End of the road - <CARE>
Moderator: Moderators
End of the road - <CARE>
I am sad to announce that the clan you have all looked up to has faced its largest challange yet. One that we could not beat. The legendary players that formed this great clan wanted to feel how it felt to lose a game again. Hence they decided to leave the clearly dominant clan CARE. The players you thought to be undefeatable are now to be found in various low/midskilled clans, trying their very best to raise the standard of the average clans in the aq2scene. You might be angry or sad to see us going down, but please try to keep it in mind that we are doing it for the good of the scene!
Hall of fame
Solidas - The legendary mp5-player, probably the best player ever
Devirus - The one and only clanjumper
Endy - Best m4-player in scandinavia
aka - Best allround-player every, also a very nice and polite player.
ZarDoX - My best friend ever
sCrewFace - our last-minute recruit, we let him snipe sometimes
Hall of fame
Solidas - The legendary mp5-player, probably the best player ever
Devirus - The one and only clanjumper
Endy - Best m4-player in scandinavia
aka - Best allround-player every, also a very nice and polite player.
ZarDoX - My best friend ever
sCrewFace - our last-minute recruit, we let him snipe sometimes
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
]iRk[, [B-K], [BLAP], [zP], [cl0wn], [Fp], AFH^, 7th-. [VsR]^, <AIDS>, iN, (c), .c0w., [CIA], <AiD>, [j], > Wo >, Ava', <CARE>, HB^. -kfl, [GT], ^h^, [PAP], [sbc], [oHm], Atm., -c4^, :VsR:, <xRaw>
[GT], [HO], AFH^, [WnB], [SiS], [SiB], [eRRoR], [TyPE], ^[RR], =A], [CaP], [M.I], [zP], ^h^, [UA], [WD], [CS], SP-, [ABCW] ,AIDS, -kfl, 'pudding, Light, [H], 'Fc, [ABS], ][oSoK, Fec^, [oHm], {UNi}, ^cSu, [s], Atm., xRaw, hU., w/, #viagra /, Ava', CARE, pS
Victory for Solidas.
[GT], [HO], AFH^, [WnB], [SiS], [SiB], [eRRoR], [TyPE], ^[RR], =A], [CaP], [M.I], [zP], ^h^, [UA], [WD], [CS], SP-, [ABCW] ,AIDS, -kfl, 'pudding, Light, [H], 'Fc, [ABS], ][oSoK, Fec^, [oHm], {UNi}, ^cSu, [s], Atm., xRaw, hU., w/, #viagra /, Ava', CARE, pS
Victory for Solidas.