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Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 1:10 pm
by WuWili
Reason why I don't like to play vs. foreign clans, or atleast why I didn't play vs. them in past:

Playing c2 in some foreign server with ping 120 and them having ping 20.

Happened like 4 times in a row so I just quit playing vs. any foreign clan that had c2(and then it was like 3/4 "better" clans c2 as their homemap).

But now I'm more open-minded about things, so some see if you can challenge us in #hangar :P

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 3:56 am
by Muigle
WuWili wrote:Reason why I don't like to play vs. foreign clans, or atleast why I didn't play vs. them in past:

Playing c2 in some foreign server with ping 120 and them having ping 20.
Hehe have to say same here. But boomtown has been nicely surprise in pings, like 10 more than in .Fi. Those crappy foreign servers long ago with 120 pings have made me to refuse playing vs foreign clans, but today Im playing vs them with pleasure because they are not so lame than many fins are. But do not generalize that all fins are lame O_o

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:00 am
by Flunx
pfft! whine :santa:

Ping is just a number.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 7:36 am
by mirror
Ping is just a number.

lol :> now we know it, thank god

i think there is always some fair server you can play on. swedes can play in denmark against germans, slowenians can play in germany against dutchies.. etc... its just a question of habituation. if you played your whole "life" on some finnish server, it might be hard to play suddenly w/ ping 60.


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 8:11 pm
by Winball
My ping is 60++ @ TnX,and it allways have been.That sux so hard,but im used to it :P (not sucking tough) I can only play TnX,because the ping is way too high for me to play on other servers.

Try cl_nodelta and ur ping is 0 :D But it lag even more then :P

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:51 am
by DaNi
Muigle wrote:
WuWili wrote:Reason why I don't like to play vs. foreign clans, or atleast why I didn't play vs. them in past:

Playing c2 in some foreign server with ping 120 and them having ping 20.
Hehe have to say same here. But boomtown has been nicely surprise in pings, like 10 more than in .Fi. Those crappy foreign servers long ago with 120 pings have made me to refuse playing vs foreign clans, but today Im playing vs them with pleasure because they are not so lame than many fins are. But do not generalize that all fins are lame O_o

u are exactly saying what im saying :)

Boomtown is not bad for fins!

SOME fins are lame ( most are ok tho)

Its most fair playing 1 map each if that will give most equal pings.

The fact that if u are used to it or not should not be an argument..

someone being used to ping 30 is still in huge advantage of someone that is used to play with 120.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 10:42 am
by Sovnig
[AQ2 MATCHFIND]: Clan #Guys is looking for ClanWar (3 vs 3 Official). Contact person is Juuddas^.

yey! Great 3v3. (Never played them or been on their channel)

(16:33:43) ?? can't join #Guys (you're banned (+b))

(16:33:43) ?? press (Control+F2) to retry!

wtf? Pre-banned ? :)

/msg Juuddas^ 3v3 ?

(16:34:00) (Juuddas^) vs?

(16:34:04) (Sovn-nede) #Centuria

(16:34:09) (Juuddas^) finnis?

(16:34:16) (Sovn-nede) Danish

(16:34:28) (Sovn-nede) 1 map each server

(16:34:49) (Juuddas^) no we play only finnish servers

(16:34:58) (Sovn-nede) Ok

(16:35:02) (Sovn-nede) Well, that's sorta lame to refuse to play in a fair way isnt it ?

(16:35:18) (Juuddas^) go to hell motherfucker

(16:35:25) (Sovn-nede) I sorta cant

(16:35:29) (Sovn-nede) Since I'm a nice boy

(16:35:36) (Sovn-nede) And nice boys are going to heaven

(16:35:49) (Juuddas^) sut a fuck up asshole

(16:36:12) (Sovn-nede) Im s'psed to sut a fuck up ?

(16:36:18) (Sovn-nede) I guess u mean shut a fuck up ?

(16:36:24) (Sovn-nede) ok, I shut your fuck up then ?

(16:36:35) (Juuddas^) go to hell no

(16:36:40) (Juuddas^) now even

(16:37:11) (Sovn-nede) I told u I couldnt already ?

And I thought that most finnish ppl were cute... :|

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:34 pm
by Sovnig
And now we had a cw vs Hangar - we wished... they only wanted to play at a finnish server too, whats wrong with these ppl ? O_o

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 12:35 pm
by Sovnig
And we go on in our hunt for cw's:

[18:41] <McCree> we prefer both maps in finland

Sad english

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:01 pm
by Winball
Juuddas^'s english is not very good :\

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:10 pm
by blissard
you're not the best either winny :P

"I did not found it on internett", say no more! :shock:

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:48 pm
by Jazzie
Juuddas^'s english is not very good :\


Look,here can you type a signature ^^

In Sweden we have an expression that says: "Kasta inte sten i glashus".

Which means sort of "Don't throw rocks in a house of glass".

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:17 am
by iler
Sovnig, so why you are trying to challenge them on to a two server match when you know that they are not going to take it?

Because you can paste it here and everybody can see how lame finnish ppl really are, yeah that's the spirit! Personally I think that every clan has priviledge to decide which servers they want to play, so what's the fuzz here? I won't come and paste here if some eg nor or den clan wan't to play both on tnx or boomtown. It's just so f*cking normal that ppl decide if they wanna play on foreign servers or not. So cut the bs here and lock this thread admins and that is if our admins have somekind of rules here. This thread is just making ppl annoyed and more ppl will come and try to challenge those same finnish clans and then paste the result here -> more ppl get pissed off.

PS. This is my final reply to this thread (this thread=ridiculous)

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:23 am
by Blizzeh
I'm soooooooo pissed off !!!! :#:

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:37 am
by Clown
I'll not lock it, as it kind of applies to most clans...