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just gotta get this off my chest....

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:42 pm
by Nozaki
admins: if you want to lock this thread after i post it, just go a head, it will prolly just turn into a fight after all....

here goes:
I for once actually suport the .fi clans!! u know why? cuz of kids like Flyer going around nagging about the 2xfi thing... okay! it had been alot of ppl complaining about this before, and I've ben one of them... but I'm getting fucking tired of listening too it!

and since Clown brought up those two links i just gotta quote DaNi's statemant:
<Skrew-> well most of finns dont like maps like c2

So ok then.. we play rhstation... what? no good either?... hmm... sludge1? oh also no good?.. Well.. lets play 2 x your map then? .. still nothing eh?...
not willing to play c2, rhstation and sludge i so can understand!!! we do the exact same thing in VfN... we dont like maps where we clearly r the underdog(though, we r that most of the time anyways ;P), but we got only like two ot three sprayers... and that is actually what u need at those maps, uless you are like Devvi, an insane sniper(right? ;P)

so stop the fucking naggin, and play someone else then... come at #vfn and play vs us if you that bad need a win...

nothing personal at anyone here ffs! but damn!! the aq2 communety is not big! IT ISNT!! so why the hell cant we just adapt with each other!! and yeah.. that include you fi ppl ;p

why cant more clans be like VfN or balle(yeah i know there prolly is more clans like this, but these are the ones that r close too me)? playing for the fun of it, and not to get the biggest win of the century... there is NOTHING! big about winning 134-3

thanx for listening to my ranting... peace out, goodnight.. and a big FUCK YOU to you all...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:01 am
by Perisher

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:05 am
by angra
I play to win, i like to win, i hate to lose so it's no fun. i can play mabye one or two cw just for fun if you are on vent or lan, but not more. i get board if there isin't anything competitive in the game.

And there is no fun winning 78-2.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:26 am
by Bruicer
what is the actual statement of this

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 3:00 am
by Flunx
3 first replies from 3 noobs.

There is truth to Nozaki's words. This scene is shrinking partly due to morons.
Some of the coolest and most fun matches I've played are against clans like Balle, hst and VfN.
I play to win, i like to win, i hate to lose so it's no fun.
IMO thinking like that is the reason for cheaters.

I play for the fun of it. Winning is more fun than losing.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 3:35 am
by angra
I think it's like this, cheaters just wont others to know they are winners.
Cheaters don't have the "winnerhead" if they would have, they wouldnt cheat.

I just play for myself and my team.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 3:40 am
by BadWerdz
hehe Well I agree with Nozaki(ofc, or I won't get to play ^^)

I'm not writing this to change the way you guys play, I'm writing it to explain why and how I play, so the understanding in the scene can atleast become a little better. I don't play aq2 to be best, I don't even care if we win anything. If I was in it for the thrills of a win I would play cs instead or maybe play in a 3x m4, 1x Sniper clan. but that bores me. when I play I want to have a laugh, down a couple of beers and share a moment with some mates. Playing against a competative clan with the only intention to win kinda ruins that fun for me. sure a hard fought cw can be fun, and I aint that bad of a player(okey I am) so I can't hold it against most of the players out there, it's just that it bores me.

I don't know if this is something you grow into when you have played a game long enough, I'm sure as hell dosen't think that way about battlefield or any other game. but it seems like the really old clans with hundreds of cws in the backpack knows how to have a good time alot more than younger players and clans, I'm not saying all competative players are immature, but when you have won long enough I guess it gets boring and you start to like other things in a game.

and to answer and common missconception:
I play to win, i like to win, i hate to lose so it's no fun. i can play mabye one or two cw just for fun if you are on vent or lan, but not more. i get board if there isin't anything competitive in the game.
Playing for fun dosen't mean we play to loose, we throw a party and drink ourself silly and brag about every win we have and we will taunt you and remind you about it untill you grow old and grey. It's just that we know how to take a loose and can enjoy a good fought game anyways.

The fun part for us is letting go abit and showing of a bit, maybe playing m3/stealth or akimbos/kevlar just to show off a bit. Or maybe doing that dangerous jump that you can't control to 100% just to be able to slice someone in the back. For me this game is about action, the name kinda gives that away. allways playing the same old maps, where everyone uses the exact same weapons and play in the exact same way bores me like hell.

To take an example, we have teamdepo as our homemap. and we love fighting on it, there is nothing more fun that sneaking around with m3 or hc or something like that inside the house and suddenly make a rush out one of the windows and wreak havoc on the other team. there is two types of clans we have faced on that map, thoose with pride and thoose who want's to win. the clans with pride clash against us in furious fights all over the map with a wide range of weapons, and all respect to those clans, Love to play against you guys. And then there are the winners, it takes them two rounds to understand that having a sniper in spawn, staying in the open areas with m4 will win you alot of rounds. Those cws seems to take forever, sometimes they even have the stomach to call us campers since we takes our time, taking cheap shots against them instead of rushing their defensive position.

and to comment the finish scene, I think it's naive to say they are all the same, I've played against lame ass clans from finland who get's pissed of and calls us lamers and cheaters just becouse of the simple fact that I kick their asses with a shotgun. but I've also played some of my best cw's against clans from our neighbour in north :) just like there are swedish and norweign clans I don't like and who dosen't share my vision of the game there are clans from finland who fits our playing style and those who dosen't.

and quite frankly, playing 2x on their server dosn't bug me, just means I don't have to find an empty cw server :) as long as they agree to use limchase I'm greatful that they have their own server :)

\Badwerds ranted abit to.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:13 am
by angra
we just like different aspects of the game. but the importent thing is that we like the same game, and that i can't be enjoy in diffrent ways.

But i don't like the most winners that camp the opponets map and just play lame to win. it needs to be a clean and fair game.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:21 am
by Den
why cant more clans be like VfN
Why? You lot even think quad is a player and we stole the name from him 9 years ago :P

Anyway, back on topic. For us quad, we kinda always play for fun. We dont care much for normal clanwars (ofc we do try to win, but it doesnt matter if we dont), we are more a tournament/league kind of clan. Few days ago we played apprime with some players that havent played in a long time and we had a blast :) Here's an example:

About the 2xfi thing.. well it happens. We can't do much about it. Just play vs the cool kids.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:58 am
by Nozaki
Bruicer wrote:what is the actual statement of this
its just me ranting ffs... there is no statement at all!
angra wrote:I play to win, i like to win, i hate to lose so it's no fun. i can play mabye one or two cw just for fun if you are on vent or lan, but not more. i get board if there isin't anything competitive in the game.

And there is no fun winning 78-2.
actually, i dont find this so bad.. ppl like winning, yeah ofc i do to.. but winning with 50+ isnt actually fun.. guess u actually mean about the same thing, giving what u said at the end ^^
and having REALLY tight matches where only a few points part the teams are more fun, if the matches are intense that is
Den wrote:
why cant more clans be like VfN

Why? You lot even think quad is a player and we stole the name from him 9 years ago
BUT YOU DID!!! HiRr.. ;p
Den wrote:Here's an example:
HOHOHO!! if they did not get what was going on, i surely did not! but lol!!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:01 am
by Repsaj
O not this again...
not willing to play c2, rhstation and sludge i so can understand!!! we do the exact same thing in VfN... we dont like maps where we clearly r the underdog(though, we r that most of the time anyways ;P), but we got only like two ot three sprayers... and that is actually what u need at those maps, uless you are like Devvi, an insane sniper(right? ;P)
I agree with c2, but s1 and rhstation?! Please learn to play... really learn how to play and till then shut up. I play in pr0 where we play sludge1 as homemap and I've met alot of clans that use m3, hc and some even sniper there and still put up a good match. If YOU can't, that doesn't mean the map isn't suitable for it. Yes the map is dominated by m4 power, because people know how to use that and like to use it... rhstation, well I don't know this very well since almost no clans play this anyway (e comes to mind). But the layout (small indoor spaces and quite alot of objects to hide behind) is quite good for m3.

Aww hell, tell me which map is never played with an overly excess of m4? You can maybe get to a handfull, the reason for this is because people know how to use m4 and see it as a (the most?) powerful weapon in the game.

Personally for me it is a "rush" to overpower an enemy with another weapon (hc, slashing, etc). When I go slashing I don't want everyone to slash, it takes the fun and the challenge out of it. It's the thing that makes it special, the thing that let's u rise above your opponent.
To take an example, we have teamdepo as our homemap. and we love fighting on it, there is nothing more fun that sneaking around with m3 or hc or something like that inside the house and suddenly make a rush out one of the windows and wreak havoc on the other team. there is two types of clans we have faced on that map, thoose with pride and thoose who want's to win. the clans with pride clash against us in furious fights all over the map with a wide range of weapons, and all respect to those clans, Love to play against you guys. And then there are the winners, it takes them two rounds to understand that having a sniper in spawn, staying in the open areas with m4 will win you alot of rounds. Those cws seems to take forever, sometimes they even have the stomach to call us campers since we takes our time, taking cheap shots against them instead of rushing their defensive position.

So everyone has to play the game like you see the way it has to be played? They have to fight you on a map they may not even know that well and even fight with the weapons you would like them to see using? And only because you revoke to play with other weapons? As you are saying you are taking cheapshots at them, isn't that the best feeling you get? Just like I said before, I think it's more enjoyable beating an opponent who is using different weapons than 1 that is using the same. It brings alot more "tactics", "strategy" and skill into the game.

And to end this post I'd like to point out matches are matches and matches have a winner and a loser. And I'd rather be on the winning side when the dust clears. It's also the goal of the match to beat ur opponent, that's why you play it to kill your opponent.. if you succeed you win... simple as that.

And something that was said before: I play for my own fun, not for the fun of others.

PS: Something may make no sense since I wrote this a bit distracted.

Nozaki wrote:
angra wrote:I play to win, i like to win, i hate to lose so it's no fun. i can play mabye one or two cw just for fun if you are on vent or lan, but not more. i get board if there isin't anything competitive in the game.

And there is no fun winning 78-2.
actually, i dont find this so bad.. ppl like winning, yeah ofc i do to.. but winning with 50+ isnt actually fun.. guess u actually mean about the same thing, giving what u said at the end ^^
and having REALLY tight matches where only a few points part the teams are more fun, if the matches are intense that is
And you can't have tight matches with maps like sludge1, rhstation or cliff2? Or what are you getting at? O wait, you had no point you were just ranting... right...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 6:10 am
by Clown
By the way, I only brought up two links because I just cannot be bothered linking them all. There has been far too much discussion regarding Finland and 'rest of world', and it just gets tedious.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:26 am
by fuct
Perisher wrote:whine...
that was your first post, i can see you are going to be a valued member of this forum O_o

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:31 am
by Nozaki
Repsaj wrote:O not this again...
not willing to play c2, rhstation and sludge i so can understand!!! we do the exact same thing in VfN... we dont like maps where we clearly r the underdog(though, we r that most of the time anyways ;P), but we got only like two ot three sprayers... and that is actually what u need at those maps, uless you are like Devvi, an insane sniper(right? ;P)
I agree with c2, but s1 and rhstation?! Please learn to play... really learn how to play and till then shut up. I play in pr0 where we play sludge1 as homemap and I've met alot of clans that use m3, hc and some even sniper there and still put up a good match. If YOU can't, that doesn't mean the map isn't suitable for it. Yes the map is dominated by m4 power, because people know how to use that and like to use it... rhstation, well I don't know this very well since almost no clans play this anyway (e comes to mind). But the layout (small indoor spaces and quite alot of objects to hide behind) is quite good for m3.
why get so angry? did u miss something today? anyways... why dont I really learn to play? well my little friend, I've played this game for 8 years, and I've had my share of winning... i frankly dont care about that at ALL anymore(though its still fun to win(missunderstand me right now)). what i like is to have back more of the good old diversity...

yeah okay.. i kinda just tossed them(rhstat and s1) in since they vere mentioned ;p but yeah, the house in rhstation is a nice place for a m3-player or hc, and even knifes.. but if you keep to the house, u know what u will get..? whining and a clan that do whatever they do to ruine your map(and that u can get by just doing this a couple of times too)
sludge i kinda like sometimes with my m3 and nades.. (and that is another thing.. why the hell isnt there nades on any other servers then CG and SolideMirage??)
Repsaj wrote: Aww hell, tell me which map is never played with an overly excess of m4? You can maybe get to a handfull, the reason for this is because people know how to use m4 and see it as a (the most?) powerful weapon in the game.
and that is kinda the thing too...trought the years I've played since aq2 came out.. playing styles have changed... before it was few ppl using the m4, mostly cuz ppl could not handle it. ofc seeing ppl getting good with some weapon is ofc great, now we even see some good knifers(and not just the lucky one hit wonders). And that is actually what i dont like... when everyone start using m4 att all times(i know that not EVERYONE do this ffs, but it is atrend), the diversity in the game disappears, and thus, the fun disappears...
There have ben some tryes of changing this trend(Blue Vex's try to make a new client, the SolidMirage server), but in general this is not something that is taken by ease from ppl that use only m4.. wich is understandable...
Repsaj wrote: [edit]
Nozaki wrote:
angra wrote:I play to win, i like to win, i hate to lose so it's no fun. i can play mabye one or two cw just for fun if you are on vent or lan, but not more. i get board if there isin't anything competitive in the game.

And there is no fun winning 78-2.
actually, i dont find this so bad.. ppl like winning, yeah ofc i do to.. but winning with 50+ isnt actually fun.. guess u actually mean about the same thing, giving what u said at the end ^^
and having REALLY tight matches where only a few points part the teams are more fun, if the matches are intense that is
And you can't have tight matches with maps like sludge1, rhstation or cliff2? Or what are you getting at? O wait, you had no point you were just ranting... right...
HiRr... clearly u did not get that one...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:22 am
by dudemcpek
Too much text! I want those lol threads :(