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Questions and Answers

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:07 pm
by Caracol
Well, I'll be punctual: for documentary reasons I would like to gather some answers to some questions relating gaming. This might not be the best (or more fructiferous) forum to ask in, but it's the closest I have.
I can gladly discuss about details in another mean*, but for this thread, I would like to keep it clean in order to get the answers.
I would like to read developed and well constructed answers, meaning by that, avoiding yes and noes with no further explanation (feel free to use whatever kind of language you want, don't mind about using abbreviations or complicated words... keep it as if it was your mate asking, who just had a mind format).

So, here it goes:
  1. Q.1: Why do you think these so called "violent shooters" (FPS, Action Shooters, etc.) entertain so much? And how's in your case?

    Q.2: What would be the closest conection you see between a game and reality?

    Q.3: "One of shooting's reasons are all these Ego Shooting games, training and provoking the ones playing them". What would you say to that?

    Q.4: Have you interests in real guns and weapons? Have any? And if you want one, do you think you could manage to get one?

    Q.5: Do you know of any event where people died/was wounded where a gamer/someone who plays games was involved?
Well, thanks in advance.
* If you want to contact me, to discuss about it, answer more personally, or ask something, these would be the means:
IRC: Caracol at QuakeNet. #NARF
E-Mail: lescargot AT gmail DOT com

I might be answering myself later on. THANKS!

EDIT: The way you give the answers is immaterial, you can send me a mail, post it here, paste it in an anonymous query... it doesn't matter, and if you think your opinion was already said by someone, doesn't matter (and there's no such thing as bad or wrong answer). The more answers, the better. And if you are against answering, let me know, contact me or whatever. Same goes if you want to suggest something, or touch another topic close to this one. Everything's welcomed.
Also, if you have problems answering in English, you can answer (or ask me for the questions in your language) and I'll manage to translate them.
Thanks again.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:40 pm
by Gen
1) creo que si son violentos, si piensas que matar a alguien o algo es violento entonces tienen toda la razon de llamar asi a los fps.

2) algun uso militar de algunos juegos, ya que permiten simular ciertos ambientes y que se analizen desde varios puntos de vista.

3) pienso que el ego es fundamental, nos meten en la cabeza la competitividad y de inmediato queremos ganar, y ene stos juegos el espiritu de matar al contrario es bastante fuerte.

4) no realmente, creo que es demasiada responsabilidad por el momento para mi, de todas formas podria conseguir una y obtener todos los permisos y papeles pero no creo que tenga la necesidad de hacerlo.

5) no, nunca he conocido a un tipo que juegue juegos FPS y que hiera intencionalmente a otro tipo con un arma.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:44 pm
by fuct
Q1 I think the entertainment value is in winning. I mean if u win you are gonna be entertained. Its being able to kill someone without having to kill someone. Shooting games attract people with a sick side i think.

Q2 Maybe i am missing the point of this question but the newer fps games have some outstanding realism. The scenery, the player models, even the weapons are looking more real with every update. The goal of the game creators is to make everything as real as possible because that is what the consumer wants (i.e. me).

Q3 I disagree with this statement because i just cant understand why somebody would go out and kill a group of people because of a game. Maybe in USA? lol

Q4 tbh i am very interested in guns and weapons, not shooting them at people ofc, and i wouldnt join the army just so i could use them, but i have a fondness for guns, i think they are one of the greatest inventions of all time. I like studying how they work and such and i have even looked up certain models on the internet. Its just a pity they are used for what they are used for. I wouldnt not be able to get hold of a firearm, in a short amount of time anyway :)

Q5 Personally, no i havent heard anything of the sort. But wasnt there a mention of something like this happening in pure pwnage? I can see it happening tho, someone spending 48 hours solid playin CS then shooting up their school. Again only in america lol

apologies if this wasnt what you were looking for but this is how i took it.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:45 pm
by Caracol
Gen wrote:1) creo que si son violentos, si piensas que matar a alguien o algo es violento entonces tienen toda la razon de llamar asi a los fps.

2) algun uso militar de algunos juegos, ya que permiten simular ciertos ambientes y que se analizen desde varios puntos de vista.

3) pienso que el ego es fundamental, nos meten en la cabeza la competitividad y de inmediato queremos ganar, y ene stos juegos el espiritu de matar al contrario es bastante fuerte.

4) no realmente, creo que es demasiada responsabilidad por el momento para mi, de todas formas podria conseguir una y obtener todos los permisos y papeles pero no creo que tenga la necesidad de hacerlo.

5) no, nunca he conocido a un tipo que juegue juegos FPS y que hiera intencionalmente a otro tipo con un arma.
1)I do think they are violent, if you think that killing someone or something is violent then there's the reason of calling them FPS.

2) Maybe some militar stuff in some games, they help simulate some environments and analyze them from different views.

3) I think Ego as itself is fundamental, they put ourselves really into a challenge and we want to win inmediatedly and in these games the spirit of killing the other one is really strong.

4) Actually no, I think it's too much responsability at the moment, anyway, I think I could get one, all the papers and permits for it. But I don't see the need in that.

5) Nah, I've never heard of someone who plays FPS and that wounds someone else with a gun.

(For the ones answering in other languages, you can send me an email with it, and keep the forum in english. Thanks!)

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:32 pm
by PanConLonga
1.- Because it disconnect you for a little while with the reality and gives you the chance to compete in something.... and as all we know man are made for competition 8)

2.- The interaction with the person who is behind the monitor.

3.- There are people who are influenced by Bush so why not. Stupidity is everywere, and if the stupid people could fly, it would be dark everyday.

4.- Just knifes, I don`t have interest in real weapons, I killed a bird once and I felt bad :(

5.- A friend of mine tried to pull a Mortal Kombat movement on other guy who was fighting against..... it didn`t work as good as he wanted.... he got is ass kicked... lol

ahi tienes caracola cortada =)

Re: Questions and Answers

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:57 pm
by Cnnlngs
Q.1: Why do you think these so called "violent shooters" (FPS, Action Shooters, etc.) entertain so much? And how's in your case?
Well, i remember i started playing FPSs when a friend made me a copy of Doom in floppy disks. I played it a lot because sometimes i felt the adrenalin pumping when i was about to turn in a corner and, of course, the gore (i was like 12-13 years old, kids tend to be attracted to virtual violence). I think that might be the reason these games are entertaining, at least it was for me.
About the multiplayer fps (like aq2), it's mainly about skills & competition, and that's entertaining (like sports).
Q.2: What would be the closest conection you see between a game and reality?
Hm, probably teh people you know as you play these games online.
Q.3: "One of shooting's reasons are all these Ego Shooting games, training and provoking the ones playing them". What would you say to that?
I still think the people that agree on this kind of arguments are just being "simplistas" (traduce eso caracol, no se como se dice en inglich :()
Of course there might be some guy that's a little f*ck*d up, so maybe he would canalyze his issues through FPSs, but, as cancer, it is not known when it will be triggered, although it's there.
Q.4: Have you interests in real guns and weapons? Have any? And if you want one, do you think you could manage to get one?
I have absolutely no interest in guns. I don't have any and i will never have one.
Q.5: Do you know of any event where people died/was wounded where a gamer/someone who plays games was involved?
Pesonally i don't know any, but the media made a lot of fuzz about the Columbine shooting & the relation between the authors and FPSs (wich i don't agree)

eso :D nos vemos en zoomby

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:37 pm
by Breaker
P.1: Por que crees que estos llamados "Shooters violentos" (FPS, Action Shooters, etc.) entretienen tanto? Y como es tu caso?
Creo que estos juegos llamados shooters violentos, entretienen por muchas variables, primero porque rompes con lo cotidiano... de jugar a la pelota, basquetbol, entre otros. Si no que aca te transformas en otra persona, la cual esta viviendo sensaciones nuevas, las cuales en la vida real no podria vivir porque corre tu vida un gran riesgo.
En mi caso, yo siento que puedo realizar movimiento nuevos, saltos que me hacen sentirme satisfecho conmigo mismo, que me llena mi ego al realizar cosas innovadoras o copiadas. Tambien me gusta ese compañerismo de clanes, que se juntan a carretiar, weas que son impagables.

P.2: Cual sería la conexión más cercana que tu vez entre un juego y la realidad?
Dependiendo del juego..... si hablamos de fifa, claramente es el futbol, si hablamos de aq2, creo que aun no puedo relacionarlo con la realidad, lo mas cercano seria policias y maleantes, pero no es tan nitida esa apreciacion.

P.3: "Una de las razones de los tiroteos son estos juegos en primera persona, entrenando y provocando a quienes los juegan". Que dirías a eso?
Creo que esas personas tienen trastornos desde pequeños, y que estos juegos podrian ser gatillantes, de tales actos, pero no hay que hecharle toda la culpa al juego, puesto que el juego en las demas personas o por decirlo en mi... nunca e tenido ganas de comprar un arma, asi que eso me tiene sin cuidado.

P.4: Tienes intereses en armas reales? Tienes alguna? Y si quisieses una, crees que podrías arreglartelas para conseguir una?
Nunca e tenido interes en tener armas reales, no tengo ninguna, veo muy dificil poder conseguir una, para eso hay que ser algo turbio, andar metios en weas truchas, en las cuales no estoy.

P.5: Sabes de algún caso en que gente murió/fue herida donde un gamer/alguien que juega juegos estuvo involucrado?
mmm no

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:19 pm
by SteVeVaI
Q.1: Why do you think these so called "violent shooters" (FPS, Action Shooters, etc.) entertain so much? And how's in your case?

A.1: Well i think this games entertain so much nowadays cause they are the closet to the reality we got right now. And much kids, adolecents, old people like playing this games because they like to challenge them selves to be the best one on the game. Also you make lots of friends playing some action games, but you should distinguish between real friends and online friends. Also they like to play because when you have time playing you will see there are aspects of the games in which the person with more experience will have the advantage on the new guy. So is a test for persons to get better and better. My case is because i like playing action quake 2, cause I have lots of friends in it, and it's a challenge for me, to take my clan to win a League.

Q.2: What would be the closest conection you see between a game and reality?

A.2: Scenaries, guns, the way characters move and play. Everytime you see more realistics games that make you think you are the one on the scene playing.

Q.3: "One of shooting's reasons are all these Ego Shooting games, training and provoking the ones playing them". What would you say to that?

A.3: Well, isen't the real reason why some guys play this game, but there is always, general kids or persons who are having a bad time, that got the advantage they are behind a screen, that they charge their anger against other characters. Is a problem they have to solve their selfs in real life. They have to make a difference between their life in the game that isen't the one that will take them to be a respectable men and their real life.

Q.4: Have you interests in real guns and weapons? Have any? And if you want one, do you think you could manage to get one?

A.4: I got a rifle, not of real bullets, i often use it but i have never think of shoting a person, I only could shoot a person if my life or someone I know life is in danger.

Q.5: Do you know of any event where people died/was wounded where a gamer/someone who plays games was involved?

A.5: Yes i have heard lot of cases that gamers died o kill between because they want to be better, in Chile it was a case of two childs that play cards and they start figthing against each other like they where characters.. That why adults should make kids have a real and fun life, and see the computer as a work place, and sometimes to get fun. But not a place in which they should spend all day at.

Re: Questions and Answers

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:19 am
by Repsaj
Caracol wrote: Q.1: Why do you think these so called "violent shooters" (FPS, Action Shooters, etc.) entertain so much? And how's in your case?
I guess it's about doing something you aren't suppose to do, or unable to do in real life that drives us to play the games. In my case? Hmm, don't really know :) For me it's more the friendly competition that drives me. That + playing with a team for a similar goal (I like co-op better than single player) is nice.
Caracol wrote:Q.2: What would be the closest conection you see between a game and reality?
Actually personally I've never played any game so intense that it came close to reality. I always know I'm behind a computer and all of that happening infront of me is fake.
Caracol wrote:Q.3: "One of shooting's reasons are all these Ego Shooting games, training and provoking the ones playing them". What would you say to that?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean with this one, but I'll try to answer the question as how I understand it. Training = experience. You get experience everytime you play a game be it in real life or on your computer. So it's not weird to train. And provoking others.. ye well that's with everything hit that sensitive snare that will make your opponent do dumb stuff, so you can predict him easier. It's done in every game as well as computer as real life.
Caracol wrote:Q.4: Have you interests in real guns and weapons? Have any? And if you want one, do you think you could manage to get one?
I'm not particulary interested in guns, I find them fascinating but I'm not searching for info on them. I don't have any (not a real one anyway and its not in my posession either). If I would want one.. Hm I dunno, prolly internet has a few for sale :)
Caracol wrote:Q.5: Do you know of any event where people died/was wounded where a gamer/someone who plays games was involved?
Ye the dumb americans shooting some schools up and people blaming it on Counter Strike. Though I don't know if it was ever really proven that it was directly related to it. Also some Japanese/Chinese or something from that corner killing some guy/girl (not loads of people, just multiple rumours about single murders).

Re: Questions and Answers

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:33 pm
by cheef
second try....
  1. Q.1: Why do you think these so called "violent shooters" (FPS, Action Shooters, etc.) entertain so much? And how's in your case?
    like at everything on the world someone is interessted in.
    and isn't it fun to move with the mouse over an enemy to kill him per mouseclick. you challenge your pc in single player or other ppl on the other end of the world. thats the interessting stuff. to be faster and have better tactic. almost same reason as tactic games.
    little example: (old) Prince of Persia:
    how violent when u cut the enemys with your sword. but it was more the skill and tenacity you are practicing.

    Q.2: What would be the closest conection you see between a game and reality?
    the gamers on the other end of the line (@ online games)
    in single games you can learn about graphics, physics.
    games to learn from are connection to real life.

    Q.3: "One of shooting's reasons are all these Ego Shooting games, training and provoking the ones playing them". What would you say to that?

    Q.4: Have you interests in real guns and weapons? Have any? And if you want one, do you think you could manage to get one?
    i have, and i get it. god dammit i'm a soldier babe. :rambo:

    Q.5: Do you know of any event where people died/was wounded where a gamer/someone who plays games was involved?

Re: Questions and Answers

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:23 am
by suds
I find some of these questions hard to understand but here goes.

The entertainment value of games comes from proving your skill (really just hand-eye co-ordination) and tactial thinking. The violent shooters are really a power trip, the feeling of power you get from completely destroying an opponent is a great feeling.
When a man competes with another man in any situation the winning man gets a rush of testosterone while the levels of this hormone in the loser actually decrease. So in this way we become more manly as we win more. (sorry caro you big girl)
For me playing games is about fantasy and co-ordination.

Apart from the interaction and competition with real people from online and other multiplayer games, the only connection to reality in shooters is visual. I think the only reason most games are based on reality is to make our fantasies easier to realise. This helps us to feel more immersed in a game and easier for the game to influence us -scared by halflife2 anyone?- thus increasing the entertainment value of the game.

erm confusing quote...
Does this refers to aq2 and the way we taunt and joke with each other to try and win a round. And the way we might use a different tactic the next round to try and confuse the opponent? Or is it about how You the Player is influenced.... ah forget all that i think i understand the quote there a word missing?

should it say "One of THE shooting's reasons are all these Ego Shooting games, training and provoking the ones playing them" ???
as in someone is blaming a particular shooting on games?

i still dont get the ego part... is it a bad translation? should it be FPS?

anyway noone can blame games on real violence. perhaps if someone played a game so much that they lost touch with reality then it could make them crazy. but only sad messed up people would do that. (sorry juan :) )

the games that i play are almost all first person shooters and most are online. none of them have any statistics that matter, whereas games like warcraft and role playing games where ongoing character development has such value to the players that they can sell it for real money on ebay. they are the ones i hear stories about, where people will actually find each other and hack both computers and limbs.
FPS is innocent! the rush is fast and the action is over in no time. the character is meaningless so the only bad thing that happens is loading a save point or waiting for next round/respawn. after playing for a while all the guns become a bit meaningless, reality based shooters mean you die fast no matter what is hitting you. so tactics and clever gameplay become more important than the guns and violence...

I like the look and function of guns, the technology and the simplicity. i dont really care about them tho, i like a bit of variety in a game, not of the look of them but of the function. i would like to fire one just to see how it feels but i could only kill or hurt someone to defend myself or people i know. i think that i could get one in australia but not here in england as i dont mix with the dodgy characters i used to (im grown up you know)

I read in PCzone ( games mag) a few months ago ( i dont buy mags about games i just play them ok) and yes i can read!!!

anyway, i read that a group erm sorry a clan (thats not right either...) of warcraft players went to an internet cafe in japan and beat the crap out of a guy who had been killing their characters online. apparently it has happened a few times and is a problem in japan.

Re: Questions and Answers

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:00 am
by BadWerdz
Caracol wrote:Q.1: Why do you think these so called "violent shooters" (FPS, Action Shooters, etc.) entertain so much? And how's in your case?
It's in our nature to be competive, may it be soccer, chess, golf, being able to drink the most or what ever, but we all atleast sometime have the will to be best. alot of people also have the need to feel like they belong to something. FPS games, and online FPS games stimulate both theese needs. I don't think it's about the killing or the violence, it's about matching skills for most people. For others it's a way to let out steam, they have a hard day in school/or at work, the wife/man is nagging at them and the kids scream, a couple of minutes with an FPS lets all the frustration out. In other cases, like for me, it's a way of getting together with a couple of friends and doing something together, I can seriously say I wouldn't be playing AQ2 if it wasen't for [VfN].
Caracol wrote:Q.2: What would be the closest conection you see between a game and reality?
If you shot someone in the head it goes *SPLUFS*. Nah I think the line between reality and games is starting to get thinner, the games get more and more close to reality, physics is getting more and more close to our world and models and weapons act and look like we know they should.
Caracol wrote:Q.3: "One of shooting's reasons are all these Ego Shooting games, training and provoking the ones playing them". What would you say to that?
That your both right and wrong, studies has been made that FPS games lowers the resistans for a person to aim a gun at a person and fire. In world war two only 1/3 soldiers could actualy pull that trigger. Today it more like 9/10. I think and know that simulation practice is to thank for this. The wrong part is that I think that the FPS games is acting like a vent for most people, stoping us from doing shit we might end up regretting.

The dangerous part is when that vent isn't enough, then you have a person with the will to do damage and allmost no problem to pull the trigger against another person.
Caracol wrote:Q.4: Have you interests in real guns and weapons? Have any? And if you want one, do you think you could manage to get one?
My father is in the army and is a hunter, guns and weapons has allways been around me. and yeah I have a interst in weapons, so mutch that I've read a couple of books about ballistics, but I'm not one of thoose people yerking of to pics of an M16.

Yeah getting guns wouldn't be a problem. both weapons I could easily councel(sawing of a shotgun isn't that hard) and high precission weapons(11mm with a decent laser scope makes biiiig holes at great distance) by stealing them from my father.

and if I wasen't that picky I could just as easy(maybe easier) buy a handgun from the streets.

but why in the world would I want to to do that? I can't even shot a deer :) I'm a big softy.
Caracol wrote:Q.5: Do you know of any event where people died/was wounded where a gamer/someone who plays games was involved?
dosen't everyone play videogames theese days? Do I know off killings where the killer played videogames? Yes ofc I do.
am I or society sure they killed people becouse of the games? No, and I don't think it was even a factor.

People kill people, guns and video games only makes it a bit easier.
aslong as society dosen't take care of the mentaly weak acts of violence will acure, and blaiming the games or the guns is just a way of pushing the responsibilty from ourself onto the manufactures.

If you remember the shooting in Colombine(SC?), USA the media blamed Marilyn Manson, Computer games producers, Arcade halls, drugs and weapon producers, but not once did I hear anyone asking what the fuck the school or the parents did to provent it from happening.

The truth is that thoose 2 young men would prolly have done it with kitchen knifes if they had to, they where so let down by society that nothing in the world could have stopped them at that point.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for banning guns from people who dosen't need them and can't handle them, but focusing on the guns or blaiming artists or entertainment is just a way to push focus from the key issue,
Why do we let it go that far before we start to care? Why didn't the school, the parents, their "friends" or someone in their precense sit down and listen to them way before they killed a bunch of students and themself?

I hope you can make something out from my answers, how I hate my bad english sometimes :/