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Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 2:48 pm
by Winball

Code: Select all

//These radio lines are made for AQ2 v1.52 (TNG 2.71)

//Messages layout by ElNino

//Created by Blue Vex and ElNino

//Last update 15.08.03, 03:45

//Rules for clan players using these radio lines seriously

You must have the Primary reports in your cfg!

All lines below the Primary reports are optional and doesnt need to be in your cfg.

Copy/paste when adding, dont type manually.

Dont change or add any text/cmds.

You can use the lines in scripts as long as you dont change any text/cmds (use copy/paste).

If anything is uncertain or you have questions, ask Blue Vex.

//Primary reports (these four lines are the only ones you must use, the rest is optional)

bind x "say_team [ENEMY] Down (%K);radio enemyd"

bind x "say_team [TEAMMATE] Down;radio teamdown"

bind x "say_team [STATUS] %W, %H%;radio reportin"

bind x "say_team [BANDAGING] %H%;radio cover"

//Number reports

bind x "say_team 1;radio 1"

bind x "say_team 2;radio 2"

bind x "say_team 3;radio 3"

bind x "say_team 4;radio 4"

bind x "say_team 5;radio 5"

bind x "say_team 6;radio 6"

//Player reports

bind x "say_team [RELOADING] %W;radio cover"

bind x "say_team [HELP] Leg damage, %H%;radio im_hit"

bind x "say_team [AMMO] Needed (%W)"

bind x "say_team [AMMO] Dropped;drop ap sniper ammo;drop m4 clip;drop machinegun magazine;drop 12 gauge shells"

bind x "say_team [DEAD];radio teamdown;drop ap sniper ammo;drop m4 clip;drop machinegun magazine;drop 12 gauge shells"

//Situational commands and acknowledgements

bind x "say_team [BACK] STAY;radio back"

bind x "say_team [GO] ENGAGE;radio go"

bind x "say_team [OK] %H%;radio right"

bind x "say_team [NEGATIVE] %H%;radio 9"

bind x "say_team [BOOST] <YOURNAMEHERE>  %T"

//Enemy condition reports

bind x "say_team [ENEMY] Leg damage"

bind x "say_team [HIT] %P (%D)"

//Directional reports

bind x "say_team -UP-;radio up"

bind x "say_team -DOWN-;radio down"

bind x "say_team -LEFT-;radio left"

bind x "say_team -RIGHT-;radio right"

bind x "say_team -BACK-;radio back"

bind x "say_team -FORWARD-;radio forward"

//Typical weapon selection statements

bind x "choose mp5/10 submachinegun;choose kevlar vest;say_team [MP5] [Kevlar]"

bind x "choose mp5/10 submachinegun;choose lasersight;say_team [MP5] [Laser]"

bind x "choose m4 assault rifle;choose kevlar vest;say_team [M4] [Kevlar]"

bind x "choose m4 assault rifle;choose lasersight;say_team [M4] [Laser]"

bind x "choose sniper rifle;choose kevlar vest;say_team [Sniper]"

bind x "choose m3 super 90 assault shotgun;choose kevlar vest;say_team [M3] [Kevlar]"

bind x "choose m3 super 90 assault shotgun;choose stealth slippers;say_team [M3] [Slippers]"

//Script examples:

//Bandage flood protect script

alias bandg1 "bandage;bind A bandg2"

alias bandg2 "bandage;say_team [BANDAGING] %H%;radio cover;bind A bandg1"

bind A "bandg1"

//Reload flood protect script

alias relod1 "reload;bind A relod2"

alias relod2 "reload;bind A relod3"

alias relod3 "reload;bind A relod4"

alias relod4 "reload;bind A relod5"

alias relod5 "reload;bind A relod6"

alias relod6 "reload;bind A relod7"

alias relod7 "reload;bind A relod8"

alias relod8 "reload;bind A relod9"

alias relod9 "reload;bind A relod10"

alias relod10 "reload;say_team [RELOADING] %W;radio cover;bind A relod1"

bind A relod10

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:18 am
by Dyrad
Anyone have the power to read all? , not me =)

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 9:30 am
by Winball
Just made a little bind + funny radio say , and the last ActionCom password.

Code: Select all

// The Ultimat bind - By Winball

bind TAB          "inven;radiogender female;sky black;say :)" 


	bind n "radio 2;radio back;say TOBAKK" 


//Action Communicator 

	bind k "say kill me now!!!" 

Someone think sky black is cheat.Maybe so =p

And instead of useless big sniperscript this is the greatest and easiest one.

Code: Select all

bind r sniper 

alias sniper "weapon;sensitivity 3" 

bind shift "sensitivity 4;lens 1"

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:20 am
by Hawk
bind n "radio 2;radio back;say TOBAKK"

honestly winball... :P

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:04 am
by Jazzie
1: Saying TUPAC would contain lots more of the funny.

2: That thing with radio 2; radio back is like, 3-4 years old?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 8:43 am
by Endy

Code: Select all


//Endy cfg


bind a +moveleft

bind d +moveright

bind w +forward

bind s +back

bind ctrl +movedown

bind space +moveup

bind mouse1 +attack

bind z drop weapon

bind shift +walk

bind r weapon

bind mouse2 reload

bind mouse3 cl_maxfps 150

bind mouse4 cl_maxfps 150

bind mouse5 cl_maxfps 150

bind e opendoor

bind f "bandage;radio im_hit;radio cover;say_team Mother Russia will rise again [%H] $loc_here  ;wave 2"

bind p "bandage;radio im_hit;radio cover;say_team Ok, nu svider det! %H vid $loc_here  ;wave 2"

bind alt "say_team We are a superpower once again [%K];radio enemyd"

bind b "say_team [%P] in [%D]"

sensitivity 3

bind g weapnext

bind c drop item

bind q weapprev

bind f12 screenshotjpeg

bind tab inven

bind x score

bind \ invnext

bind enter invuse

crosshair 4

hand 2

name "red*endy"

cl_maxfps 72

gl_coloredlightmaps 1

vid_gamma 0.3

set m_xp "1"

//typ radiocommands

bind 1		"radio enemys;wave 4;say_team GERMANS SIGHTED!"	// Enemy Spotted

bind 4		"radio enemyd;wave 2;say_team Do for all del, gor det %K"	// Enemy Down

bind 6		"radio im_hit;wave 0"	// I'm Hit!

bind 7		"say_team Hej magskottet, nu dor jag =(;wave 0"

bind .		"radio enemyd;wave 2;say_team Ganska skumt att %K bara dog sader?"	// Enemy Down

bind 5		"radio teamdown;wave 4;say_team Det kallas tvivel :("	// Teammate down

bind 3		"radio treport;wave 1;say_team Lever ni eller maste jag ta alla sjalv?"	// Team, report in

bind 2		"radio reportin;wave 1;say_team I AM WITH U COMRADE [%H]" //Reporting in

bind uparrow 	"radio up;say_team UP!"

bind downarrow 	"radio down;say_team DOWN!"

bind leftarrow "radio left;say_team LEFT!"

bind rightarrow "radio right;say_team Visst visst, whatever..."

bind . "say_team [BOOOOST BOOOOST BOOOOST] <-------------"

bind n "say_team YARD-1/CLIFFEN;radio enemys;wave 4"

bind m "say_team YARD-2/LEDGEN;radio enemys;wave 4"

bind , "say_team PIEREN/GROPEN;radio enemys;wave 4"

bind t messagemode2

bind v "sensitivity 3;cl_maxfps 72;bind r weapon;echo Sensitivity and M4 reset"

then the config tha autoexecs with q2 sets some videomodes and strange videocommands that is autosaved when I change them in the videooptions in the game. I don't put them in my "bindings" cfg like many ppl do to make their cfgs look big and cool :sleep:

And I use 800x600 resolution if anyone cares :)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 1:01 pm
by Winball
Endy wrote:
bind mouse3 cl_maxfps 150

bind mouse4 cl_maxfps 150

bind mouse5 cl_maxfps 150

Okey? :)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 2:52 pm
by Kurupt
Endy wrote:

Code: Select all

bind 1		"radio enemys;wave 4;say_team GERMANS SIGHTED!"	// Enemy Spotted



Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 2:56 pm
by Da^JuaN
Now refuses narf to play you Endy :P

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:22 am
by Endy
LOL! haha, ok first things first... :)

The max fps thing :) I didn't know which of my mousebuttons that were called what, so I bound them all (3,4,5) to that maxfps.. The reason why I use different maxfps is that it's useful in certain situations. I guess most of u know that it's easier to make "long" jumps (like from highest roof on urban to the aq2 sign) with low fps, and like boxjumps and ladderjumps is easier with highfps... :D

However, about the GERMANS SIGHTED :D Most ppl in red* have some funny teambinds like "For Mother Russia", "Still holding Stalingrad" etc. etc... Instead of enemy spotted I used "Germans sighted", guess I had some thought about russian/german disputes during the world wars or something... No offence to germans ;)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:24 am
by emu
rofl endy

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm
by Cerky
Now refuses narf to play you Endy

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:50 pm
by Beavisss
Endy wrote:....

Most ppl in red* have some funny teambinds like "For Mother Russia", "Still holding Stalingrad" etc. etc...


Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:08 am
by Stric
Funny stuff :hop: :lol:

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:59 am
by emu
red is like a communist clan :P for some odd reason we find that shit funny in our little clan or as zonic says "gaming family" :)