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Gah! Logitech MX700 making me mad!

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 11:39 am
by Insomniac
Does anyone have a solid way of getting Quake2 to recognise the shoulder buttons on the MX700 as mouse4 & mouse5?

A week ago I hit one of the shoulder buttons by mistake and noticed it came up mouse5 unbound. Which surprised me as it hadn't worked before.
So I setup my binds around the fact I now had 5 mouse buttons to work with.

2 days ago I bought a new base unit, reinstalled windows and went to play AQ2 again, only now its not recognising mouse4 or 5 anymore!!!

I've tried it with and without logitech mouseware installed.
Anyone got an idea of how I can get it to work? I really don't want to have to assign the shoulder buttons to keys like "F4" or something.

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:01 pm
by n99
I don't know, if this get's solved I'm thinking of getting the mx900 (bluetooth cordless one). Has anyone had any experience with that mouse in respect to games and aq2 in particular? Sorry for the off topic btw.

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:07 pm
by Prote
In Apr Quake 2 there is support for mouse4 & 5 coded in. Don't know actually about other clients like NC. But at least with Apr Quake 2 they work.

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:12 pm
by Clown
It also works in NoCheat, with a Logitech MX510.
Are you using the latest Mouseware drivers?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:25 pm
by Da^JuaN
n99 wrote:I don't know, if this get's solved I'm thinking of getting the mx900 (bluetooth cordless one). Has anyone had any experience with that mouse in respect to games and aq2 in particular? Sorry for the off topic btw.
Im thinking of that one either, inclusive the keyboard. And ive read quite postitive reviews about it on, also some negative points.. from some people, but mainly it was quite positive. Btw, there comes a new mouse even better than the mx900 quite soon. Think im gonna wait for that one, the mx1000

Sorry for this offtopic ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 2:24 pm
by Insomniac
The MX900 got some bad press cos bluetooth is slightly slower than the RF the MX700 uses. Which is why they've gone back to good old RF with the MX1000.

I'm also looking at the MX1000, it uses a laser instead of an LED for the movement scanner. Apparently its so accurate it can be used on a mirror 8)

And as my brothers cheapo mouse has just died a death (well the horizontal tracker bit anyway) I was thinking of giving him my MX700 so I can get the bad boy MX1000 :D Think I saw it for about £50.

Can anyone recommend a good wireless keyboard? In black preferably 8)

As for my nippy mouse4/5 problem. I've not actually tried it with nocheat yet. I've got a huge download in progress and haven't tried joining a server yet. I've just been using my old eraser (?) bot shortcut. It never occured to me that nocheat would have been what enabled mouse4/5???

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:26 pm
by Clown
Do you play AQ2 offline still? :)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:28 am
by indey
All i know about this problem,is that its really WEIRD, some ppl just can use mouse4 and 5 with NC and some people just cant, i really dont have a clue what to do to make those work.
I myself have had to bind mouse4 and 5 with my mx310 to numbers 9 and 0 to make them work in AQ2.

But if someone figures out how to REALLY make them work in AQ2 it would be really nice..

As far as i know, they work with some machines, and with some they just dont.

Unfortunately my machine is one of those where they dont work =/.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 7:11 am
by anesthes1a
I use MX500 and that works fine

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:08 pm
by MrDeath
Logitech Drivers are the fault. Update to a new version from their webby and it will work.

i use old ones becouse i'm used to the sensivity (yes, it changes with the drivers!) and dont need the buttons on my 310.

Edit: and of course you have to bind the commands you want on the mouse-buttons wihin the logitech driver (ie. mouse5 to side button, it may be mixed up by default).

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 2:25 pm
by stan0x

i have the cheepest optical mouse from logitech :shocker:

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:37 am
by indey
I have the newest mouseware, and i have tried to assing the mouse buttons as mouse4 and 5, but it doesnt help.
They wont work in quake if i dont assing them to be for example numbers 9 and 0.
And the main problem here is that then i cant use them as back and forward buttons in windows.

I have win98 and i use nocheat.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:56 am
by grov
I used to have this problem, then i got mad at those mouseware drivers(not because i couldnt use mouse5 and such, because the mouse was ultra fast in games, and it wouldnt stop) and deleted it, then it worked :|

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:48 am
by Insomniac
Well, I ordered the MX1000 yesterday from pixmania. Maybe I'll get lucky and muse4 & 5 will magically start working :?

My brother's getting my MX700, I think he needs it as the cheap wireless mouse he bought as a stopgap is really quite sh*te full stop.
Do you play AQ2 offline still?
No, I copied my brother's Action folder to my Q2 folder and his bots are set insanely hard, spawn-head shot-spawn-head shot-spawn-head shot-spawn-head shot. With broadband AQ2 online has become feasible again, even fun when I'm not constantly getting picked off by snipers.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 1:50 pm
by Da^JuaN
pixmania is pretty expensive for that mouse at least, it costs here in holland via pixmania 79 euro, while i can get it for € 58,82. Dont know if that goes the same for your country, guess not.. since i think you have done some research i suggest ;)