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Any way to make the sniper only go 2x?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:25 pm
I'd like to set up my sniper to just do 2x, then when I hit weapon again go back to 1x. Anyone have a script or an easy way to do this? thanks..

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:35 pm
by Caracol

Code: Select all

//Sniper Lens
alias sniper "weapon;sensitivity 3;echo [2x]:sens [3];bind e 1xz"
alias 1xz "lens 1;sensitivity 5.5;echo [1x];bind e sniper"
bind e sniper

bind ctrl weapon
bind v "sensitivity 5; bind e sniper;echo [RESET]"
Works only in TNG servers.


Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:50 am
by imeiz
or, instead of "lens 1" you can put "weapon;weapon;weapon", so it'll work on nontng too(ltk and j^mod etc) :)

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:50 am
by Qalaxy
I use this kinda "script" and it works for me.

Code: Select all

bind mouse2 "sensitivity 4;lens 1; gotcha"
alias gotcha gotcha1
alias gotcha1 "sensitivity 1.5;lens 2; alias gotcha gotcha2"
alias gotcha2 "sensitivity 4;lens 1; alias gotcha gotcha1"

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 5:39 am
by grover
you could also use this:

Code: Select all

alias sniper 		"s-01"

alias s-01		"set sensitivity 3.25; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.25] sens; bind r 1x" 
alias s-02		"set sensitivity 3.6; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.6] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-03		"set sensitivity 3.8; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.8] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-04		"set sensitivity 4.0; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.0] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-05		"set sensitivity 4.2; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.2] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-06		"set sensitivity 4.4; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.4] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-07		"set sensitivity 4.6; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.6] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-08		"set sensitivity 4.8; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [4.8] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-09		"set sensitivity 5.0; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [5.0] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-10		"set sensitivity 5.2; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [5.2] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-11		"set sensitivity 5.4; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [5.4] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-12		"set sensitivity 3.3; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.3] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-13		"set sensitivity 3.2; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.2] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-14		"set sensitivity 3.1; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.1] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-15		"set sensitivity 3.0; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [3.0] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-16		"set sensitivity 2.9; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.9] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-17		"set sensitivity 2.8; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.8] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-18		"set sensitivity 2.7; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.7] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-19		"set sensitivity 2.6; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.6] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-20		"set sensitivity 2.5; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.5] sens; bind r 1x"
alias s-21		"set sensitivity 2.4; weapon; wait; echo 2x - sniper [2.4] sens; bind r 1x"

alias 1x 		"x-01"

alias x-01		"set sensitivity 4.35; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.35] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-02		"set sensitivity 4.6; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.6] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-03		"set sensitivity 4.8; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.8] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-04		"set sensitivity 5.0; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.0] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-05		"set sensitivity 5.2; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.2] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-06		"set sensitivity 5.4; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.4] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-07		"set sensitivity 5.6; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.6] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-08		"set sensitivity 5.8; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [5.8] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-09		"set sensitivity 6.0; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [6.0] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-10		"set sensitivity 6.2; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [6.2] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-11		"set sensitivity 6.4; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [6.4] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-12		"set sensitivity 4.3; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.3] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-13		"set sensitivity 4.2; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.2] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-14		"set sensitivity 4.1; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.1] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-15		"set sensitivity 4.0; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [4.0] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-16		"set sensitivity 3.9; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.9] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-17		"set sensitivity 3.8; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.8] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-18		"set sensitivity 3.7; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.7] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-19		"set sensitivity 3.6; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.6] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-20		"set sensitivity 3.5; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.5] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 
alias x-21		"set sensitivity 3.4; lens 1; wait; echo 1x - normal [3.4] sensitivity; bind r sniper" 

bind r 			"sniper"

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 8:14 am
by Clown
That's scary. I have one sensitivity throughout the game, and I very rarely use more than 2x for sniper. I just have a 4 buttons bound that affects my sniper.

bind x weapon
bind x lens in
bind x lens out
bind x reload

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:01 pm
by .UncycleD
And how does that script work grover? I can't understand what it does, and why it would be useful.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:05 pm
by Blue Vex
It lets you adjust your sensitivity in AQ2, and at the same time it adjusts the sniper script sensitivity accordingly.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:16 pm
by IBA
useless imo

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:43 pm
by Stric

Code: Select all

alias L0 "lens 1;sensitivity 9;bind mouse2 L2;echo LENS OUT [9]"
alias L2 "lens 2;sensitivity 4;bind mouse2 L0;echo LENS 2x [2x Zoom]"
bind mouse2 "L2"
My script 8)

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 8:17 pm
by n99
that script is mine.
I used it alot when I played on other pc's alot, bringing my cfg..
Since u never know how the OS sens and the mouse there is gonna affect things... if u only play at home, it IS useless.

edit: and it's not even complete, the adjustment binds are missing I guess. If u see a need to use this, contact me.. It was a bitch to write and I don't even use it anymore.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:50 pm
by .UncycleD
You feel the difference between 3.25 and 3.2???
I keep changing my sensitivity from time to time as well, but I usually go by even numbers. Often as much as (+/-) 2-3

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:23 am
by gegoj
Why not adjust m_pitch and m_yaw instead?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:52 am
by plumking
This is made by lastwiking. It demands alot of senreset in other binds, but it works.

bind ctrl sniperT
alias sniperT sniperT1
alias sniperT1 "lens 2x;sensitivity 3.5;alias sniperT sniperT2"
alias sniperT2 "lens 1x;sensitivity 5.0;alias sniperT sniperT1"

alias sensreset "alias sniperT sniperT1;sensitivity 5"