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V1.23 Status Log - Released
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 10:19 pm
by PaTMaN
I will be posting my update status on ^J Mod V1.23 here, on a daily basis or whatever. Feel free to add replies.
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:48 am
by PaTMaN
Today was quite frustrating coding wise. I did get stuff done but i spent most of the time debugging my new code for specifying targets for commands. I've been doing a lot of work on getting everything I need done for specifying source puppets and target clients/puppets so in the future I can make new commands without having to code unique ways to specify sources and targets. I'm almost done with the targeting... well I was done but then I realized it could be just a little bit more powerful. This ended up with me revising the aiming command a bit. That's about the 5th time I've changed syntax for the better. Hopefully it won't be hard to change through coding.
I uploaded a sample of puppet aiming... ...
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:19 am
by Caracol
That sample looks promising, looking forward to the final result.
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:48 am
by Sabotage
Yeah looking good
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:14 pm
by PaTMaN
Yet again... I think I'm about done with this aiming/source/target stuff and I think up another feature or five... heh. I am thinking about adding in a 'view' and 'aim' switch for selecting puppets for sources (view selects all in your view, aim selects puppet being aimed at). This shouldn't be bad since I can just grab a good amount of the code from old trail/marker stuff. I'm also thinking about allowing puppet's aim to follow another puppet's or client's aim instead of just yours. This way I could get rid of the spot[.] and follow[.] stuff and put it all into the targeting code. It would make things simpler. One more thing I can think up is specifying a target puppet or client by aiming at it. That seems like it could also be useful.
I added in the lens command today so I could actually say I accomplished something
I haven't used it before with TNG so I coded little unknown details the way I think it should be...
lens (goes to unzoom)
lens 0/1/2/3 (goes to specific zoom level, 0 being unzoom, 3 being 6x)
lens in/out (cycles through zoom forwards or backwards)
putting any other characters after 'lens' makes the command do nothing
Sleep is still a few hours off for me so maybe I'll get some more stuff done.
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:18 am
by PaTMaN
I fixed up the id viewer to fully support the new puppet system, in preparation for the stuff I mentioned above. I also got to removing some of the pup code... the puppet's puppet. Pup's will be replaced by regular puppets starting V1.23. Pups were used as teamjump puppets. All they could do was sit/stand and stare at their owner. The puppets that will replace them will spawn with transparency on by default. They will be full fledged puppets, but while in their teamjump mode, they won't be able to do some of the commands I plan to implement, such as toggling crouched/standing state.
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:02 am
by dudemcpek
Actually, TNG has lens 1/2/4/6, 2 being 2x zoom, 4 4x zoom and 6 6x zoom.
Code: Select all
lens - changes zoom on sniper rifle. (Client side)
lens [#] - 1,2,4,6 - if you use any other number it'll go to the nearest zoom mode. (Client side)
lens in - zooms the rifle in to the next zooming level. (client side)
lens out - zooms the rifle out to the previous zooming level. (client side)
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:23 pm
by PaTMaN
Ok updated lens.
lens - go to 1x
lens # - goes to closest zoom number (1 2 4 6)
lens in - go to next zoom (or 6 -> 1)
lens out - go to previous zoom (or 1 -> 6)
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:27 am
by PaTMaN
Fixed %N not naming puppets
Fixed turning off ID display turning off marker text (if it was on)
Refined puppet aiming syntax again... hopefully for the last time. I added a post in the update thread on how it all works (well will work soon)
I'm thinking about redoing the other % text commands... I guess to whatever TNG is using.
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:27 am
by PaTMaN
Finished up the puppet aiming stuff. While doing the puppet aiming command, I was able to get the source and target specifications down so I can use those in other commands easily. So basically while writing the command alone, I put down close to 15.5K characters (without spaces). That was a lot of work lol! Next I plan on making another way to easily create new commands, but I'm not exactly sure if I can do it the way I want to. If I can, a lot of commands will be only about 5 lines of code so I can get a lot out of the way fast. Only about 3 of the planned commands would need special coding.
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:42 am
by PaTMaN
Wasn't able to get much coding in today, but I managed to get down some ideas and buggy code for the simple puppet commands.
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:41 am
by PaTMaN
Fixed a little bug in puppet aiming.
Updated puppet aiming syntax to allow for 's' or 'f' (spot or follow) types for shorter syntax.
Added "puppet transparent <src> <toggle #/word>" for setting transparency of puppets.
Added "puppet wallhack <src> <toggle #/word>" for allowing puppets to track targets through walls.
Added "puppet canshoot <src> <toggle #/word>" for setting whether or not a puppet is allowed to shoot. This might be removed in the future as I rework all the shooting routines.
Started work on giving puppets their own animation routines. In doing so, I completed the "puppet wave <src> <#>" command to make puppets do waves.
HUD Changes:
Removed "Total Fall Damage" and "Total Falls" (originally in for guild tests)
Added 5 new toggles to control which HUD stats are displayed (per client). I finally found a trick to do it! No more nohud server cvar needed, which affected all clients! If anyone found these HUD stats useful, let me know and I'll keep the numbers stored elsewhere for viewing via a command.
I'm thinking about removing the playerlistinfo command. It was originally put in place to check a player's HUD stats and other vars. This was for when I was using ^J Mod for guild jump tests. Any thoughts on removing it or changing it to show new information?
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:20 am
by PaTMaN
So I moved onto changing a puppet's skin... and found I don't know how to do it or if it is even possible with how the puppets are setup. So I thought up a way to get around this, but then that leads to more problems. Anyways, I'm rethinking stuff and am thinking that if I do this one thing to get around the skin changing problem, it might be better overall for future coding. Hopefully I can resolve this soon. I've got some midterms this coming week so those get top priority of my time.
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:30 am
by Den
Nice one m8
keep it coming.
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:55 am
by V34
Hehe.. It sounds more and more cool (: