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Progress on the code

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:25 pm
by arild
Alot of things has happened. Work has begun on 2 maps. Nothing is ready yet, so you have to be patient when it comes to that.

The code has been developed alot. But most of these things had been done when this forum was created :)
  • * A new mod is added. CTF:DM. Weapon spawns on the ground and get picked up. They respawns quite shortly after someone picked it up
  • * You are able to point out spawn locations on items, at this moment they are spawning in the different playerspawns
A few powerups are beeing worked on!
  • * Quaddamage is done. This PU gives you some damage advantage, we have not yet decided how much it will affect your damage.
  • * Item pack is a new type of powerup. At this moment it gives you a helmet+kevlar+laser.
  • * Leg-protection(name not yet decided). Basically this PU doesnt give you any falldamage, we might add a leg kevlar aswell so it protects from getting hit in the legs.
Both item pack and leg protection is not final yet, we have alot of suggestions for these powerups and we wont know for sure how good they are until we are playtesting.
  • * Speed(or haste) is not doable in Quake2. Maniac did his best to get this work. It wasnt really realistic and for some reason you got aircontrol :)If you got tips and ideas on how to work fix this please tell Maniac.

These are the major changes so far. More to come! :)

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:49 pm
by Den
Good good :)
* Item pack is a new type of powerup. At this moment it gives you a helmet+kevlar+laser.
I hope you lot will come up with some other item packs. Maybe something like classes. ie: assault (kev, helmet, leg, 1extra clip, speed 85%), stealth (slippers, silencer, laser, speed 105%) etc. And players can drop the packs for their teammates.

Or when you join a team, normally you would get the weapon select screen. Change that to class selection? i dunno if that will work, im just rambling here :)

Anyway, keep up the good work :tup:

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:57 pm
by Den
Oh and are you lot adding the grapple? ;)

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:15 pm
by arild
We take all suggestions into consideration Den. But first we will explore the new features created so far. And after they get tweaked we will look into other features and possible options aswell. So leave all suggestions you have.

Sorry for the late post. Better late then never :P


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:55 pm
by Snaedis
i´m realy excited about this CTF mod, hope the maps will prove out to be good.. who is mapping these two maps you mentioned arild?

keep up the good work (= , how long do you think you will have a beta of the game running?:shock:

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:02 pm
by arild
WizardExt and Genie


Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:49 am
by FooQ
Ill add to the general negative attitude on these boards. This mod sounds really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really stupid. AQ2 CTF as it already is is awesome, these power ups sound idiotic, might as well play standard Q2 CTF. As for grapples, fuck off. All you need to do to make AQ2 CTF enjoyable and popular to play it is to ban autos and m3 shotgun. Simple as that, I know from the experience of actually running an AQ2 CTF server that was full most nights for months on end with a much smaller player base than you have in Europe. You dont want to make AQ2 CTF sooooooo different from AQ2 teamplay in this way as to alienate people who love teamplay which is what youll do with quad damage, grapples, power ups etc.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:50 am
by WizardExt
FooQ ...

We are not going to use grapples, so I have no idea where you have gathered that information...

About AQ2CTF. It's not "already an awesome mod" as you put it. It's not. And you are not making sense when you tell us to ban autos and m3, meanwhile you think we change too much. We want to have AQ2 as it is, but add some CTF elements to make the CTF experience a lot better. We are not going to destroy anything. We are going to work on something, release it to the public, get some good feedback and correct the flaws and keep doing so till we have something we all enjoy.

And please don't come to these boards and expect us to treat you any different than you treat us...

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:17 am
by Den
FooQ wrote:All you need to do to make AQ2 CTF enjoyable and popular to play it is to ban autos and m3 shotgun.
Haha please die.. This isnt Sniper Noob Quake2 but AQ2 and to make it enjoyable we need good ctf maps.
FooQ wrote:You dont want to make AQ2 CTF sooooooo different from AQ2 teamplay in this way as to alienate people who love teamplay
So why ban auto's and m3? makes no sense.

About the powerups i'm sure the team will make it work perfectly so it wont be too powerful.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:44 am
by Gepardi
A good idea to judge this project before we've even seen it. I give my full support to the AQ2 CTF-team who's creating this. If you don't like it, you don't have to play it. You can always stick to your "already awesome AQ2 CTF" but please don't judge this before you've seen anything about it.

However, if you're whining just because of your CTF-maps "are not adjusted to the features on this mod" (as arild put it on another thread), as it seems to me, I'd say that's ridiculous.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:00 am
by BeAViS
wiz said enough, even for me.
noob wrote:Ill add to the general negative attitude on these boards
why? who asked for it?
plz... these guys are trying to improve a game that will be 8 years old next july 19th..
this might be fresh air for a dieing game...
close yourself in the toilet until they finish it.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:04 pm
by FooQ
Im not gonna treat anyone any differently to how Ive been treated in the short time I've posted on these boards either. I'm gonna give full, frank, honest and downright rude opinions whether theyre required or not since it seems to be the way here. In my opinion, if this mod ever sees the light of day its gonna fall on its arse in a huge way. It's doomed to fail, restricting the maps to only maps that are gonna be created specifically for it is gonna bore the shite out of people in no time at all and mappers arent goin to be bothered makin enuff maps for this mod to keep peoples interest.
Den said: Haha please die.. This isnt Sniper Noob Quake2 but AQ2 and to make it enjoyable we need good ctf maps.
lol youre funny, you have to be one of those new guys who plays mp5 all the time to call Snipers noobs. Snipers are by far the most skilled players in AQ2 and yes this mod is going to need good ctf maps and I dont see where theyre gonna come from with the limited number of people mapping these days who already like to make maps for the established AQ2 mod. I know I sure as hell aint gonna put any time or effort into it, especially after the reception in this board.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:20 pm
by fuct
FooQ wrote:lol youre funny, you have to be one of those new guys who plays mp5 all the time to call Snipers noobs. Snipers are by far the most skilled players in AQ2
you are making a fool out of yourself O_o

why would aq2ctf fail just because it has specially made maps? need i remind you that aq2 has specially made maps? Are you just mad becuase we didnt like your maps? if that is the case when the aq2ctf maps are released i dare you to compare one of yours to them.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:32 pm
by Den
FooQ wrote:lol youre funny, you have to be one of those new guys who plays mp5 all the time to call Snipers noobs. Snipers are by far the most skilled players in AQ2
Not really, i'm more a m4/hc kind of guy and if you really think snipers are more skilled then yes, you are called a "noob" in my book because aq2 isnt just about sniper. I really dont care what weapon you use aslong as you dont bitch about other ppl's weapon choice.

Do you lot play sniper only in clan games too?

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:52 pm
by Caracol
In spite of your dislike to autos, you seem to spray and pray bullshit without any considerable background.
I mean, if you want, I can also criticize your maps without even haven't played them.

(Actually, about the maps, maybe the people using these boards aren't really fond to cheap maps, cheerings to copies and results lacking originality. And if you really think that there aren't active mappers in the scene then maybe you should just leave with your tail between your legs.
And I'm sorry for this being my first post to a new member like you, but posts sunk in slime of ignorance make me sick.)