angra is actully the one to turn this down the wrong road. He said "gr8 generalize" and it all started, i dunno any1 else besides finnish ppl who turn down a clan becouse they want to win. So basicly when it all comes down, it prolly was a "gr8 generalize"
"all depends of what accordings you take before the match."
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Post by Royal^ »

I still can't understand what are you trying to prove here
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Post by dudemcpek »

sCrewFace wrote:And for the record, i started out talking about the point of this thread. If u take a look back ull see that angra is actully the one to turn this down the wrong road. He said "gr8 generalize" and it all started, i dunno any1 else besides finnish ppl who turn down a clan becouse they want to win. So basicly when it all comes down, it prolly was a "gr8 generalize"

Actually, If you read my post you would have noticed that the main issue was the other scandinavian clans rejecting 1 each matches. This has very little to do with Finnish people as I only mentioned them as the starters of this false and stupid (for me, of course) actions. It obviously means they don't give a damn about our part of the scene, eventhough they're very aware of it that it's dying. What other Scandinavian clans do with this 2xsame-unfair-server is pure stupidity. They don't even know they do more harm to themselves. But hey, that's AQ2, right?

Now moderators, since this is my thread I want SF out of it, he's a disgrace to everyone.
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Post by quba »

sf you are such a loser :tup: :P
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Post by herty »

The fact that Finnish aq2 scene is so healthy and the others are slowly dying doesn't automatically mean that the Finns should play against all the foreign clans. After all, in aq2 you can still choose your opponent and leave the garbage in the trash can waiting to get moulded. Personally I would never turn down fair playing and well behaving people no matter are they German, Dutch, Norwegian or Finnish. And in my opinion the main rule when playing against foreign clans is "1 each". NARF (as Asskick3r plays in it) for example is a really nice opponent so I can't see a reason why would I rather play against some random .fi clan than them.

I just came up with an idea that from now on I'll never play against sCrewFace's clan. I'm not blacklisting him because he's that good as a player but just because he's that dumb as a human being. I hope he doesn't get to play a cw that often and slowly dies out from the scene :-)

PS. Personally I don't give a flying fuck about the fact how my fellow quakers / friends look like. Even though they wouldn't be models they would still be my friends and I appreciate more the way they behave than the way they look like. But then again I would never go out with a very ugly chick so I'm wondering if by any chance it would be possible that sCrewFace is a gay since he's paying so much attention to the appearance of the Finnish males... ?
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Post by Moose »

sCrewFace wrote:Thats the biggest fucking lie ive ever heard. Why the hell did i play commu on finnish server then? cut the fucking crap and get real. The point was that we both had the same ping on boomtown. And thats why u stayed there to play. U had ping 8 on edome at that time and i had ping 50. Jesus lieing about a fucking game, how low does it get?!
I just stated the fact that you didn't want to play on edome and it clearly is no lie since you even said it yourself. Personally I couldn't care less about some duel results, especially against a guy who never grew up and thinks that he is god's gift to actionquake.
Moose{UNi} | | #clanunited@qnet
United AQ2 Admins | | #aq2admins @ qnet
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Post by Samislide »

You guys need a vacation.. from the computer. He's taking the piss and you're swallowing it.
Last edited by Samislide on Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Flunx »

The moment you hit the reply button and post your reaction to screwFace's posts, you have lost.
screwFace is owning this thread.
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Post by nufan »

lock it :(
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Post by sajh »

funniest thread in a long long time :D :lol: :bday: :)
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
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Post by Den »

ugh sf corrupted iN.
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