Does even anyone wanna play CTF?

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Does even anyone wanna play CTF?

Post by Picer »

So, i was browsing through my eye(All Seeing Eye) here yesteday and the only CTF server i found was a US one. We played it, we had a blast, but the lag was horrible. Logicaly when you think about it.

Why is there no Euro CTF servers? Does noone want to play it? Or does just the admins think noone want to play?

Well, thats what im here to find out!

If you know of a server where you can vote CTF.cfg do tell me.
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Post by V34 »

I like CTF but no-one never plays it (:
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Post by dudemcpek »

Of course it's great. I had an idea of pickup ctf, though they said there wouldn't be enough interest for it.

There should definetly be a ctf server with decent map rotation; ctf ones and also some regular with good ctf gameplay.
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Post by Den »

ctf = good
ctf with aq2 maps = crap
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Post by Sabotage »

I think there is many ppl out there that wants to play ctf but there are no servers and some aq2 maps are nice with ctf but the ctfmaps are ofc way better.
what server did clan [RK] play ctf matches on?? i remember i played once vs them in bC'.
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Post by arild »

Picer, If I remember correctly most servers has the configvote enabled. And by default there is one for CTF in TNG. Atleast on some public servers you can vote for CTF.

But as somebody else mentioned. CTF on aq2 maps is crap.
A year ago or two me and Zonic was thinking of arranging a CTF tournament in Aq2. We went through almost every CTF map for quake2 and found plenty of maps playable in AQ2 aswell. But regular aq2 maps is pure crap for it, except for maybe WizardExt map created specially for CTF.

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Post by pauhi »

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Post by Picer »

As that may be a similiar post, it is not the same.
1. You do not have a poll.
2. You explain what ctf actually is. Me? I say, if you don't know what it is i don't want your vote.
3. You have an "inapropiate" tone in your post wich is not very fun to read. Specially for us not from fin. wrote: "WTF? What are these flags? We need to change server BLABLABLA*insert norwegian / swedish text here*"
So yeah, i choose to ignore it.
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Post by NRGizeR »

Picer wrote: wrote: "WTF? What are these flags? We need to change server BLABLABLA*insert norwegian / swedish text here*"
So yeah, i choose to ignore it.
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Post by Picer »

I just said i choose to ignore such comments. Kinda tired of that kind of discussion right now O_o
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Post by angra »

ctf can be fun sometimes, but it can't replace normal cw imo.
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Post by Picer »

angra wrote:ctf can be fun sometimes, but it can't replace normal cw imo.
Thats true. But after 2000 cw's played it kinda get old. HL and CTF are ways to keep the fun in aq2 and not killing the comunity.

OH AND!! I want CTB. Capture the boss/briefcase. Now THAT was fun. Gangsters!! <3<3
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Post by maGro »

oh dear.. why cant someone who played tf1 or qw export the old 2fort5 in a dm2 map? it was perfect and everything that was needed for playing ctf... and i think it was definitly fun to play it in aq, weapons would be balanced since there were many indoor fights for sg, hc and m4, but also a large sniper area for sniper/mp5...

I would really love to see ctf on europe servers.

ps: haui? :)
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Post by bail »

some years ago there was atleast one scandinavian CTF server up.
remember playing urban2 and i enjoyed it.
so i vote yes.
new or old maps doesnt matter since i recall urban2 was really funny in ctf.
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Post by nemesis »

CTF fucking pwns j00! Love it. Too so many ppl don't really know that the flag is the main thing, not the frags... :) COVER THE CARRIER! Best teamplay ever.
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