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Which maps are you not able to play?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:58 am
by NRGizeR
I was just sitting about checking the r_speeds (r_speeds are, for you non mappers :) the number of triangles that the q2 engine draws on your screen... can be enabled by r_speeds 1 in the console.) on my map for the mapping contest...

I experience somewhat higher r_speeds than I would want... not crazy high, but still... So now I was wondering what kind of maps (and where) you guys experience high FPS drops. I was just wondering how accurate the 5 year old r_speeds tutorials are nowadays...

This only apply to low-end computers in practice as todays mid-range and high-end computer systems can easily handle multiple times the r_speeds that machines could when q2 was first published...



Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:07 am
by Den
i've heard people have problems with Country ?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:07 am
by Kurupt

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:09 am
by peep
Still.. High r_speeds can be a pain for high-end machines.
i.e. nocliping outside of the map and then trying to re-enter it sometimes won't work. I've experienced that on some new maps..

But you're right. r_speeds are not a big problem nowadays, allthough the map is rated as more professional with lower r_speeds.. Or maybe that's just me :scratch:

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:19 am
by Clown
Hmm, certain maps that I know I get FPS drops are urban3. This isn't noticeable, still, it's a drop :)

Especially with gl_shadows 2.


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:56 am
by NRGizeR
peep wrote:Still.. High r_speeds can be a pain for high-end machines.
i.e. nocliping outside of the map and then trying to re-enter it sometimes won't work. I've experienced that on some new maps..

But you're right. r_speeds are not a big problem nowadays, allthough the map is rated as more professional with lower r_speeds.. Or maybe that's just me :scratch:
That is probably caused by an overflow... I get that sometimes when playing on my own server (non-dedicated) or on another windows server... On linux dedicated servers tho, those overflows are very rare.. I think it is caused by too many entities being visible so that the server (or client, what do I know? :) ) can't handle it anymore..

As for lower r_speeds being more professional... of course that is true... if you see the same map, one with 1100 r_speeds and one with 900 from the same point, the lower one was probably made by someone that actually knew what he was doing... :P But since you can't really do that, r_speeds alone can't be a measurement on how good a mapper is imo... :)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:12 am
by Titan
True, I've made some non-finished maps with infact too much detail in small area that the r_speeds become intolerable there.. talking about r_speeds of 2000+.. I've managed to cut r_speeds down rapidly by using less carve tool and try not to make so multi-surfaced objects like trees or some other fancy eyecandy :)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:22 am
by NeoFight
Kurupt wrote:mesto
True totally agree

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:23 am
by NRGizeR
just tried to run thru mesto and country...

mesto is really a mess r_speeds-wise... the r_speeds max out at a little over 2000 on the ledge above the "discoroom" and with the whole map visible it (and thus all players and weapon models) its very understandable that this is not very playable for low-end computers..

country has about 1750 as a max number, when running around the edges of the map, looking inwards... the problem for country, I believe would be that you're mostly doing just that, running around the edges looking inwards, I also noticed that the r_speeds never went far below 1500 when moving around out there, so that would explain why some players would think that it wasn't very playable... still I haven't really heard any complaints about this map before (have I just not been listening?)

The r_speeds that I'm talking about in my map, are at max 1600... but that's just one spot (that I've found) other than that they pretty much stay below 1200... So I guess that I should try to get them down a bit, but it wouldn't exactly make it unplayable if I didn't succeed in doing so...


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:47 am
by Jazzie
I think solidas had some troubles with rooftops.

Or at least he complains alot about it :p

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:24 am
by NRGizeR
rooftops shouldn't have any bigger problems I think... it does have the same problems as mesto I guess in it being quite open... but r_speeds aren't that bad actually, still... I had the overflow problem on my windows server, on the pool rooftop, when testing it. Haven't noticed it on edome tho, although I've played it there a number of times...

Lots of people bitch about rooftops just because they plummet... :P but I guess that would be another topic :)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:31 am
by imeiz
as a software user, i've got some of these :D

seen (doesn't work with software, at all)
sunken3 (some weird bugs)
airport (too much "glass", fps lower than 20"
omd_map1 (it's 90% black, 10% dark grey, and has glass)
huge (no skydistance on SW, and it's just too big so it eats fps :D)
plus some maps, that don't cross my mind atm, large and the ones with a lot of glass :P

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 9:35 am
by alekchi
and mesto

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:37 am
by L4nt0m

@imeiz: the reason seen can't be played in software mode, is because of the sky w_time, somehow it lets q2 shut down.

offcourse, i have framedrop in country, mesto and airport (<- fps of 7 there :? ), but i also lag in desert, because of the distance u can look at (it lags there especially when zoomed-in with sniper)

Allthough it isn't that weird i lag (my comp just sux)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 11:03 am
by Caracol
Mesto, nobeer (the big tree-bush), TJT, airport, some "webs" on maps (like a window with a metal web on in the map PH, when I look thru it). And I remember that pier, when I played in SW, too.
But, at the moment, the biggest problems are in TJT (I think it's for the axion textures).
Hope it helps.
