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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:44 am
by Elvis
But you agreed on the fact that it makes it harder to cheat.

So in one way or another it's preventing the 'basic' player from cheating, isn't it?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:51 am
by NRGizeR
Elvis wrote:But you agreed on the fact that it makes it harder to cheat.

So in one way or another it's preventing the 'basic' player from cheating, isn't it?
I hope so, otherwize I really don't see what you're doing here. I mean, I haven't seen the code, and I haven't seen r1ch joining the discussion, and do remember that I can't even use this module. So I have no clue as to what, or how this module is actually checking. I would think, as I have respect for R1CHs coding skillz, that the module works, and that it will prevent cheaters. But what's the point with a fancy alarm system on your front door, if you're going to leave a window open (the window being the exceptions)?

This said, you're not only making it harder for cheaters, you're making it harder for regular players as well, some more than others. You're also making it harder for server admins as I understand it. So the question then becomes, do you want to scare away some players, and make it harder for others, to get to the players that are dishonest. This when the fact is that the ones that are dishonest but not stupid are rewarded with less suspicion, because everyone thinks that it's OK, since there is an AC module on the server?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:58 am
by Elvis
It doesn't make it harder for server admins, all they need to do is set sv_anticheat_required to 1 or 2.

For players, well if you consider this hard to do..putting a dll in your q2 dir if you run windows. Then I suggest those people buy an xbox or playstation and go play these. Because to not be able to put a simple .dll in a dir means you have totaly no knowhow about computers.

And you think it will be SOO easy to get on an exceptionlist. A lot of checks will be done before you will actually get on this list. Also this list doesn't work with passwords, but with ips.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:01 am
by Clown
So assuming I even got on the exception list, when you forgive me for not knowing how to use my computer, I'd be fucked anyway because of my two ISPs with dynamic IPs?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:12 am
by Elvis
No, because we can except certain ranges also, instead of only a single ip.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:15 am
by Clown
I have a massive range. You're just lucky I'm the only English person left :P

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:24 am
by NRGizeR
Elvis wrote:For players, well if you consider this hard to do..putting a dll in your q2 dir if you run windows. Then I suggest those people buy an xbox or playstation and go play these. Because to not be able to put a simple .dll in a dir means you have totaly no knowhow about computers.
This isn't the whole story, first of all you will need to know what you need to do. This is often the hardest part. Do you get some kind of notification if you're kicked from an anti-cheat enabled server? Saying what to do or where to download it?
Elvis wrote:And you think it will be SOO easy to get on an exceptionlist. A lot of checks will be done before you will actually get on this list. Also this list doesn't work with passwords, but with ips.
So you mean to say that it is actually NOT simple for me to ask for an exception? Uuumm... and the IP list... so in order for you to make an exception for me, you will have to make an exception for my IPs ip range. That would be sonera, the largest DSL provider in Finland... so you've effectively made an exception for like 25% of finlands aq2 players just because of me? I hope there is some other check as well.... apart from the ip range that is...

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:33 am
by MDVz0r
NRGizeR wrote:I hope there is some other check as well.... apart from the ip range that is...
There is, don't worry ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:36 am
by angra
Elvis wrote: For players, well if you consider this hard to do..putting a dll in your q2 dir if you run windows. Then I suggest those people buy an xbox or playstation and go play these. Because to not be able to put a simple .dll in a dir means you have totaly no knowhow about computers.
Great way to make aq2 userfriendly. Why not just put in the installfile in the next update , whats the problem with that? Is this a bad thing?

Or do you think it's easyer to download a extra file then to get it without thinking about it?

Little off topic.
But if i didin't know anyone playing aq2 and i went on the aq2world. i wouldnt download it. To much shit to do. and if i would have download it and trying to join a server and i gick kicked becuse of a file that i need to have to play on all the server i would quit the game and never look back.

Clown: Yes, but why not make it as easy as possible

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:40 am
by Clown
There isn't one official AQ2 install file. Remember it's just a mod. As with other games you need to have the base game, mod, patches and a bunch of other shit.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:08 am
by dudemcpek
Clown: Yes you're one special case, thankfully you don't even play anymore.
angra: True, it's not like CS or COD where you only need steam for the game to work. Or however that works. Ever tried intalling Q3 with some mods?
NRG: Now I see you as being just pessimistic, don't really know why fighting against it so much. Look at Portugal scene, it works there, why not giving it a try 'here' then? For exceptions there are several ways to be checked if the exception is valid.
It's actually quite interesting how you're so many against anticheat, but when nocheat came out everyone accepted it. Maybe it worked for any OS (don't really know) but it was fucking shite, while this anticheat has a good system and you have a go at it since it only supports windows. I bet it covers more than 90% of all players, so I ask you again, would you make a linux (or any other OS) version for such a minority?
You know, they don't make gadgets for left-handed people either since it doesn't pay off, just like in this case.

Also, nowadays everyone records if he's suspected to be cheating, so if there was anticheat set up, those with it wouldn't be worried about recording 'useless' demos and those who'd be exceptions could simply be asked to record. And dodgy exceptions would be watched more anyways. I can't see how anticheat wouldn't be successful.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:36 am
by MDVz0r
angra wrote: Little off topic.
But if i didin't know anyone playing aq2 and i went on the aq2world. i wouldnt download it. To much shit to do. and if i would have download it and trying to join a server and i gick kicked becuse of a file that i need to have to play on all the server i would quit the game and never look back.
That is why i suggest server admins to download the updated q2admin from With the new version, it's possible to NOT force AC, but persons that are (suspected of) cheating can be forced to use it <= Great for public servers

For CW servers, it's possible to force AC and load an exception list.

you can read more on the website of q2admin.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:56 am
by Alfredo
fuct wrote:
HcPeura wrote: 1) you got no authority for one..

These forums are full of crap because they are full of people like you. Cant spell, cant type well enough, or even string enough proper words together to make people even want to put the effort in to read the shite you write, big fuck-off signature just to make you look that extra bit like a prat. I think you and your kind should gather your shit and fuck off out of here and stay on your own aq2 forum, its not as if you contribute anything here.

To make a long post short, get the fuck out of here you stupid bastard you are not wanted and you are embarrassing yourself.

fucking well said - standing applause from here :rambo:

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:10 am
by angra
Alfredo wrote:
fuct wrote:
HcPeura wrote: 1) you got no authority for one..

These forums are full of crap because they are full of people like you. Cant spell, cant type well enough, or even string enough proper words together to make people even want to put the effort in to read the shite you write, big fuck-off signature just to make you look that extra bit like a prat. I think you and your kind should gather your shit and fuck off out of here and stay on your own aq2 forum, its not as if you contribute anything here.

To make a long post short, get the fuck out of here you stupid bastard you are not wanted and you are embarrassing yourself.

fucking well said - standing applause from here :rambo:
Not realy.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:11 am
by fuct
Do you really want to start this crap again? Did either of you really need to post? Shut the fuck up both of you and lets keep the thread for what it was meant for.