CTF - Capture The Flag!
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:43 am
Lately we've been playing some AQ2 CTF cw's with RiidanKylväjät, mut it seems that _many_ people don't even know what it is!
For example, scenario like this occurred couple of times:
[pauhi1]: 3on3 ctf?
[@lucky_star]: vs rk?
[pauhi1]: jep
[@lucky_star]: ctf?
[pauhi1]: capture the flag
[@lucky_star]: no aq2
[@lucky_star]: shal we play aq2?
and few times we actually managed to get opponent to the server, and they were like "WTF? What are these flags? We need to change server BLABLABLA*insert norwegian / swedish text here*".
CTF aka Capture The Flag is funny AQ2-"Mod" where 2 teams try to steal each others flag and take it to their base, you can kill the flag carrier and return your own flag to your base if he has it. When you steal another teams flag, you'll have to carry it to your own base, and your flag has to be in place. Each map is played 2x 10 minutes (both teams play red and blue because the flag spawns aren't always that fair).
You can put CTF on at clanservers with these few commands:
rcon matchmode 0
rcon ctf 1
rcon urban2 (for example, best ctf map imo;)
+ I also suggest you put roundtimelimit off.
So I'd like to know what do people think about CTF? I think it's great alternation for normal teamplay sometimes.
http://tuoppi.laatikko.org/flags/ <- List of maps with flags atm (hifi and imeiz have set up flags into several other maps too, I wish I could remember which ones :D
I'll ask imeiz to post them here.
My sleepy thoughts :)
For example, scenario like this occurred couple of times:
[pauhi1]: 3on3 ctf?
[@lucky_star]: vs rk?
[pauhi1]: jep
[@lucky_star]: ctf?
[pauhi1]: capture the flag
[@lucky_star]: no aq2
[@lucky_star]: shal we play aq2?
and few times we actually managed to get opponent to the server, and they were like "WTF? What are these flags? We need to change server BLABLABLA*insert norwegian / swedish text here*".
CTF aka Capture The Flag is funny AQ2-"Mod" where 2 teams try to steal each others flag and take it to their base, you can kill the flag carrier and return your own flag to your base if he has it. When you steal another teams flag, you'll have to carry it to your own base, and your flag has to be in place. Each map is played 2x 10 minutes (both teams play red and blue because the flag spawns aren't always that fair).
You can put CTF on at clanservers with these few commands:
rcon matchmode 0
rcon ctf 1
rcon urban2 (for example, best ctf map imo;)
+ I also suggest you put roundtimelimit off.
So I'd like to know what do people think about CTF? I think it's great alternation for normal teamplay sometimes.
http://tuoppi.laatikko.org/flags/ <- List of maps with flags atm (hifi and imeiz have set up flags into several other maps too, I wish I could remember which ones :D
I'll ask imeiz to post them here.
My sleepy thoughts :)