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Admins wake up!

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:46 am
by TeZh

Admins will you seriously at least try to bust cheaters or are you afraid of hurting a friend? this is ridiculous. Just look at the got damn demo and you can clearly tell that zig is using wh, just a tip "you aim where you look", now how hard was that?
Under all my time as playing aq2 I have never looked into a wall the way he does. "sounds" ye right, and he jumps over the map to help his friend, why? was it mm3? maybe, but while he goes there he looks right at him
This subject is making me cry that the admins havnt got any gutts to ban their friends, fucking morons.. I dont care if I get banned, if he dont I wouldnt wanna play any longer.

how can you ignore this?! just look and reply, or die you retards... man if I put up a server every got damn moron admin will be banned forever. if they dont at least try to bust players who are obviouse or that other players see that they got wh, what is the point? just give me the got damn url for cheat and I can start as well then..

If one cheater can cheat then why shouldnt all others get the same chance?

now ban him.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:49 am
by ogathy
Yep wh. Zig has been busted for using wh before!
Like the old sayin goes "once a cheater, always a cheater"

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:50 am
by astroman
omg its so obvious that he has wh... plz admins.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:56 am
by Sabotage
That poll must be the stupiest that is around here..well if you have demos (im not interesting in watching em) hand it over to an admin..Threads like this allways ends up with someone els or something els...

:attack: :norris: --> Zig cheater? I don`t know but the admins really should do something now coz this have been out for kinda long, r`ight? :shock:

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:01 am
by Mutant
lol :hop:

I blame NuFan!... :scratch:

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:10 am
by sajh

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:23 am
by BeAViS
this is an usless poll and if you think that someone is cheating you should not start a poll or such a thread on the forum but just inform admins of what you noticed.

and, back to the guy, ive just watched first 8 rounds of the match and sincerly i think that there are players that snipe even better then him (read joki,screwface,CLOWN and other that i cant even remember), even admitting that he got skill.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:11 am
by fuct
you can have skill and cheat. The poll is a joke and a dig at the admins as im sure its meant to be. Another case of admins doing nothing.

Admins if u dont like being told ur doing nothing than either do something or dont be an admin.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 11:27 am
by TeZh
BeAViS wrote:this is an usless poll and if you think that someone is cheating you should not start a poll or such a thread on the forum but just inform admins of what you noticed.

and, back to the guy, ive just watched first 8 rounds of the match and sincerly i think that there are players that snipe even better then him (read joki,screwface,CLOWN and other that i cant even remember), even admitting that he got skill.
The admins are aware of this, time to get public.
and maybe you should wake up and understand that not all players are clean, busting one today another tomorrow, instead of just sitting on our hands.. and a tip, watch that demo with wh and ask your self, do you play like that?
all those fame names, are they really what they ought to be? I heard that aq2 most fame was busted but the admins coverd it up, oh yes, frezzer. I dont know anything about this myself(not saying its true either) but stop covering for your friends and face fact, do you really wanna play against cheaters?
-"are you a cheater your self im sure you dont mind others cheating"

gg for another case of admins not doing anything.

And stop waiting for 100% proof, you aint gonna get a cleaner demo then this, there are on and off buttons for wh(for those who doesnt know this)

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:09 pm
by BeAViS
i dont care if ppl cheat in public, cause with wh or without i can overtake a wallhacker user in any case. wh doesnt help you aim...
but thats not the point.
cheating in clanwar is a wrong in any case, i agree with you on this.
im not going to watch this with wh on because instead of (seems) most ppl, i dont have a sofisticated wh version and i have to replace exec and configs to make it run. so i dont want to do all that shit to watch a demo.
you talk about fame.. sincerly i dont know zig..... never played with, surely becuase he plays for a .fi clan and we dont challenge them that much. but if ppl knows who you are,and you are "famous" (what a bad term), is probably because you are a good and skilled player: so why cheating?? i really cant understand that...

btw i dont care. only thing i sayd is that talking in public of a ppl caught cheating BEFORE talking of it in #aq2admins is a wrong thing. always in my opinion. but who am i to say you what to do? im not an admin. so, bye.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:41 pm
u better look the whole crew of .CoM
if u got nothing else to do

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:49 pm
by W1lco
New admins wich ppl can rely on PLEASE.. damnit, why am i even typing this? ppl have already been doing it for years O_o

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:50 pm
by Royal^
I wouldnt have needed ANY information from mm3 at those situations, if you are playing with sounds and you are not completely stupid you can figure out most of the situations :p

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:15 pm
by cezok
Sounds.. In a small map like time, you can hear everything and its not hard to predict where enemies are coming. But i didint whatch this demo with wh enabled so i cant see if he aimed through walls or something..

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:54 pm
by W1lco
i guees this thread is most going against the admins? or am i wrong? :sleep:
Would be better if some ACTIVE players could get the "honor" to b an admin.. to many people wich is way to more active then a admin, happends to much times that he needs an admin wich isnt able to do anything(answer)
