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Good maps for AQ2 CTF

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:54 pm
by FooQ
Heres some maps that are especially made for balanced play in AQ2 CTF, all but dirt2 have the flags hard coded in the bsp. Try em out on AQ2 CTF and I recommend wp_flags 433 to disable autos and m3 for faster, more flowing and fun play. Theres screenshots of them in the map release section.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:59 pm
by arild
Might do that later.
However, they are not adjusted to the features on this mod. So even without testing i can say they need some remake due to powerups and stuff.


Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:52 am
by FooQ
Powerups?!? What power ups?
These are maps specifically made for Action Quake2 CTF on TNG

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:34 am
by Clown
And if you paid attention to the forum you were posting in, you would know that Arild and his team were developing CTF mode for AQ2.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:27 am
by sayvzah
dose looks like a najs map to me for CTF.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:41 am
by FooQ
Thats right, I made them all like 2 years ago, anticipating some stupid additions to an already good mod. These boards are full of negative arseholes. Im gone.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:25 am
by Clown
Better than arseholes who can't read.

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:45 am
by fuct
omg someone put a camera in a phone?! why would anyone want to make something already good, better? O_o

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:05 am
by BeAViS
useless i tell you!

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:14 am
by arild
So FooQ. Took me the time to test them. And since you claim we are negative in here I will stick to that. Nah :p Anyway, one of our goals with the project is to make it entertaining to play in a tournament. Avoid weird maps that doesnt fit into CTF at all.

All your maps might be entertaining to play on public. But thats about it.
I will however give you a short comment about each map. Have in mind that these comments are my first impression, and I havent tried anyone of them with a bunch of people. Exception would be ctfdeserts since its the same maplayout.

Anyways ->
This map looks quite entertaining. My first impression: To small. However, this can be adjusted quite easy. You get a lot of speed from all curves and small cliffs so it might be quite cool to play.

This one I dont like at all. Putting 2xwargrounds together with water in the middle doesnt really impress me. Alot of areas will most likely be unused. You havent even removed the skybug. Maybe you didnt want to. But atleast I think it destroys the gameplay.

No tournament map. And I believe its boring to play after 3 min's.

Small map. It is only one way in/out in the bases which is a huge -. Again, boring to play after 3 min's.

This map has always been boring for me to play in CTF. Mainly cause it only offers one way in/out from the base. And it is really easy to defend.

Again to small. Doesnt really offer much either. Only one way through the house to the flag. And a bridge between the houses.

Same as wargrounds. 2xsludge <- dont really see the point with that. I guess several wont be used on this map aswell. _And_ only one way between the bases which destroys alot of the whole map.

So there you go.


Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:27 pm
by FooQ
Since, we're all continuing with the negativity I'm gonna stick around with my own full and frank opinions =D
Clown said: Better than arseholes who can't read.
Well more like I didnt read it, someone just suggested I post links to these CTF maps for you to check out. Me bein the idiot I am didnt expect to walk into the CTF clique from hell did I you cockney tosspot.
fuct said: omg someone put a camera in a phone?! why would anyone want to make something already good, better?
Well thats not exactly a good analogy, taking AQ2 CTF and turning it into Q2 CTF with AQ2 weapons and like one or 2 maps to play it on isnt making it better. A better analogy would be like turning a cell phone into a digital camera that only takes a few pictures and losing the whole cell phone side of it which is what people wanted mostly from it to start with.

As for arild and your map reviews, you seem to be under the impression I made them for your approval, which I didnt. I made all these maps quite some time ago and they already have been played on public servers many times. But thats cool, I didnt make these maps for your aq2 ctf mod anyways since I didnt know it existed. I made them for my own CTF server which ran with no autos, was very enjoyable and very popular. But you guys go ahead and try and play CTF with autos and all the leg damage it entails, its your funeral =D

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:21 pm
by fuct
Confirmed what i wrote.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:25 pm
by sajh
FooQ wrote:Thats right, I made them all like 2 years ago, anticipating some stupid additions to an already good mod. These boards are full of negative arseholes. Im gone.
for someone being "gone" you sure produce your fair share of jibberish.. and stop crying about noone liking your maps..

i bet you will get personal and attempt to insult me now, ayee?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:30 am
by FooQ

No need for insults, a picture tells a thousand words, and all your words are 'what' 'a' 'fucking' and 'nerd' 250 times each.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:35 am
by Flunx
No one likes you FooQ.