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Recreated Blue Vex's Passion Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:20 pm
by Blue Vex
I got alot of replies in my first thread about this, and I've altered my changelist accordingly based on what people suggested and what I believe should be done myself. First thread can be found here:

* MP5/10 Submachinegun
-Reduce the MP5's spread from 250 to 230.

Play a cw today, and you'll see mostly everyone with M4 as their spray weapon. I play tested this change with a friend, and it's so minimal I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't know it was there.

MP5 in auto, crouching:
250 * .65 = 162,5 spread (current)
230 * .65 = 149,5 spread (suggested)

M4 in auto, crouching:
300 * .65 = 195 spread

MP5 in auto, running with lasersight:
250 * 1 = 250 spread (current)
230 * 1 = 230 spread (suggested)

M4 in auto, running with lasersight:
300 * 1 = 300 spread

Read all about weapon spreads here:

* M3 Super90 Assault Shotgun
-Let players use the M3's mounted flashlight by typing 'flashlight'.

Have you ever taken a close look at the M3 model? There's a flashlight mounted on it. I want to use it when I enter the dark house in cloud.
-Reduce the M3 spread.
I feel the M3 needs a boost over distance. As it is right now, you have to run away each time you face someone just a small distance away.
The spread is very random and you can have alot of unlucky shots even small distances away.
Screenshots of this happening: ... -33-37.jpg ... -33-38.jpg ... -33-39.jpg ... -33-40.jpg ... -33-41.jpg ... -33-42.jpg ... -08-33.jpg

* Handcannon
-When you switch between shooting either one or two barrels at the time, there shouldn't be a "click" sound (like there is in AQ2TNG).

Obviously this "click" will make an enemy aware of you. And as you probably know, an effective playstyle with the Handcannon is a stealthy playstyle. Besides, a real shotgun has two triggers, not a button that can be flicked for either single- our double-barrel action.

* Akimbo Pistols
-Silencer works with Akimbo Pistols, and each Pistol gets a Silencer. Lasersight won't work with Akimbo Pistols.

Running and jumping around with Akimbo Pistols + Lasersight is going to be too powerfull. It will make it useless to go with a single Pistol whenever you can go Akimbo Pistols.

* Stealth Slippers
-When a player is wearing Slippers, he will switch between his weapons instantly (simular to the Quick-draw Holster in Action Half-Life). This also removes the Pistol, MP5 and M4's cocking sound.
-Players wearing Stealth Slippers wont emit any sounds when reloading their weapons (though the player who's reloading should still hear it himself, just to prevent confusion).

Stealth Slippers rule! Everyone should be listening to step sounds these days. Thing is, when you for example want to reload 7 shells into your M3, you're practically making an alternate step sound that people can listen to.
And face it. Whenever you're spottet, your slippers are useless.

* Bandolier
-Let players with a Bandolier choose two unique weapons to spawn with. This feature, accompanied with a grenade and IR vision, will make the Bandolier fairly usefull.
-Improve IR vision so enemy players turn bright red and friendly players turn bright green. Todays IR vision makes some skins look almost the same. It also make the skins look darker than they originaly are.

Screenshot of the problem: ... -37-45.jpg
-Introduce a self made weapon priority list, so that if you have two weapons on your "back" and you press your 'use special' button, the weapon that has the highest priority will come up in your hands. As it is now, there is a default weapon priority list. And if you dont know it, you will have no idea wether it's your Shotgun or Sniper Rifle that shows up in your hands when you press your 'use special' button.
The current weapon priority list is MP5 -> M4 -> M3 -> HC -> Sniper. From the highest too the lowest.
A sprayers' priority list would for example be M4 -> MP5 -> Sniper -> M3 -> HC.
While a snipers' priority list could be Sniper -> MP5 -> M4 -> M3 -> HC.
My list would probably be M4 -> Sniper -> MP5 -> M3 -> HC.

* Silencer
-A players' skin when using Silencer should become alot darker so spotting them becomes harder (they won't become darker if their weapon can't be equipped with the Silencer).

People come up to me and say "Blue Vex, in the good old days gl_modulate 1 was default, and the Silencer was more usefull". Personally I prefer playing with gl_modulate 3, but that ruins the Silencer. Today we also play with very bright skins, and these skins are visible mostly everywhere. With this change to the Silencer I'm trying to bring back that old advantage while still maintaining the good feeling of playing with gl_modulate 3.
Screenshot of todays problem: ... -43-29.jpg
-Increase the MK23 Pistol and the MP5's accuracy when used with a Silencer (i.e. same accuracy when running as you would have if you were walking, and same accuracy when walking as you would have if you were standing still). This feature will also effect Akimbo Pistols if my suggestion about them working with the Silencer is taken into consideration.
If you walk around with MP5+Silencer, your accuracy would be the same as if you were running with a Lasersight.
Perhaps your bullets don't tell the enemy where you are, but your footsteps does. This change will reward you for sacrificing your speed just to be able to use the Silencer efficiently. It will also slightly reduce the spread loss you get when you shift between crouching and standing in a fight to prevent beeing stationary.

* Gameplay
-Fix a rare bug where a fresh Sniper Rifle will come with 5 rounds instead of 6.

-Fix a bug that occurs when reloading the Sniper Rifle and the M3 in a specific way.

Demo's of this happening:

-Fix the bug where you're able to drop two weapons if you drop your weapon the moment you die.
Demo of this happening:

-Fix the bug where you're able to drop your knife as an observer when you enter a server.
Demo of this happening:

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:39 pm
by Blue Vex
Received alot of feedback in the first thread. I was told several times that changing the game too much would be devastating. I've now tried to reduce the changes alot, especially those hardcore changes. I began doing it in my first thread, but then I decided to make a new thread instead. Posting the suggestion list here on the forum, serves as a place for me to keep it along with getting some feedback.

I removed the suggestion about increasing the rate of fire on the MP5. This was mainly to reduce the amount of changes in the list. The spread change is still there, but like it says, you won't notice it if I don't tell you about it.

As I expected, my alternate fire mode suggestion for the M3 was loved by some and hated by others. It was a hardcore change, and those are hard to like. :) The M3 needs some improvement though, so I removed the old and added a new suggestion which should be easier to love. The problem with the M3 is the randomness of its spread. Its few pellets spread out to much.

Span has made a couple of changes to the game already. Akimbo Pistols works with the Silencer, and the M3 can now activate its mounted flashlight. Everyone who has been to my server and tried this for themselves have said "wow". If you want to, contact me on IRC and I can let you try it out for yourself. I'm 99% sure you will like it. :)

I still don't see any arguments for why the Bandolier should become too powerfull if you are allowed to spawn with two unique weapons. Taking advantage of both weapons during a round + the Grenade + the extra ammo, takes ALOT of time. It will most likely be too much. You also have to survive without a Kevlar Vest and crouch to hit with spray weapons.

Removed the suggestion about making the Silencer increase the damage of the Sniper Rifle and decrease the damage of the MP5/Pistol. It was one of those hard to love hardcore changes. And after seeing how good it is to have your skin become darker, the damage increase just had to go. :) Reducing the power of the MP5 and Pistol made them way too weak. The accuracy increase is still in there. It is not too good, and very nice actually.

Removed everything about the Kevlar Helmet aswell. I don't want to change so much in the game. I also removed alot of the gameplay suggestions. As ever, changing too much can be devastating. What's left is some simple bug fixes. If you know any more bugs, please post them. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:21 am
by Clown
I've deleted some post's here. No chatter, just direct discussion about this topic please, as requested on IRC by BV.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:40 am
by Span
huhu, I found the installation cd for again. So I'll install it sometime next week and start do some more coding. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:42 pm
by Gen
if silencer decrease the spread, makes it usefull, decrease spread and damage

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:15 pm
by kaaos
Just make the silencer silent.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:21 pm
by Late
If these changes come true (not the bug fixes) it prolly will divide aq2 players into different groups. Playing with these, not playing and the ones who don't care.. Imo its rather bad thing.
But as for the changes I wouldn't prolly use any other than m4 vest.. As some people wouldn't use vest, m4 would kill everyone easily. And I don't really see the problem in m3. Not all weapons should be effective everywhere.
Ofcourse people will liked it first, but we will see if it lasts and if these are even made. Just to clarify, Im neither againts or agreeing :|

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:36 pm
by n99
About that weapon priority list thingy BV, I think the gain is too minimal since it's really easy to do with normal aliases..

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:17 am
by emu
go make ur one god damn mod :| leave aq2 alone.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:49 pm
by gegoj
Blue Vex wrote:Removed everything about the Kevlar Helmet aswell. I don't want to change so much in the game.
It would be nice at least to survive a head and a chest hit by m4... I don't consider it no where near as radical as some other changes.
emu wrote:go make ur one god damn mod :| leave aq2 alone.
It's a mod for a mod. Nobody's disturbing Your aq2, as I don't think anybody is trying to set new standards here.

Re: Recreated Blue Vex's Passion Thread

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 12:22 pm
by Gen
Blue Vex wrote: * Silencer
-A players' skin when using Silencer should become alot darker so spotting them becomes harder (they won't become darker if their weapon can't be equipped with the Silencer).

People come up to me and say "Blue Vex, in the good old days gl_modulate 1 was default, and the Silencer was more usefull". Personally I prefer playing with gl_modulate 3, but that ruins the Silencer. Today we also play with very bright skins, and these skins are visible mostly everywhere. With this change to the Silencer I'm trying to bring back that old advantage while still maintaining the good feeling of playing with gl_modulate 3.
Screenshot of todays problem: ... -43-29.jpg
Blue Vex wrote: -Increase the MK23 Pistol and the MP5's accuracy when used with a Silencer (i.e. same accuracy when running as you would have if you were walking, and same accuracy when walking as you would have if you were standing still). This feature will also effect Akimbo Pistols if my suggestion about them working with the Silencer is taken into consideration.
If you walk around with MP5+Silencer, your accuracy would be the same as if you were running with a Lasersight.
:D plz decrease the damage with silencer, like in the real world.

my sugestions
-add secondary mode for akimbo, if you press the key 1 time, one gun shot, if you press it again, then the other gun shot.

-add cvars sens1, sens2, sens4, sens6, and associate it with lens, if you change the lens then aq2 change the sensitivity, is a good way to delete all sniper scripts, and no more reset of sensitivity if you drop your sniper with 2x for example.

Re: Recreated Blue Vex's Passion Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:00 pm
by emperphis
Blue Vex wrote:* M3 Super90 Assault Shotgun
-Let players use the M3's mounted flashlight by typing 'flashlight'.

Have you ever taken a close look at the M3 model? There's a flashlight mounted on it. I want to use it when I enter the dark house in cloud.
in my opinion and for this example as well it would seem a lot better a "grenade launcher" within the shotgun.. the model itself has (besides the flashlight) two barrels vertically, from a model point of view the lower barrel could be the grenade launcher.. and in that case of the dark house in cloud, imagine shooting a grenade inside the house... in my opinion a lot better than exposing yourself in the house, mounted with a flashlight for the enemy to see.
Blue Vex wrote:* Handcannon
-When you switch between shooting either one or two barrels at the time, there shouldn't be a "click" sound (like there is in AQ2TNG).

Obviously this "click" will make an enemy aware of you. And as you probably know, an effective playstyle with the Handcannon is a stealthy playstyle. Besides, a real shotgun has two triggers, not a button that can be flicked for either single- our double-barrel action.

* Stealth Slippers
-When a player is wearing Slippers, he will switch between his weapons instantly (simular to the Quick-draw Holster in Action Half-Life). This also removes the Pistol, MP5 and M4's cocking sound.
-Players wearing Stealth Slippers wont emit any sounds when reloading their weapons (though the player who's reloading should still hear it himself, just to prevent confusion).

Stealth Slippers rule! Everyone should be listening to step sounds these days. Thing is, when you for example want to reload 7 shells into your M3, you're practically making an alternate step sound that people can listen to.
And face it. Whenever you're spottet, your slippers are useless.
The click for the HC mode change is neither essencial nor futile... well i can say that it's a plus since a player isn't always looking to the messages and by accident he changes it. The sound is the second sense for the change. After all it's the same sound as for the mp5/m4 auto-3burst change.. if you wanna silent it, please do so with the use of the slippers, it will balance a bit more the use of the slippers+HC.


remove the akimbo pistols from the weapon choice menu... what's the use of it, p.e. on a cw? as for the 2nd weapon pickup, akimbo is very good, but as a solo weapon, futile i guess;

make the kev helmet together with the slippers, the slippers themselfs aren't enought as a item itself not mentioning the helmet...

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:42 pm
by Gen
modify TNG flashlight, irvision (and add irvision for sniper scope) and grenade, like ltktbm flashlight, irvision and grenade

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 6:57 am
by n99
Irvision should make teammates green and enemies red.

Then it wouldn't be 'useless' anymore with the CTF skins...

Edit: And grenadelaunchers are for suckers.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:02 am
by emu
the red color suck :| make them white or something so you see them ;|