Rules in actionquake?

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Rules in actionquake?

Post by KriBBa »

Just had to do this thread.

Im wondering, if we should get some kind of rules, since it seems that we dont have any :), then i mean like all admins etc and stuff, some aqdaddys could just get some rules that we can try to follow.
Since i played a cw recently, where it went long, long long, then over 3 mins and i thought that everyone "knew" that it should be a rule with rtl 3, but then i heard that in some servers its 2, that is 1 point why i want somekind of steady rules that we all can follow. And if the time goes past 20 min the one who got rcon turn the rtl off etc.. u get my point?.

Same thing is with dmflags, ok 768 (or if its 786:P) and the finnish :P, 256(or whatahell that also is:P) should be. So no ppl just put 17 and say, play etc, its our server our rules, and that u shouldnt change during game.

And same thing for grenades, so u cant have 4, so we say that the standard is max tgren 2.

I can come up to many things about this, just want to know what the rest is thinking.

Offtopic: sorry for the spelling etc, im damn tired:)
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Post by NRGizeR »

Homeserver, and homemap, homerules... what's so wrong with that? the only problem is that usually people just forget to mention if they use some special own rules... other than that I think it's fine as it is...
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Post by KriBBa »

should be rules for this also:

IF 1 clan say a map and that server, they sometimes changes both
like if we start our map and they said rok, then after the map they loos much so they say when we come to their server, sludge1, tgren 2 O_o
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Post by Sabotage »

Well the dmflags making many ppl angry, and that about they change server/map we kinda have a rule on that. "Say it befor the game start, and you can not change you`re mind"
The same to tgren that should be mention befor the game start and so far everything have just worked fine as it is.
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Post by angra »

NRGizeR wrote:Homeserver, and homemap, homerules... what's so wrong with that? the only problem is that usually people just forget to mention if they use some special own rules... other than that I think it's fine as it is...
Sweden vs Finland in fotball, hey we have 3 balls its our homematch. ohhh btw we have 5 goals, and 2 more players then you. okey GOGOG?!

Why change settings, isin't it enough with just homemap and server(ping). I would like all server to be vote server with 756 and limchasecam 2. tgren 1, ff off ( many clans play with out lim and use mm3).
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Post by sCrewFace »

Homeserver, and homemap, homerules... <- u should be slayed for that.. As if u can pick your own rules at your own server you retarded moron..
U clearly dont know any aq settings.. Same settings on both servers.. So no one has any advantages..
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Post by NRGizeR »

sCrewFace wrote:...As if u can pick your own rules at your own server you retarded moron..
U clearly dont know any aq settings.. Same settings on both servers.. So no one has any advantages..
actually, I'm intelligent enough to write rcon tgren 2 if I want nades... apparently you're not.

Take f.ex. [RK] that plays their matches with ff enabled... why shouldn't they be able to do that? I agree that it's a pain in the ass if you play a certain clan and they don't tell you about their preferred settings, or change their mind in the middle of the game, but I don't see why you couldn't play with different rules.
angra wrote:Sweden vs Finland in fotball, hey we have 3 balls its our homematch. ohhh btw we have 5 goals, and 2 more players then you. okey GOGOG?!
What you seem to forget here is that BOTH teams play with the same rules at a given map... it's not as if one team would suddenly call in 2 extra players on their map, and if they turn on nades, you get grenades too.

The spawn furthest flag is about the only thing I can think of that really makes a difference when it comes to changing servers, as if you're used to 768, people will spawn in a certain way on a certain map, and it will get played at least somewhat differently than 256, as long as the map has a decent amount of spawns. Other than that I don't see why the hometeam couldn't choose their own rules... if you don't like them, don't play them... same as for clans with a "crappy" homemap.
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Post by angra »

ahhh well i can erase the last part about the 2 players. it's realy odd that ppl play with difrent settings. mabye we should start playing with dmflags 8 and cheats 1....

btw rtl is 2.5 on my servers.
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Post by KriBBa »

I mean something to follow also, so we can say, AH its a W.O since u had dmflags 16, (like i saw 1 clan had in a cw vs me etc a lil time ago) we could just say, change dmflags ffs, and we noticed this after we started, and they said like no etc. the rules is so uncertain. :#:

Well nrgizer, i havnt said that i like RK either?. since i dont. and i bet they dont like me but can i care less?

i feel bad that it really is true that some ppl can call ppl to have mustwin maps.

True that its wrong sometimes since ppl say that to clans who just uses angra/cg/bt setting for example and plays cliff2.
then some ppl turn it down and say no its a mustwinmap.

Then maybe a clan like teamjungle and wants to play that, but if they also wanna win some cw they see that its impossible to play that map, that ruin a part of the game also, since then some clans pick that with that etc, and that server and make sure to pick a even faster map when they have ping adv.

Why i even made this thread is that i think, and some would agree that it can come up some difficultys to play, for ex nuubs. when u are getting along to agree the demands of the rules.


And that this problem should get more easy to handle if for ex. u put same rtl at all servers, like angra have, 2.5 sounds good.
By then it will in time be more as a standard im sure.
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Post by Royal^ »

I agree with KriBBa.

first of all "own map and own rules" eh? so they can just decide EVERYTHING they want, if i got you correctly nrg?

"yes, we play on cheats 1, sv_gravity 300, wpflags 0, dmflags 999"
..."ok, its your map" ?

I'm very sure you wouldnt agree to that, and i'm sure no-one else would agree that either, so can the enemy team get forfeit from the match if enemy
disagrees to play with those settings?

No, I think its good idea to have SOME certain rules, f.ex. We want to play with tgren 0 its fine, we want to play with tgren 2, its fine, we want to play with tgren 4, its not fine anymore, since there has to be somekind of limit of what you can just mix up right?
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Post by NRGizeR »

KriBBa wrote:Why i even made this thread is that i think, and some would agree that it can come up some difficultys to play, for ex nuubs. when u are getting along to agree the demands of the rules.
It's a nice thought and all, but the fact is that you will never be able to standardize the aq2 community anymore. Most people here has played this game for years and years, and they all like it just the way they are used to... you won't get a concensus on anything concerning dmflags, general rules, or mappools for a regular cw.

I saw a thread on aq2suomi as well where there were something along these lines when there was someone who suggested that we should have a mappool of 20-30 maps that could be played in cws, that's another thing that will never happen... :)

I mean, even if you would come to agreement with all the server admins here, it's still not that hard today for a clan to get their own clanserver if they can't play with their map and settings somewhere else and feel like it, and then you're gonna have the exact same problem all over again. The only solution is to not play clans that plays maps or uses settings that you don't like.

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Post by angra »

NRGizeR wrote:I mean, even if you would come to agreement with all the server admins here, it's still not that hard today for a clan to get their own clanserver if they can't play with their map and settings somewhere else and feel like it, and then you're gonna have the exact same problem all over again. The only solution is to not play clans that plays maps or uses settings that you don't like.
Well if DuraWorks and united servers take away the rcon and change to vote, there issin't so many servers left. so ppl will mabye just not agree to play on any difrent server. when the majority of the server use 1 setting it will be the standard. i bet there is no problem for aq2admins to get the same setting on all there cw servers.

And easy to get a server? why are servers going down, and ppl crying about the lousy ping etc. mabye in finland it's no problem, but there are a world outside of finland.
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Post by Da^JuaN »

The second function of leagues/cups is that we hope people will use the same rules in regular clanwars as in league games. That should be the standard. Its hard to get changes in there.. like the leagues uses 4 ctf skins for cws.. but is there any regular cw which uses the 4 ctf skins? Nope.. but overall, people should use the league rules for their regular clanwars aswell, its just a pity the majority does it.. but a certain part doesnt.

Another thing is that if clans SHOULD tell the opponent about the different settings compared to the overall standard. Like ff, dmflags 256, no limchasecam, tgren etc. Thats the main pain in the ass imo. Or clans settings rtl 0 and gonna camp their ass off.. and are wondering why people leave in a clanwar like that, but just write down 'wo, clan X left at our map'.
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Post by NRGizeR »

angra wrote:And easy to get a server? why are servers going down, and ppl crying about the lousy ping etc. mabye in finland it's no problem, but there are a world outside of finland.
With that I ment hire a server... and easy because it doesn't take killer hardware to run a q2 server, and not much bandwidth either... hence you can come across one quite cheap.. we (freemasons) got our own for 7e/member (think we were about 10 that payed?) for 6 months...
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Post by KriBBa »

Word angra/dajuan.


Nrgizer, i met freemasons in a cw recently, they where not so nice id say, since they dropped the cw during the game(not from any pl etc..) and didnt write up the game. but thats nothing that i cared about, just funny to tell. And i got to their channel to ask why u left, no answer and i said gg anyhow, then i got banned.

and again, sorry for offtopic.
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