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Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 3:28 pm
by Da^JuaN
Just caught their ip on Death Angels - Main server

by using frkq2

cant upload screenie atm, because the server is down atm

so, im curious 2 know if it was hirchart or his brother tozz/aphirous ?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 3:35 pm
by Den
who cares :) both are tozzers :P

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 3:41 pm
by MysteryMan
and both are banned :twisted:

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 2:31 pm
by Hirchart
guess it wasnt me, it doenst hack nocheat 2.34 does it?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 2:41 pm
by Da^JuaN
looks like it eh, failed 4 admin tests? explain that then..

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 2:49 pm
by Hirchart
i cant, i wasnt there ? :P however, i fixed my problem ( See @ general ) so since a week or 2 i can finally play on all servers with good gl and nocheat, and i got a sort of question : why dont you put on all servers that u need nocheat like jolt or summit ? if thats posseble.. then I can finally play again, because i noticed im also banned at DK's and jolt. And it would be nice i can play again, so if i would have cheated, i cant cheat anymore ( if you requier no cheat at all servers )

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 2:57 pm
by Kurupt

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 2:58 pm
by Da^JuaN
ever heard about a hacked nocheat?

the 1 u used?

be a man, and admit u used frkq2

i did an admin test, 4 times.. and 4 times u give an error.. seems clear 2 me?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:03 pm
by Hirchart
i have heard of hacking yes, but no i cant hack :)

im just some though guy who playes games, but i dont know about anything about hacking or beign admin or whatever. I'm glad that i know how to enter a rcon pass and set a pass on the server :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:04 pm
by Hirchart
and another thing, i was playing RTWC the last week ( yes, because a classm8 of mine wanted me to, because he liked the game so much - however, it was kinda fun ), so i dindt play AQ2 for a while, like 8 days ago was last time i played, and today was last time i TRYED to play :)

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:12 pm
by Da^JuaN
omg :roll:

Just ADMIT fs..

u dont even have the hack nocheat.. it IS already hacked for, downloading, installing.. and click twice on the .exe.. every noob can do that.. and 2ndly, 5mins be4 u was caught u posted here a msg on the forum, and 5 minutes later.. u were posting a msgs again? Accident?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:16 pm
by Hirchart
ehm, well, you can say what you want if i cheated or not, but the last thing i dont get, you say that i was online here 5 mins be4 you think I was caught. What does that got to do with cheating ? and you if know a time, can you please tell me what time ?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:18 pm
by Da^JuaN
i got enough proof.. simple

this is my last post about it

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 3:26 pm
by Da^JuaN
[ 19:53:41 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] ik zou graag willen weten hoelaat

[ 19:53:56 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] gisteravond tussen half 8 en kwart over 8

[ 19:54:26 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] hehe, dat is dus onmogelijk dat ik het was

[ 19:54:39 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] toen was ik buiten en dat weet ik 100% zeker

[ 19:54:55 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] maakt niet uit, je ip is gebanned, klaar

[ 19:55:07 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] johan:/

[ 19:55:14 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] ik was het niet :/

[ 19:55:26 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] dat ip heeft gecheat.. dus dat ip wordt gebanned

[ 19:55:29 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] en lol

[ 19:55:30 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] btw

[ 19:55:33 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] je was er niet?

[ 19:55:36 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] nee

[ 19:55:39 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] je post wel op het forum.. maar was er niet

[ 19:55:41 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] leg uit?

[ 19:55:43 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] hm

[ 19:55:46 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] das wel waar :)

[ 19:55:52 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] ik ben wel rond acht uur weg geweest

[ 19:56:02 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] en rond half 9 naar huisgegaan

[ 19:56:09 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] omdat iedereen huiswerk ging doen

[ 19:57:12 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] maar ok, ik ben gebanned, en jij zegt indirect dat ookal zou ik mijn bewijs halen, het gebanned zou blijven, omdat het mijn broer zou kunnen zijn, en hij dan weer kon gaan cheaten

[ 19:57:38 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] hoelang blijf ik dan gebanned ?:|

[ 19:58:00 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] je post op het forum.. paar mins later cheat je, paar mins later als je gekicked ben, zit je op ut forum

[ 19:58:03 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] leg dat dan uit?

[ 19:58:13 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] hm, kan puur toeval zijn

[ 19:58:18 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] ik zat net op het furom

[ 19:58:19 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] en nu ook niet meer

[ 19:58:25 ] [ Hirchart`AQ2 ] en ben van plan nu net weer te gaan kijken

[ 19:58:31 ] [ Da^JuaN`afk ] puuuuuuur toeval

Sorry, for the english ppl.. this is 2 much 4 me 2 translate ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 4:45 pm
by fraki
isnt it sad that "some" "nice" ppl get banned for being stupid 5 minutes?

unfortunately we cant have it like friends, the one who gets caughed have to pay the next partynight for the others :/

sad sad everything the scene is killing itself

less players, some ppl short stupid, aq2 dead

sad sad :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: