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Favourite Games

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:10 pm
by fuct
i wanna know what ur favourite all time games are...these can be any type of games on any console from any time period :) (dont include aq2..we all know thats number 1 :))

heres mine at the moment :)

1. Deus Ex - this kept me up for about 2 weeks tryin to complete it :)
2. Enemy Territory: True Combat - absolutely addicted to this at the moment some very good servers around too
3. Championship Manager - just a great game for footie fans
4. Pro Evolution Soccer 3 - Many nights sittin round the ps2 with my mates :)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:27 am
by arild
GTA San Andreas is for sure the best single player game I have ever played!

The assignments are pretty medium and reminds me alot of vice city and the quality of the missions there... But after the 2nd city when you are doing the missions between San Fierro and Las Venturas rules! And so does almost all Venturas missions.

Otherwise I find q3ctf fun


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:35 am
by bliz
1) Football Manager 2005
Same as Championship Manager, but slightly better.
2) Civilization III
One of the most interesting empire-building games ever.
3) GTA San Andreas
Gangstaaaaaa Gangstaaaaaaarrrrrrr!
4)Super Mario Series
Need I say more..
5) One Must Fall: 2097
I really spent a lot of time playing this as a kid.. ><

I guess that about covers up the games I played more than just 'alot'.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:58 am
by Den
deus ex is ace!

Beyond good & evil and metal gear solid series!

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:03 am
by Clown
Final Fantasy 7 - this game was revolutionary, and I was addicted.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:44 am
by condome
Project Gotham Racing2; SW:KOTOR; MAFIA; Golden Eye 007 (N64)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:53 am
by gegoj
1. Grim Fandango
The best. Ever. ..
2. Monkey island(s)
3, 2, 1 & 4.
3. Civilization
2nd Civ was the first PC game I've played.
4. Black Isle RPGs

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:57 am
by Flunx
All the games that's been mentioned are all great games.

I will try to make this list short as I am sure I will forget some of my many favorite games:

- Shadowrun (This game is probably my all time favorite - The SNES version)

- Zelda games (OOT being the best)

- Mario games (That includes Mario Kart, Mario Party and so on...)

- Megaman games (Megaman 2 rulz)

- Metriod games (Prime = best)

- Perfect Dark + Goldeneye (Worthy oponents to AQ2 when it comes to multiplayer)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:04 am
by Den
condome wrote:Project Gotham Racing2
Thats such a crappy race game, there are better!

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:18 am
by fuct
GTA 1 - this was so good nobody cared about the gfx

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:18 am
by Hazer
Wonder Boy III , Zelda 2, War Wind

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:03 pm
by Caracol
Hard to remember... buuuut...

ToME was and is a great one. Though I usually take brakes of months. Finding everytime new updates and amusement.

Liero would be another all-timer. It's not as if I play it often and so; but now or then I pick it up and start to play it again.

From Snes I can remember the Rock and Roll Racing and some shoot-'em-ups that are great.

For multiplayer AvP is a typical in my 2-men-LAN's with a friend. And cooperative Serious Sam Second Encounter became also a must.

Majesty also comes now and then to my hands and I play it till I come to the ultra-difficult missions, which usually make me delete it for some months.

Jedi Knight II: Outcast was a great game. But I don't really know if I could play it all over again. But, hell, was it good.

Although I usually prefer to watch the games. Look my friends playing them and "helping" from the outside... or just having a drink/smoke/snack while he/she has fun with the game. Doom 3 was funny in that way, Half Life 2... also some other X-Box/PS2 games I really enjoyed watching them. Same with GTA San Andreas and some others new games.
I just like to observe, an overwhelming joy.


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:08 pm
by Tactics
Flunx wrote:
- Shadowrun (This game is probably my all time favorite - The SNES version)
OMG :hop:

Someone else has actually had the opportunity to enjoy this masterpiece :D
Shadowrun r0x :bday:

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:14 pm
by Flunx
I think I love you Tactics :D

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:16 pm
by Royal^
SNES RPGs are the best ever, including Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 3, Secret of Evermore, Lufia 1 and 2, + many more great ones.

Action Quake 2, this is an all-timer :D.

Black Isle RPGs as someone mentioned before, BG1, BG2 were great experiences to complete, i actually never played it single player but completed both with my brother in LAN.

Winterkill mud, really, its great! And its actually coded by cendor himself, atleast mostly :)