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Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:55 am
by sajh
i still dont think that the mp5 is in need of any kind of adjusting to be competetive with the m4, ppl are just too lazy to learn how to use it. But hey, why bother learn a to use weapon when you just could make it easier to use instead.. sounds "fun"

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:27 am
by Saboteur
I think this is a really nice idea. Where do you get all those spred informations from? Think this would be a gr8 mod to some new games. Like Doom3 as you were saying.

Don't let this idea drop away :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:40 am
by n99
Oh boy the wonders of modern technology. This is great BV, good you found someone willing to do the coding. Now, dual silencer is working, how about dual laser, that as well? Next step should be the quick/stealth draw thing u came up with earlier.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:19 am
by Span

I will have Action Doom 3 for you, tomorrow :)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:38 am
by Blue Vex
sajh wrote: still dont think that the mp5 is in need of any kind of adjusting to be competetive with the m4, ppl are just too lazy to learn how to use it.
You may be righ. I've thought the same way myself. The boost to the MP5 isn't really noticeable. Sometimes all it takes is people thinking its better to make it better. I'm sure people would start using the MP5 and say "omg, it rules now" if I just wrote that it's better without even changing anything at all. :)
Saboteur wrote:Where do you get all those spred informations from?
From the AQ2 source code. :)
n99 wrote:Now, dual silencer is working, how about dual laser, that as well?
Dual Laser was just too powerfull, so it's not there. :)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:50 am
by emu
omg who the fuck came up with the cracking idea of bullet dodging ? stop watching matrix morons, or start playing the gay mod for half-life named Opera.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:06 am
by n99
deathmasterslashassassin wrote:Hi I'm emu it took all my brainpower to come up with this ridiculous nick, and there's no creative energy left to come up with ideas for this thread anymore.
Not that I don't agree wth you, I do, but maybe you shouldn't call someone a moron for having a different taste than you.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:44 am
by n99
Doublepost. Can't be helped, sorry about that.

Ok, I had some time to do some thinking on this project because of the way my transportation worked out today (grrr). First off, here is some stuff I think it needs. As you will see, I focus on the shape of the project itself, not on its content.

· This project is serious enough by now to need a proper name; which is both easy to pronounce and conveys the meaning of the project.
· A website that conveys the name, meaning and content of the project. There should be reference files, relevant links, a datestamped list of changes made (or unmade), room for eventual clientside downloads, a recruitment page (see below) and a suggestions ‘box’.
· The suggestions part is needed, because, in my opinion, threads on this forum can get really cluttered and hard to follow, and a place where you can give feedback directly works alot smoother than here on the forums.
· Dedicated Beta testers. People who are willing to sacrifice time to help out play-testing the various changes. I think this is needed since not having enough or not having a big enough variety of testers might result in certain changes being left out that might have worked with proper feedback, or certain changes being implented that should not have. People should be able to join up for this on the recruitment page.
· Also on the recruitment page, people should be able to sign up for the following: helping with coding and running a dedicated beta server.

I myself would love to do some of the beta-testing, and I think I can find some friends to test the various aspects of every implented change and write a solid report on it. I might also be able to acquire a server which can be used as a dedicated server for this project, although I would have to ask the respective owner of said server.

Feedback on this part of my post can be put here, or you can contact me using PM.
On to some other stuff. A question on the dual items (as for now, only dual silencer) on both of the akimbo pistols.

Do you have to choose akimbo as a weapon to get this benefit. I think it would be unfair, and missing its mark, if you could simply use any weapon + silencer (so for now, ssg and mp5) and get the aforementioned benefit if you pick up a second pistol during the game.

Blue Vex, you also said you’ve decided not to allow dual lasersight because this was too powerful. Under what circumstances was this tested? Frankly I think this a combo that would work wonders in certain maps with not too many people, and it is indeed very versatile (especially with the semi/auto trigger on akimbo). However, I think that in a map like cloud, m4 + kevlar would still be dominant with enough players, and so would m4 + laser in cliff2. If it is still too powerful under all circumstances, can’t you nerf it a bit so to make it implentable?

Now two suggestions. They might have come up earlier, I’m not sure.
Suggestion #1
Make ‘a single pistol’ a valid weapon choice. You would get both the silencer and the lasersight for this weapon. To prevent this ‘specialist’ choice to be exploited, a player will not be able to pick up other weaponry during a round, except for combat knives.

Alternatively, a player choosing this weapon gets to pick two items himself, but this might become a bit too powerful. Pistol + kevlar + lasersight comes to mind, altough I still do not think it would be more powerful than the existing weaponry. Play testing would be needed.

An alternative for players not being able to pick up other weapon is this. Start the round with the same situation; So pistol + lasersight + silencer + one knife (OR pistol + item1 +item2 +one knife,) now, no weapons can be picked up until the player drops ONE of his items.

Suggestion #2
There have been numerous suggestions both by yourself and by others for ‘upping’ the slippers (not too mention the bandolier, but that’s another thing). Maybe let the slippers come with kevlar leg-protectors, as I’ve talked about earlier. These would prevent legdamage from the pistol, mp5 and m4 ammunition. So not from falling damage, knives, or the ssg. This change is not too drastic, but can be a real blessing for weapon choices and tactics that depend heavily on mobility instead of either accuracy or ‘classic’ protection, for instance, HC slippers. It might be a bit too much though, to add one of the other suggestions on top of this benefit, but again, only with dedicated playtesting can you really find out.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:48 am
by Jazzie
n99 wrote:derf derf

and i agree with solidas, the mp5 is good enough as it is. you just need to master "teh rolf-singls".

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:25 am
by Span
n99, if there's going to be a website, and all of the above-mentioned, we'll need a lot more people on this project than just me and Blue Vex.

I don't have the time to design any website, neither am I willing to pay any amount of money to have someone design it for us. So in that case, we would need someone willing to design a website free of charge.
If there are anyone out there willing to do some webdesigning or if there is anything else you think you can contribute with, please contact us. It would be more than appreciated.

As per now, this thread is what you could call our official channel to the public. ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:26 am
by Blue Vex
n99 wrote:This project is serious enough by now to need a proper name
You're right. I was thinking of something as simple as AQ2: TNG++. :P
Hey, I thought that was pretty nice. It is afterall TNG with some plusses.
n99 wrote:A website that conveys the name, meaning and content of the project. There should be reference files, relevant links, a datestamped list of changes made (or unmade)
Yes, a neat and practical website will be needed. It's on my "todo" list. :)
n99 wrote:The suggestions part is needed, because, in my opinion, threads on this forum can get really cluttered and hard to follow, and a place where you can give feedback directly works alot smoother than here on the forums.
Yes, you're right. It is hard to follow here on the forums. I have updated the starter post now and then, and I've also marked the stuff I have edited with red text. You're probably wondering if bullet dodging with Slippers is going to be added. If you take a look at my suggestion list again, you'll see if I have added it. I'll tell you that I haven't, but I still think it was a good suggestion for making Slippers usefull in combat.
n99 wrote:Dedicated Beta testers. People who are willing to sacrifice time to help out play-testing the various changes. I think this is needed since not having enough or not having a big enough variety of testers might result in certain changes being left out that might have worked with proper feedback, or certain changes being implented that should not have.
Right now Span is adding stuff, and I'm trying to find as many bugs as possible. Akimbo+Silencer and a Shotgun with Flashlight doesn't require more beta testing than I can handle myself. :)
When it comes down to weapon balance, some people for testing would be needed, but it's not time for that stage yet. You are right though. Testing and a webpage is on my "todo" list. :)
The thing is, Span is constantly writing just a few lines with code. And every now and then he saves it and creates a gamex86.dll for me to test. If there is something I don't like I say "change this", and it takes him 5 seconds to modify it. Which results in him creating another gamex86.dll for me to test. This goes on and on. It's very hard to also update a server with these frequent releases.
n99 wrote:I myself would love to do some of the beta-testing, and I think I can find some friends to test the various aspects of every implented change and write a solid report on it.
I know you are eager, and I would be myself if I were in your shoes. :) I've been trying to contact you on IRC, but where are you! I appreciate your help alot. :)
n99 wrote:Do you have to choose akimbo as a weapon to get this benefit.
You dont have to choose Akimbo Pistols+Silencer before a round starts if you want to be able to use them with Silencers. All you have to do is attain a 2nd Pistol from somewhere + a Silencer from a corpse, and away you go. You can choose Akimbo Pistols+Silencer yourself aswell. ;) Contact me right away so I can let you try it out. It's so great. :)
n99 wrote:Blue Vex, you also said you’ve decided not to allow dual lasersight because this was too powerful. Under what circumstances was this tested?
I haven't tested it because it hasnt been added. But it would make it useless to go with a single Pistol whenever you could go Akimbo Pistols.
Akimbo Pistols would have a higher rate of fire, they could shoot in semi aswell. They would just replace the Pistol in every way.
Also, how would it look if you had a Lasersight and Akimbo Pistols? Would there be two laser dots on the wall? That can't be fixed, because both Pistols point to the center of your crosshair. It's not about Akimbo Pistols beeing to powerfull against other weapons. It's about Akimbo Pistols replacing the Pistol.
Right now, Akimbo Pistols is something you go when you want a higher rate of fire. You can't walk around when you shoot with Akimbo Pistols. You just sit your ass down and start shooting. :)
The Pistol, on the other hand, has a slower rate of fire (less bullets per shot), but it can be used with a Lasersight which gives you mobility. It can also be used in semi, which allows for some mobility.
If a guy with a Pistol is classified as "dextrous", then a guy with Akimbo Pistols would definitely be the "brute". It works very well as it is today, because I see both weapons used.
Also, the semi trigger for Akimbo Pistols isn't working perfectly yet. Whenever you tap your attack button once, but guns blaze once. I want only one gun to blaze each time you tap your mouse button. Anyway, I've told Span to remove the semi feature on Akimbo Pistols.
n99 wrote:Make ‘a single pistol’ a valid weapon choice.
I'm not quoting your whole suggestion for space reasons.
It's a good suggestion, and you have thought out the ways to make useable and non-abuseable. :)
Alot of people have told me that changing the game too much is going to be disasterous. Although this is a good suggestion, I believe it's one of those small things that shouldnt be done, because it's just going raise the "too much changes" factor, without even balancing todays gameplay.
n99 wrote:Maybe let the slippers come with kevlar leg-protectors, as I’ve talked about earlier. These would prevent legdamage from the pistol, mp5 and m4 ammunition. So not from falling damage, knives, or the ssg.
TNG introduced a Kevlar Helmet. It's not usefull at all, but what if it came with a pair of Kevlar Boots (if such a thing exsits)? Your head and legs would be protected instead of your chest. Ofcourse the Kevlar Helmet model & icon in-game would have to be modified accordingly. What do you think? A pair of silky Slippers just doesn't seem right when it comes to leg protection.

Thanks for your time and feedback. And please contact me on IRC. :)
Jazzie wrote:and i agree with solidas, the mp5 is good enough as it is.
The M4 is still better than MP5, and even the AQ2 readme.txt says so.
* Colt M4 Assault Rifle:
Bullets shoot thru people and do pistol round damage (about)
Fire rate = fast as mp5
Best weapon in game bar none
Max of 1 extra clip (we HAVE to balance it somewhere =P )

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:21 pm
by n99
I will reply tomorrow, too tired. Just want to keep this thread on top of the foodchain. It rocks. Go EXPERIMENTATION, go BV.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 2:31 am
by Caracol
One little thing. Kevlar Boots sounds ridiculous. Maybe some Thigh Pads (like the ones in UT or in American Football). And, maybe, those should make some noise when you walk/crouch. Otherwise it's to powerfull... I think.

I think I can't do much, just criticize and give some opinions, suggestions or something. But the other things... I don't really know about it. Anyway, for some beta testing, I'm available.


PS: /me avoiding stupid comments.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:28 am
by sajh
Blue Vex wrote: The M4 is still better than MP5, and even the AQ2 readme.txt says so.
* Colt M4 Assault Rifle:

Bullets shoot thru people and do pistol round damage (about)
Fire rate = fast as mp5
Best weapon in game bar none
Max of 1 extra clip (we HAVE to balance it somewhere =P )
Well, due to the mp5 having a larger clip and is more accurate i would say that it is the best weapon of the game. Perhaps not the easiest one though. But then again, everyone is entiteled to their own opinion.. and most people around here seem to think that the mp5 is inferiour to the m4. I do wonder if they have bothered to try to use it for more than a round or two though..

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:20 am
by Span
n99 wrote:I will reply tomorrow, too tired. Just want to keep this thread on top of the foodchain. It rocks. Go EXPERIMENTATION, go BV.
No credit for me? :rambo:

It's not like I'm getting paid or anything. 8)