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Glue- and Tuttus(?)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:59 pm
by Haur
ok all.. SeS|Crew and I where playing 2on2 vs these guys.. we agreed to play 2x .fi, cause then maybe they wouldn't whine that much.. rajt.. we started out fine no complains but when we won their map the whine started.. mm3, cheat etc..
Of. we didnt use anything of that kind so we just let them complain and fooled around with out flaming back.. Ok maybe a little but who dosn't?
So on we whent to our map.. We owned them and and they got more and more angry..
All of a sudden they started to use what I call cheat.. They used rcon to "modify" our quake.. Don't know how they did it but our quake looked like crap..!
I think rcon abuse (I call is cheat) should be punished like regular cheat.. It really takes the fun out of the game when you donk know what weapon your are using or where the fuck anything is because of gl modifications..

So all in all we say BAN those fuckers!!

And to all noob .fi's please accept the fact that people outside tiny finland can smack your asses..!

SeS'n'haur -out!

PS: <-- thats the ip if any admin feels like we do..!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:07 pm
by sescrew
Fo snizzle haur fo snizzle if it were up to me the country finland should be banned since ALL of em is like that (except my beluved Meme) but back to the main topic, i got screenshots of the way my aq2 looked whiel playing thies guys at wfall so if admins of clanunited takes this serious, contact me for the screenshots! And to .fin's shall we try to get along everybody not only fin on fin and shall we STOP 2xfin only, think about did u EVER see 2xdk, 2xswe, 2xnl ect. no its only u fucxxx fucxxrs who is playing that game, if we all did it ALL the matches played would be national! This is deeper than just this 1 2v2 cuz ppl around the aq2 scene is growing a hate that is gettin stronger and stronger to .fins (inc. me) and thats kinda sad, since we aint to many left in the aq2 scene! PLZ
1 luv peeps 1 luv!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:13 pm
by KriBBa
u think ur the first who are mad at the most .fi d00ds ? :)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:15 pm
by Terro
sescrew, I really think you should chill and not flame the biggest aq2 community in the world, based on what two players did to you in a quad :I What kwaakers do is due to their personalities, not their nationalities eh (moral cake #1! 8D)

And same for the rest of you wishing utmost to make this to yet another .fi vs the world flame competition, plz k done 8(

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:13 am
by stiffy
Actually we played 2x .no yesterday vs dip. And last week 2x .se against kfl. Pretty hard to play 2x .dk since there aren't any servers left :x

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:17 am
by Bruicer
ou my. this is terrible. (you didnt happen to play mesto?) :)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:46 am
by Liima
:DD lol


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:15 am
by angra
It's to bad that some fi servers have rcon. vote is the way to go imo.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:06 am
by sescrew
Terro wrote:sescrew, I really think you should chill and not flame the biggest aq2 community in the world, based on what two players did to you in a quad :I What kwaakers do is due to their personalities, not their nationalities eh (moral cake #1! 8D)

And same for the rest of you wishing utmost to make this to yet another .fi vs the world flame competition, plz k done 8(
If u read carefully i/we dont "flame the biggest aq2 community" due to 2 peeps behavior but after a WHOLE bounch of experinces AND i know for a fact that many ppl feel the same, and since no1 is willing to take that discussion WE will now! Stiffy first of there is ONE danish server left and i dont give a shxx if u played 1 or 2 cw u WONT see (2xswe) nore ( when u look at ur irc to day BUT u will see (2xfin) and not only one time u'll see it 50 times, and i just dont get why the fuck its gonna be like that? Wheil all the other "countries" are playing fair and pick 1 each like civilized ppl do, most fin choose to idiolize a unreaden rule! I aint flaming EVERY .fin but most of the .fins i played vs have been jerks tbh! I know noone like to hear it but many feel the same. It would be so much greater if everybody got along and both parties could be fair inc. fins. Tho i highly doubt it'll happen. No bruicer we didnt play mesto but wfall. For the record: "IF it were up to me the country finland should be banned from every server" wouldnt change much would it?! We just wouldnt play .fins AT ALL...

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:13 am
by W1lco
Word up haur and SeS.. this isnt the first time rcon abusing happends :/.. one (ACTIVE O_o O_o O_o ) or two for each server, and dont give the rcon to ANYONE else.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:13 am
by chron
Look at it this way:

If there were around 20 .dk servers left and around 3 .fi servers, would you say: well, we consist of the biggest part of the aq2 gaming community but hey, well play on your server. - No.

There are alot finnish servers and there are alot finnish people playing this game compared to the other nations in Europe. I can understand why they would rather play finnish clans on finnish servers.

Do I agree with that? No, but its just the way it is. If they are willing to play one each they actually show some sort of sportive behaviour, but thats, what Terro said and what I said before, a part of their personality. Hey I guess that comes with the age.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:18 am
by sescrew
well spoken chron, but yes i would play 1 each even if they only had 1 server and DK 10000! Ofc i would its like saying, cuz of Englands
great soccer fields and players, every singel match vs england (ex.) should be played on English ground !

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:22 am
by NRGizeR
sescrew wrote:If u read carefully i/we dont "flame the biggest aq2 community" due to 2 peeps behavior but after a WHOLE bounch of experinces AND i know for a fact that many ppl feel the same
Oh sorry, it's ok to flame a whole nation then... I for example hate black people, because I have seen on the news that they mug people, and are generally just fucked up people... You should really know better than to judge ANY community as a whole because of some given individuals. Just because there are dumbass teens playing this game in Finland doesn't mean that every aq2 player in Finland is like that does it? (I bet you don't have any dumbass aq2-players in Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark or whatever country you happen to be from...)
sescrew wrote:... when u look at ur irc to day BUT u will see (2xfin) and not only one time u'll see it 50 times, and i just dont get why the fuck its gonna be like that? Wheil all the other "countries" are playing fair and pick 1 each like civilized ppl do, most fin choose to idiolize a unreaden rule! I aint flaming EVERY .fin but most of the .fins i played vs have been jerks tbh!
Lets see, we can choose between playing both maps on one server or start the hazzle of changing servers in the middle of the game, restarting the obligatory 10 minutes of waiting before everyone's connected, and so on. Guess most people would choose number one as long as it's a "good" server. Now personally I don't mind playing on foreign servers (both .se and .no have good and fast servers imo) but I also realize that for me to go from ping 10 to ping 20 isn't that big a deal, compared to some in my clan that go from 40 to 80, so I understand why they insist on playing Now what you should do is to really think about what you would do yourself if you were in their shoes, you would have the opertunity to play on your nations own servers, and with a low ping, or choose to play another clan with double the ping and the extra hazzle of changing servers. I do think that if given the choice you would choose the former. Remember, because we have a pretty big aq2 community here, we have that choice.
sescrew wrote:"IF it were up to me the country finland should be banned from every server" would change much wouldnt it?! We just wouldnt play .fins AT ALL...
Well noone's forcing you to play vs Finnish clans... :(

and for the record, I think that rcon is a good thing, gives us alot of freedom when it comes to playing cws, but its unfortunate that there are asshole kids like Glue that "abush" that rcon...

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:20 am
by sescrew
dude once u read what im writting, come wit a respons plz! This will go off topic if u dont read what i writ! I wrote: "i aint saying EVERY fin is an asswhole but MOST of the fins i played were jerks" Ill say this for the last time so there will be no more further misunderstandings: i SeScrew AINT flaming a whole "nation" or finland but i do flame the 2xfin SHIT! And no my dear friend u will use the extra time to change the server so its fair for BOTH teams! And no i would never played 2xmyserver unless the opponers were cool with it, and thats the main differens betwen us. I cant understand that way of thinking, not even if we were "the biggest aq2 community in THE WOOOORLD" its gotta be fair for both teams!

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:51 am
by Haur
ok.. firts of all.. this wasn't ment to be a discussion of nationality and who is doing what or what not.. Ofc. we know that there are many .fi's who are willing to play one each.. But its only the clan's who know they got a chance of winning cause they got the nessesary skills.
Still I must agree with SeS when saying I would never onlt play .dk servers... Its not the right spirit.. Maybe its because I've been playing football all my life that i know a thing or two about good sportsmanship.. I dont know.. But please.. when some .fi's are saying you can already at that point tell that they are not in it for fun.. ITS A MUST WIN CLAN!!
So back to the REAL discussion.. Since I put this thread under cheaters, I think they should be treated like cheaters.. I say BAN them..

thank you

- haur