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Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:24 pm
by Yuhmouth
Where is Sm:)ey (not that .fi clown :/)

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:06 pm
by emu
Blue Vex wrote:This thread is sad. Over the years I've played with loads of AQ2 players. Some I learned to know personaly, and some I learned to know only their playstyle. These days I have no idea where they went. The year 2000 was probably the best AQ2 year I've known. Some probably think it's silly to be passionate about a game, but for me AQ2 was a second life. I fully intend to use my nick Blue Vex in any kind of future FPS game I play, just in case I might stumble upon some old AQ2 player who remembers me.

Code: Select all

why hasn't anyone mentioned me yet :sadface:

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:00 pm
by aka
were did aka and peep go lol

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:20 pm
by Lotus
Wasn't it Norwegian player called "PAN"?
Or am I mixing "him/her" up with Span?

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:35 pm
by nufan
still playing in RR I belive

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:11 am
by Clown
Why would anyone call themselved "Pan"? :(

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:07 am
by bliz
There used to be another player calling himself 'Spoon', so it isn't that weird to pull out creativity from the kitchen aye :P

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:18 am
by dudemcpek
Clown wrote:Why would anyone call themselved "Pan"? :(

ok clown :?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:48 am
by emu
AssKick3r wrote:
Clown wrote:Why would anyone call themselved "Pan"? :(

ok clown :?
ok asskicker.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 11:11 am
by fuct
emu wrote:
AssKick3r wrote:
Clown wrote:Why would anyone call themselved "Pan"? :(

ok clown :?
ok asskicker.
ok emu.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:42 pm
by DaNi
bliz wrote:I've been wondering for a while where these players are, perhaps you might know one thing or the other about them, so let me know!

Geni (Dutch)

But those are just a short list of names, basically I'm wondering about the old players from superoldclans like =TsR=, clan-f!r3, Sc*, [pain], [S4P] and of course .Zen.
Geni is my best friend.. i can get u his msn if u want but he´s not online alot because like kurupt said, he was in israelian army and now he´s still living and working there as an airmarshal.

His younger brother ZeuS or ZeuQ or for very oldschool people Bigboy is actually in libanon atm for the israelian army.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:44 pm
by emu
if hes down there defending that piece of shìt country, hes a retard.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:20 pm
by bliz
DaNi wrote:
Geni is my best friend.. i can get u his msn if u want but he´s not online alot because like kurupt said, he was in israelian army and now he´s still living and working there as an airmarshal.

His younger brother ZeuS or ZeuQ or for very oldschool people Bigboy is actually in libanon atm for the israelian army.
I would like that, I'll ask you about it when I see you on irc then.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:34 pm
by DaNi
im not on irc, cuz im in mexico

and emu, defending ur family and ur history isnt something i would call retarded..

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:28 am
by emu
DaNi wrote:im not on irc, cuz im in mexico

and emu, defending ur family and ur history isnt something i would call retarded..
What history are you talking about ? Given a country which belong to someone else, then afterwards drive a war on them for 40 years ? Some history, I bet Hitler would have been proud of the jews for once.