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Testing the R1Q2 Client

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:57 pm
by n99
Alright, I just started using the R1Q2 client, and I've run into a few problems. First I shall post the relevant code.

Code: Select all

set vid_ref															"r1gl"
set gl_ext_samples											"2xAA"
set gl_ext_multisample									"0"					//turned it off
set gl_ext_generate_mipmap 							"1"
set gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic		"0"					//turned it off
set gl_ext_max_anisotropy								"2"
set gl_colorbits												"0"
set gl_depthbits												"0"
set gl_alphabits												"0"
set gl_stencilbits											"0"
set gl_zfar															"8192"
set gl_noscrap 													"0"
// set vid_forcedrefresh										"85"		//turned it off	

cl_async 																"1"
set cl_maxfps 													"90"
set r_maxfps														"180"

set cl_instantpacket 										"0"  //off for now
set m_directinput 											"1"

bind l 																	"protocolchange"
alias protocolchange 										"pc1"
alias pc1																"set cl_protocol 34; wait; alias protocolchange pc2"
alias pc2																"set cl_protocol 35; wait; alias protocolchange pc1"
set cl_protocol 												"35"

set cl_defertimer 											"3"	
set cl_strafejump_hack 									"1"
Now, here are some of the problems. First of all, the address book, with all favorite servers. This gets loaded at startup, and works fine. After that, if I wish to change servers and goto multiplayer > address books it outputs the servers in the console like normal, but the actual 'buttons' are empty. Typing, IP's - no thanks.

Second of all, is there a way to turn off the use of 32bit textures? I only want to use this renderer for it's settings concerning jumping, not for anything else.

Third. The client seems to download models, which I do not want, it seems to do so even if I tell it not to use conventional commands like allow_download_models 0.

Fourth. Where is the transparent console? Not in there? Same with the gl_coloredlightmaps command, doesn't seem to be working, I hate most q2 lighting - all that orange and purplish lights hurts my sense of aesthetics.

Fifth. There seems to be a lot less contrast between the client models and the map, making them very hard to spot in dark maps, like urban2. This was on BT (an NC server I think), with a gl_modulate setting of 5 and intensity of 2, which is what I have always used on that server.

Sixth. There seems to be a bit of (sound?) lag at the very beginning of a map, I've seen the same with other people who use different clients, but I never had it.

Seventh. I had to severely lower my sens in the beginning, this must have got to do with the r_maxps setting, right?

Eight. Like Apr, this client takes significantly lower to load, I'm on an old rig, a P3 500 with 192 MB of ram and some lousy geforce 2 mx. What can I do to make it initialize faster?

Last but not least, I use several jumpscripts (whether or not they are considered cheats I don't really know, tbh), which change the cl_maxfps setting. Since this is now purely a networking cmd, if I understood it correctly, and r_maxfps the renderer command, has this script become obsolote? Do I need to change every instance of cl_maxfps to r_maxfps, I'm a noob when it comes to this shizzle.

Thanks already,

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:50 pm
by R1CH
Thanks for trying my client, and thanks for the feedback :).

RE: The favorite servers, if you disconnect before going to the address book you should be able to get them again. I will fix this in a future release so you can use the address book whilst still connected.

If you don't want the 32 bit textures etc, don't use R1GL! R1Q2 doesn't break any API compatibility - you can still use vid_ref gl or even vid_ref ncgl. The next release of R1GL also has options to avoid loading the 32 bit textures if you prefer R1GL for the other features.

The in-game model downloading was some experimental code I was playing with at some time. I've disabled it in the next version.

Transparent console isn't implemented in R1GL, I haven't looked at it in too much detail but I believe some EXE change is needed too for it to work which may involve breaking compatibility. There is no option to turn off colored lighting as this could potentially lead to giving a player an advantage over another.

The client models by default have modulate applied twice, something I found makes them look unrealistic. R1GL "fixes" this so they seem much more naturally shaded, however you can turn off this behaviour using gl_r1gl_test in <= 0.1.4 and gl_doublelight_entities in 0.1.5 when it comes out.

The sound lag is most likely caused by the deferring of model loading in order to speed up connects. It shouldn't last more than a couple of seconds at most. If it bothers you, I plan to have an option in the next R1Q2 release to disable this behaviour.

Sensitivity is changed greatly if you use m_directinput as DirectInput handles mouse input completely different to Windows, so sensitivity differences will exist between them. I find m_directinput to be much nicer overall though once you get used to it.

It shouldn't take too long to load - in fact I would hope it is quicker than standard Q2. I'm not sure what you could change to speed up loading times as I've designed it to be as fast as possible.

I personally frown upon cl_maxfps 'cheats' but since a lot of people still use them, you won't need to change anything. Jump scripts work by adjusting the packet rate, not the rendering rate, so the cl_maxfps in your scripts shouldn't need changing. cl_maxfps shouldn't need to be above 33 or so for "normal" use (ie when not exploiting physics bugs :)).

I would recommend turning on cl_instantpacket however as this will decrease latency between your input and a packet when using lower cl_maxfps values.

Thanks for your feedback, it's appreciated!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:10 pm
by n99
Sometimes I think you check every board on a day-to-day basis and 'search' for the terms r1ch, r1q2 and r1gl. Maybe you even wrote software to do that for you :)

No, just kidding, thanks for the speedy reply, I can understand most of what you're saying, except for the gl_r1gl_test thing, to what can I set this variable, 0 or 1?

Too bad about the gl_colorlightmaps, I really like how it looks, and indeed it does give me some advantage. Most people I show it to, however, consider the advantage to miniscule to 'make their q2 even uglier for', whilst for me the main reason is the way it looks. I don't even have it all the way turned off, just at 0.667. Maybe you could include this setting and have a mininum, like 0.5

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:49 pm
by gegoj
I've played with r1q2 client a few times. Although the mouse response was great, the constatnt download model blah blah something spam bugged me too much.
Also, for unknown reasons, I've got kicked from servers using the r1q2 binaries...

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:56 am
by Stric
Kick reason was "***using proxy" But how did that happen? I think If you lower r_maxfps too 150 and cl_maxfps "30" it kicks you. At least it kicked me and Gegoj =) Yea and I like Mouse feeling A LOT in r1q2 (m_directinput )

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:23 am
by Clown
I tried r1q2. I didn't like it. I can't remember why, but I couldn't get it to feel like it did with NoCheat or APRQ2. I'll give it another go when it's more developed though. I know it's a bit wicked of me, but I'm no good at beta testing and giving some actual feedback. My feedback is always just 'good' or 'bad' :(

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:02 am
by R1CH
Uncle- wrote:Kick reason was "***using proxy" But how did that happen? I think If you lower r_maxfps too 150 and cl_maxfps "30" it kicks you. At least it kicked me and Gegoj =) Yea and I like Mouse feeling A LOT in r1q2 (m_directinput )
I'm 99% certain that this is fixed in the latest builds. As you guessed, if you used r_maxfps too low, R1Q2 would skip a frame completely instead of "not doing anything". In the "not doing anything" code this involved sending updated userinfo, which caused the q2admin ratbot check to break. b1900+ shouldn't have this problem, if you do run across it, please let me know which server and what your fps settings are.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:01 am
by n99
There is one more feature NC has that R1Q2 doesn't, and neither does APR: when u type in, say the letter c in NC, then hit TAB, it automatically completes the command (using the most used command with that letter, or letters, in this case, connect). Apr and R1Q2 just give u a list of all the possible commands, which is really annoying, since I have to scroll about 3-4 screens up so I can re-read the ip addres and type it blindly. Can u incorporate this feature maybe, or at least allow that 'command-spam' thing to be turned off?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:33 pm
by Clown
It gives you a list because thats all the commands that start with 'c'. I like it like that. How does r1q2 predict what command you want?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:25 pm
by imeiz
pressing tab executes a basic list/ls command, like it should, imo :)

type co + tab and you get connect ;p

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:24 am
by n99
Clown wrote:It gives you a list because thats all the commands that start with 'c'. I like it like that. How does r1q2 predict what command you want?
I don't like it, since I'm completely used to NC picking the most-used command. At least let me turn it off. It sucks to have my screen filled with 4 pages of command starting with a 'c' when I was just to lazy to type out 'connect'.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:50 am
by Nozaki
i dont like the way it is in NC... cuz it NEVER takes the command that i want :\

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:21 am
by Maniac-
I don't like it, since I'm completely used to NC picking the most-used command. At least let me turn it off. It sucks to have my screen filled with 4 pages of command starting with a 'c' when I was just to lazy to type out 'connect'.
Its not most-used command, its the first one which match your typed text.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:08 am
by n99

Look buddy, there are commands starting with a 'c' before connect, condump and cmd come to mind.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:27 am
by R1CH
It depends on the order they are registered by the engine. The commands added last get autocompleted first. The commands are registered condump -> cmd -> connect, thus connect autocompletes first. This doesn't appear to be by design, just coincidence.