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V1.23 Update List - Released

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 10:20 pm
by PaTMaN
^J Mod V1.23 Update list (IMPLEMENTED) (WORKING ON) (Notes) :santa:

OK... ^J Mod is being split up in order to bring its main focus back to a public server and jumping friendly environment. So this listing is being modified to what the new ^J Mod V1.23 will include. The rest of the listing is being saved along with the source code for future use in a new movie maker friendly mod (which may be a cvs open source project). In order to make the update process smoother for me, I am reverting back to the original V1.22 source and re-working in bug fixes and updates that I had done for the old V1.23.
+lens [<0/2/4/6/in/out>] (AssKick3r)
+tog spectator (toggles spectator mode)
+5 new toggle commands for enabling/disabling the HUD or parts of the HUD (also remove Total Falls and Total Fall Damage stats from HUD)
+Fixed turning off ID display turning off marker text (if it was on)
+Disable shooting on LCA (Haudrauf)
+Disable telefrags (Haudrauf)
+Slowed down knife throwing rate
+spectarg - Spectate target you are aiming at when in free mode)
+100% on map vote changes level immediately
+Removed timelimit for map changes (all map changing done by players via voting)
+New spectator mode with extra controls including zoom and reverse seeking
+Fixed teleporter recall view angle bugs
+Fixed spawnp and spawnc not setting view angle to spawn point's angles
+Changed usage of jump marker weapon in removal mode (You can now see what will be removed before firing)
+Removed Ppt and Pup from score board and added ID and Grav
+Toggle to be affected by others' grenades (Commands: tog grenadejump (self), tog grenadejumps (self+other)) (Janner)
+Command: grenadejumplist <# # # ... / clear> for setting specific people to grenade jump with (An ID in this will make you always be affected by that person's grenades no matter what grenade jumping modes are set)(Janner)
+Removed the flashlight effect on the laser
+Puppet/Pup model angles bugged when looking up or down
+Puppet no longer freezes up while recording a puppet demo
+Teleporting into a puppet gets player stuck
+Teleporting into a player (both teamjump on) gets players stuck
+Command: cvar <inc / dec> [<step (1)>] [<start #>] (For use with number variables for demo saving)(Uncle-)
+Cleaned up view problems with pswitch command
+Fixed goto command teleporting you higher than specified
+Reworking some puppet state stuff (Ex: No recording while a puppet demo is playing)
+Fixed up bugs when slowing down puppet demos
+Fixed psstep+/- always stepping a full frame no matter what speed the demo is set at
+HUD menu section
+Loaded puppet demo is no longer unloaded when failing to load a new demo with fload
+Server command for deleting files for markers, trails, and puppet demos
+Server command for renaming files for markers, trails, and puppet demos
+Trail loading from a puppetdemo fixed
+playerlistinfo removed
+Rejoining game from spectator can mess up player solid state and triggering (Knightwolf)
+Trail clean level on trail loading to load consecutive trails better (Uncle-)
+"man" command for in-game help on commands (text file driven)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 3:57 am
by UllDott
Great work here patman :)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 9:02 pm
by V34
Simply, Nice done so far! I really like, and i use it alot (:
Thanks Patman!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:11 am
by PaTMaN
NOTE: This is an extension of the multiple-puppet system that has been removed from ^J Mod development, and will be saved for future mod use.

puppet aiming
General format: puppet aim <source> <type> [target]

source can be: # / all / first / last / lowest / highest / closest / view / aim
source targets are puppets you own
# - A specific puppet ID
all - All puppets spawned
first - First puppet spawned
last - Last puppet spawned
lowest - Lowest puppet ID spawned
highest - Highest puppet ID spawned
closest - Closest puppet
view - All puppets in your view
aim - The puppet you are aiming at
Sources can be combined using commas and dashes, but must not contain spaces. Commas separate sources while dashes create inclusive source ranges.
Example: 1,2,3,highest,aim
Example: 2-5,aim-closest,last-8

type can be: spot / follow
spot - Sources aim to the spot of the target
follow - Sources follow the target (aim updates automatically)
If target left blank for spot, source puppets follow target is removed (if any)
If target left blank for follow, follow defaults to 'me'

target can be: # / first / last / lowest / highest / me / aim / closest / attacker / crosshair / c#[.target]
# - A specific puppet ID
first - First puppet spawned
last - Last puppet spawned
lowest - Lowest puppet ID spawned
highest - Highest puppet ID spawned
me - Yourself
aim - The puppet being aiming at
closest - Each source aims at their closest target
attacker - Each source aims at their last attacker
crosshair - Each source aims at where their owner's crosshair is pointing
(These three are special to this function and can not be used with c#)

For c#[.<target>], c# represents a client's ID number. When doing this, you can add a period and then any of the targets listed above, except for closest and attacker. This allows you to aim at another client or his puppets.
Example: c3
Example: c3.first
Example: c3.5

Full examples:
puppet aim 1-5 follow c3.last - your puppets' 1,2,3,4,5 aim follows client 3's last puppet
puppet aim last spot crosshair - your last puppet spawned aims at where your crosshair is pointing
puppet aim all follow attacker - all your puppets' aim follow whoever last attacked them

(feel free to suggest an addition or change)