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Nick and NameX?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:32 am
by stagi
ääh, okey... where did your nicknames come?

and btw, all players who come Norway have X in there nicks?

...or not?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:58 am
by Den
what the hell..

I thought we had a thread like this somewhere.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:08 am
by Flunx
x for haxxor

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:14 am
by stagi
Dunno :)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:10 am
by nine
lol irl :P

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:17 am
by Clown
My very first name was encartano1.
I saw that Encycolpaedia disk in front of me and stole the name, and no1 because I AM NUMBER 1.
This was a shit name and I went from Jester, to King Clown, to Clown. People called me Clowny and the -eh phase was in fashion so I called myself Clowneh. This name sort of grew up with my online life, so people know me by that. Clown makes sense though.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:54 am
by dudemcpek
Andy don't lie, you're a clown and period.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:20 am
by sanity
my very first nickname was DanneboY (DanneboY-,DanneboY^ etc :D) since my dad used to call me that =P
then i moved on to DeceazeD and when I started [ct] I used "sanity" as fakenick, eventually I stopped using DeceazeD, so sanity became my real nick, some months ago I shorten it down to snt, and that's it :)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:29 am
by nufan
My first nick was nufan.
got it from the punk band.. No Use For A Name :)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:08 am
by Mutu

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:38 am
by TotteN
ok here i am the multinicker..

when i started to play aq2 (back in 98 ) my first nick was ElitE then i hade Glenn and after that TotteN <<irl friends call me Totte , and my name is Christopher Nilsson... soooo Totte +N like in Nilsson = TotteN .
Then some of u know me as hhh and klu + so many many more nicks when ur drunk and jumping around....

and here i am

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:51 am
by stagi
Cool ^^

My nick stagy comes, dunno :D
but my nick wwaasss first stacyloverr and then and then..
Friends say jeppe or staki :=)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:52 am
by grover
My first nick was AsSeLiNi, which was cool. It's a mix between Mussolini and Asselt (which is my last name). People called me asselini in real life, dunno why though.

Then I became Grover because I got a Grover-boxershort for my 13th birthday!


Grover is a character from Sesame street.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:01 pm
by Caracol
My nick is a spell with myself as target.
It came up in this dream of making a character from my shadow and a mirror from my body. Although everything turned out to be a downward spiral to the center of the color vortex. Being blue the background.


PS: The language thing was also a spell, though that's not finished yet.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:03 pm
by bail
ok teh story of my life 8)
back in the days when i was a skateboarder (actually i just bought my self a skateboard last week so im a skateboarder again) anyways me and my friends used alot of skater/snowboard slang, and bail/bailing/bailed etc means falling so if you fucked up a trick and fell we said bail/bailing/bailed.
so i got my nick from that slang and then i added "0r" "bail0r" cause it sounded _cool_.
but now days i dont use bail0r i use bail cause its shorter and bail0r sounds quite gay and ugly B>, but on irc i use bailz- cause i think it looks nice B>.
some of my friends sometimes call me bail0r though.
end of story HEHE.