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Interview coming up, you could help.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:22 am
by n99
Bryce, the man behind the NoCheat client, has agreed to do an interview with me for AQ2world. When and where has not been decided yet, but I have only just started preparation. Since this issue is a topic of heavy discussion both here and on the site, I decided to let you join in on the fun. Anything you would want to ask or tell him, you can make suggestions below. Couple of things:

1) I'm not a techy. This means that although you can phrase your question any way you like, you should include a description of your question in layman's terms if you think it is getting too technical.

2) Leave your personal feelings out of it. You do not have to like Bryce, and you can ask very critical questions (not all interviews have to be 'nice'), but please be civil and constructive.

3) Following up on 2), above, if you decide to comment on the questions of others, or you just want to say something without making suggestions, please be civil as well. No need to fuck this up, okay?

Have fun, I'll check this thread every now and then, to see what can and should be implented in the questionaire.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 5:38 am
by Den
Q: Why diddnt you add a proxy that improves connection? (like in some QW clients, forgot what it was called, mayby fuhquake?)

i know its a anti cheat client, but you added some gfx features, so why not this.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:26 am
by Den
Q: What will happen to NoCheat in the future? will the project go to some1 else because u said u dont have time for it anymore?

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:25 am
by n99
Q: You've said you don't want to develop any more features, do you have any objections to using the features from other, open-source clients, like apr?

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:15 pm
by tyldis
Q: NCServer grabs the problems by the root rather than keeping up an arms race. Do you have any further plans or ideas for NCServer?

Q: How critical is it for NoCheat that the .dll/so is kept closed source?

Q: How is life treating you these days, and what are you up to since you lack time to work actively with NoCheat?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:29 am
by imeiz
Q: Atm, only APRQ2 is bareable to play with software. Are you going to fix the bugs with ex. the flood coming, when you see a headgib? And are you going to implement 'skydistance' to software?

i know it's only a few ppl in the scene nowdays, but as i'm one of them, i'd like to see other clients that has fixes for software, not that skydistance, but it's just me hoping to see the whole map on one look :)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:32 am
by Den
software omg :P

It amazes me that ppl still play with sw. the cheapest vidcards support opengl, work and buy 1 :P

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:34 am
by Hazler
Den wrote:software omg :P

It amazes me that ppl still play with sw. the cheapest vidcards support opengl, work and buy 1 :P
imeiz has a laptop and no opengl supported card can be installed on it, or anyone just doesn't know how. :p

On topic:

Q: Do you consider NC as better client than other clients, for example AprQ2? If so, why? If not, what would be the best client there is available?

Q: Have you ever cheated yourself? There are many people who have cheated on their "careers" and after that they have joined to anti-cheating groups and helped developers with their knowledge about cheats.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:21 am
by Haudrauf
Q: About NCServer ... Are you going to improve the NC-Visibility checks since they let players disappear too early and sometimes let player appear too late?

If not: Goodbye and thanks for the fish.
(oh, i'm offensive again)

If yes:
Q: .. ah good. And what about the whole bunch of security fixes that should be done - like network data validation? :)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:41 am
by n99
tyldis wrote:Q: NCServer grabs the problems by the root rather than keeping up an arms race. Do you have any further plans or ideas for NCServer?
Care on to go into that question tyldis, since I don't have the feeling NCServer grabs the problem by it's root.


I'll list some of my own questions down here, tell me what you all think..

Q: How did you come to be involved in the cheat prevention 'business' in the first place?

Q: What can you tell us, if anything, about the involvement of known q2 hackers in this project.

Follow-up Q: Would you consider that involvement invaluable or merely time/effort saving?

Q: In Dutch we have an expression 'dweilen met de kraan open', which translates as 'mopping with the tap running'. Would you agree with me that this is a way to sum up cheat prevention and indeed computer security in general?

Q: The news post on your site is dated back in 2003, and the 2.40 is still in BETA. As activity has obviously come to stand-still, correct me if I'm wrong, would you consider handing over the project to another person or group?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:22 pm
by Clement
Q: Have you heard from JackC regarding Q2united. If yes - what have you worked out, and how do you like the idea?

Q: Has development stalled completely on NoCheat 2.40, or can we expect a stable release within reasonable time?

And n99.. have you decided a date for this thing to go down?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:34 am
by n99
Nope it usually goes like this: I very reluctant to use MSN, I don't like the program. So, rarely I have it on, and then, even more rarely, I see 'Bryce has come online' and I usually don't say anything to him. Half of the time, I'm very busy with other stuff, and the other half of the time.. well, I don't think I really like this guy (I know, that isn't a prerequisite, but still..) Also, whenever I want to force myself to do it anyway, there is something else that comes in between, first with the advent of r1ch's project, then with that new 'universal' client, and I was really hoping to do it after 2.40 left BETA, but I suppose that might never happen, either. About a week ago, I figured I would let it rest until after the competition is over, my hands starts shaking at the amount of work that is going to bring, tbh.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:39 am
by Clement
Uhm ok.. he idles in here from time to time: irc://