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Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:48 am
by KrapYl
Well, aka, ur little whiny bitch, now i hope u've fucking learned "DUJA"... suck it up, and ill see u in the new year, hopefully a new aq2 player!...

/edit lolz, no bitzh but ok, we all fuck around now and then :O

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:49 am
by Jazzie
Overii wrote:once again.. why unban him only because he said he was bored, i bet he will get bored more then once in his pathetic life...

and peep, we dont all care about winning like u do no life fuckface..
if you would have used your brain to interpret a single word of this six-page thread you would've known that we don't want him to be unbanned since he was 'just bored'. read the actual thread next time you wish to flame anyone. jackass.

also, i like your debating technique.

krapyl wrote:and ill see u in the new year, hopefully a new aq2 player!...
or most likely, not an aq2player at all.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:51 am
by Overii
only thing i heard was blablablabla im a gay swede :<

go bother ur fellow billies fakin forum nerd

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:57 am
by mOrg
Well this have been fun stuff to read, first things first.. Aka u stupid mud!!!
wtf were u thinking???!! Im suprised to say the least to your name here.. Anyways it seems like u messed up and now u have to pay the price, allthough in my opinion you should have kept this on a private level.. 2nd Im behind you morpher and the other admins all the way, rules are rules and ment to serve a purpose, bending because someone is well known an oldschool player (which btw just should make u even more aware aka) is just wrong, and wouldnt solve anything..

And peep, serious lighten up man, only reason youre so pissed about this is because aka got nailed.

Now maybe 2 months or whatever is abit harsh, i really dont care, what i care about is that these rules the admins setup are being enforced, too bad you would be the one to prove to me aka :oh: i see this as a warning to any kid sittin outthere feeling bored and like pulling a prank on some friend..

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:00 am
by mOrg
if you would have used your brain to interpret a single word of this six-page thread you would've known that we don't want him to be unbanned since he was 'just bored'. read the actual thread next time you wish to flame anyone. jackass.
So Jazzie if im "just bored and wanna pull some prank on my friends its ok to cheat, or perhaps i should lay my trust in the enough people dont "want me to be banned, cuz im such a nice guy"... where the sense in that?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:01 am
by KrapYl
Jazzie wrote: or most likely, not an aq2player at all.
perfect... thats my point jazzie... maybe u missed it, but just incase THATS MY POINT

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:02 am
by Jazzie
Jazzie wrote:He should be banned, but not for that long a time. I'd say something ranging from three weeks to two months. It's supposed to scare him off doing it again, not exclude him from the aq2scene, right?
quoted for emphasis.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:05 am
by KrapYl
u suck

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:09 am
by mOrg
Oh jazzie but i bet he is scared now, so he should be, and like i said in my post of you would cared to read was that aka went about solving this matter in the wrong way, now everyone knows it, so for him to unbanned now is simply impossible, had he went about talking to the admins himself behind closed "forums" :shock: it might would have been another story, but i guess we will never know..

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:09 am
by imeiz
Overii wrote:only thing i heard was blablablabla im a gay swede :<

go bother ur fellow billies fakin forum nerd
let me help you.
1) learn to read what someone writes, _not_ what you wish he wrote.
2) calling anyone names gets you.. nowhere? only makes you look more an ass.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:11 am
by mOrg

let me help you.
1) learn to read what someone writes, _not_ what you wish he wrote.
2) calling anyone names gets you.. nowhere? only makes you look more an ass.[/quote]

Agreed! :shocker:

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:13 am
by Overii
thank you for your wise lesson mr imeiz

if you didn't get it yet i dont give a fuck what guys like u think of me, and now fuckoff

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:14 am
by Jazzie
imeiz wrote:only makes you look more an ass.
that, sir, would be hard.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:14 am
by aka
Ok this was kinda kewl to read.
One part of me is thinking "this must be the lamest gaming-community ever and why have I been a part of it for so long...feels kinda good to leave it" but the other part of me looks at what for example Kannibla, jazzie, endy etc. is writing and I would miss guys like that as hell...and ofcoz the gaming aq2 gives you like no other.

I guess I'll find myself installing aq2 sometime in the days following and try to keep up the gaming on eDome until I've served my punichment =)

Thanks for beeing understanding and supportive(with a few exeptions)

peace out

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:18 am
by aka
Oh jazzie but i bet he is scared now, so he should be, and like i said in my post of you would cared to read was that aka went about solving this matter in the wrong way, now everyone knows it, so for him to unbanned now is simply impossible, had he went about talking to the admins himself behind closed "forums" it might would have been another story, but i guess we will never know..
I acctually tried to talk to Mysteryman but he would'nt answer me so I did made the move to get some support. :)
Well well...bye