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The chapter that Guinness forgot

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:51 pm
by angra
Hi, i think it would be fun to gather the world records of AQ2, stuff like:

Longest winningstreak: 127 victories ['sC ]

Longest streak without losing: 218 battles. [sC' ]

Longest losingstreak: 45 [Questionmark ]

Most kills by a single player in a 4on4 cw, 1 map, 20 min: [/b] furuli <AiD> vs [oHm]? 67 kills [ ]

Most kills by a single player in a 3on3 cw, 1 map, 20 min: Chief 'sC vs [IR] 77 kills [ ]

Most kills by a single player in a 4on4, cw 2 maps, 2 x 20 min: Aln'sC 129 [ ]

Most damge by a single player in a cw 4on4, 1 map, 20 min: furuli <AiD> vs [oHm]? 19827 dmg [ ]

Least rounds in a 4on4 cw 2 x 20 min: ANQ vs wa 10-2 [ ]

"The campers" price goes to: chakal and pauhi camped for one 12 minutes on urban2, witch make it the longest round in aq2 history. [no demo]

Largest loss/win in a 4on4 cw 2 x 20 min: Date: 14.01.00 [balle] vs Clan dark 10-80 [no ss], Date: xx.xx.xx AFH^ vs VrP 4-74 [no ss], Date: xx.xx.xx [DT80] vs [SoV] 4-86 [no ss]

Biggest flawless win: Date: xx.08.04 sC' vs [MOK] 77-0 [ ] [ ]

Fastest excellent in a cw 4on4: 2 min 25 sec: Alien 'sC vs SxL Airport, Date:17.01.2005 [ ]

Most excellents in a 4on4 cw 20 min: Commu 4x [ ]

Best winning % (100 cw and up) 'sC 93.2% [ ]

Most final places in tournaments / cups (clan): Apprime? [ ... 97e3f73ce8 ]

Most cw's played by a clan (total): CI5 2557 (still going on) [ ]

Oldest still active clan: Founded 28.8.98 [RK] #clanrk [ ]

If you have any more records feel free to add.
Of course we need to se some screenshots or demos.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:18 pm
by sanity
Questionmark -
Longest losing streak: 045
or is there a longer one ? :D

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:45 pm
by Da^JuaN
Sounds cool, but you can remove 'longest round' since theres a roundtimelimit of 3 in almost every cw script or on almost every server ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:51 pm
by minchiano
A new one to add perhaps?

Biggest loss in a 4on4 cw 2 x 20 min: ?

Clan [balle] cw:

Date: 001010
Fi: Clan @fro
Score: 9-40

I reckon someone will beat that but... bump!

Edit: I'm blind...! Here's an even bigger loose.

Clan [balle] cw:

Date: 000114
Fi: Clan dark (-D- is it? Can't remember.....)
Score: 10-80

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:55 pm
by sajh
i remember losing with 74-4 or something.. -70 vs VrP back in ye olde days when i played at a modem

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:19 pm
by Span
I guess this hardly qualifies as a world record of any sorts, but I guess it might be worth mentioning:

For an Aq2 clan having QuakeNets largest single clan channel at that time, regardless of game/mod. (And also at a point when Quake 2 was already an outdated game)

Not a world record, but interesting at least. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:23 pm
by Samislide

Im sure someone has made more damage, but for now..

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:30 pm
by MarlPoro
That shortest round is pretty useless, cause it happens quite often that the whole other team gets assfuk'd with first shots in a round when action is shouted. :p Plumms are hard to prove, I think nobody keeps eye on how many times they plum in a map :p Is that longest playing streak like max. per day, or longest streak without having a day off?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:09 pm
by Blue Vex
This is the best I can give you, soz. :)
Had to get it from a friend who had made it for his desktop background. I gave him the original long ago, but either of us has it anymore. :(
I can recall it was from a 4on4 cw against a swedish clan. Probably oHm, since we played them alot when I was in AiD.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:17 am
by JezeT
Shadow Crusaders has 12 matches in one day (7.1.2005)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:20 am
by Samislide
I've made an Excellent 2.40min after the start in a clanwar.. Maybe thats a world record :(

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:25 am
by JezeT
Devirus wrote:I've made an Excellent 2.40min after the start in a clanwar.. Maybe thats a world record :(
You need a demo or a screenshot. Remember? Or i won't believe you :(

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:26 am
by Samislide
Yea, I'll cut it and upload later. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:45 am
by Diivil
77-0 and this cw even had urban3 as first map :] Biggest flawless win?

Least rounds... I remember some act2 ending 2-1 between few quite good clans at the time in ~99?

But almost 20k damage.. That's really something. I have seen ppl play with aimbot and not get more than 16k (5v5 airport, ... 7cc21fd58f).

Most excellents.. I heard Commu got 4 or 5 in a row. Not sure though and don't know if it was 4v4.

Most frags in 3v3 cw if it counts: ... frags).dm2

Would have got well over 77, if Late had helped me from the start :]

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:00 am
by Jazzie
you could also try on sniperheadshot-percentage (over 50 shots) or other accuracy things.

or for example most fired shots with various weapons.