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I miss AQSL

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:16 am
by Den
Im bored and i thought: oh what the heck, lets write something about AQSL. When i just heard about AQSL, i was still a noob and had my own dutchie clan called DAS with some of the best dutchi players we had (Manga, Chris, Guard etc). I wanted to enter AQSL with my clan DAS but my other teammates diddnt like to play in the UK or have never played in the UK. Manga was allready in an UK clan: QWA. So i joined an UK clan called: AV - Action Veterans and played my first aqsl game and it was great :) played couple months there and then moved on to QWA and few other uk clans,

My AQSL clans:
AV, QWA, DoP3, RoX

Hmm not sure about s4p


Anyway, The AQSL Story!

The idea of the AQSL was originally concepted between Greedy and Makhno (long before time began) and a few more people joined them to start it up. Unfortunately, most of the people 'faded away'. Greedy still wanted to run the league, but without any help, he wouldn't have succeeded. Then Deathwatch offered Greedy help in running the league and he made a few suggestions as to the league should be run. After long discussions and a few models of the league, they finally agreed on a system and decided it was time to start it.

The first AQSL Season started in December '99. and was a success.

The first season of the AQSL was run in a tournament style, with four divisions of eight clans battling each other, the top 4 clans of each division would then move to a knockout round to decide who'd be the winner of the season.

The knockout ended in a final between LCA and chug on the 12th of December. The winner of the final was LCA. 2nd place was for chug, 3rd for RaP3 and the 4th for RoAr.

The second season of the league was also run as a tournament, although with slightly different rules, which were used to prevent the problem of clans folding and keep the league going. The new rules also sorted the divisions by putting the stronger clans in the same divisions.

Before the rules were put into action, many hours of discussion and testing took place in order to make sure that the best rules were used.

The knockout stage ended with RaP3 as winners, DASH as runners up and bl33t in 3rd place. At the end of the season, Greedy had become too busy with other things to keep on going with the league, and had become inactive.

** You guys really have to see the demo of this game.

Season 3 brought with it more changes. Deathwatch left the head admin position due to real life responsibilities and left it to Adramelech and Obby.

The third season was run like the football leagues, 5 divisions of 8 clans, with a 7 week season. Because of the switch of site, rules and ownership, there were many small problems which were conquered at the end.

The season ended with a narrow win from RaP3, followed by DP in second place.

Gonna add the scores of the next seasons later :)

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:29 am
by Den
Season Winners

Season 1
1st place: LCA
2nd place: chug
3rd place: RaP3
4th place: RoAr

Season 2
1st place: RaP3
2nd place: DASH
3rd place: bl33t

Season 3
1st place: RaP3
2nd place: DP

Season 4
Division 1: RaP3
Division 2: 2a
Division 3: PB
Division 4: FiRe

Season 5
Division 1: 2a
Division 2: AV
Division 3: SND
Division 4: SoV
Division 5: TDS

Season 6
Division 1: SoV
Division 2: RoX
Division 3: C&C
Division 4: #
Division 5: quad
Division 6: MI

Season 7
Division 1: dW
Division 2: quad
Division 3: QNI
Division 4: TRC

Season 8
Division 1: MI & quad
Division 2: AiD
Division 3: S4P
Division 4: ElR

Season 9
Division 1 Winner: M.I
Division 2 Winner: NARF
Division 3 Winner: FS
Division 4 Winner: CoMiX

Season 10
1st place: AiD
2nd place: s4p

Season 11
No Season 11 :/ lack of interest i guess. too bad

Alltime Winners - groups
3 x M.I
3 x Quad
3 x RaP3
2 x 2a
2 x s4p
2 x SoV

1 x #
1 x AiD
1 x AV
1 x bl33t
1 x C&C
1 x CoMix
1 x DASH
1 x dW
1 x ElR
1 x F!RE
1 x FrAh
1 x FS
1 x LCA
1 x N8K
1 x NARF
1 x PB
1 x QNI
1 x RoX
1 x SND
1 x TDS
1 x TRC
1 x ^V^

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:38 am
by Den
Clans who played in AQSL

AQI - Action Quake International
AiD - Action Quake is Dead
AV - Action Veterans
ALT - Action Looney Tunes
AMB - Allgäuer Metzel Buam
Angels of Apocalypse
2a - Action Association
Anonymous Assassins
b2k - Bork 2 Kill
Blood Eaters
BST - Blood, Sweat and Tears
c - candidatez
CCS - Capital City Services
chug aka #
CT - Counter Terrorists
C&C - Cute & Cuddly
DC - Death Company
DP - Darkpact
- - Dash
DA - Death Angels
dW - Deadly Warriors
DI - Destruction Imminent
DAS - Dutch Assasin Squad
DCA - Dutch Cable Assassins
e@t - erster @llgemeiner Teutonenvernichtungstrupp
EIB - Eiban Boppe
EiR - El Romlot
EPS - Elimination ProcesS
Fragaholics Anonymous
FSB - Funk Soul Brothers
FS - Fortitude Soldiers
Gangsta Kings
Gangsters By Heritage
Gg - Global Gangster
GoM - Gangsters of Masturbation
H&D - Hidden and Dangerous
HKP - Hobby Killer Project
Hired Gunz
iUAR - invulnerable Under Age Retards
KGB - Knights Of Godlike Breed
Kill or Be Killed
KiL - Killing is Living
Knights of Quake
Knights of the Rail
Le` - Legendary
LSD - Louvado Seja Deus
M.I - Mobile Infantry
N8K - Natural Born Killers
NARF - Nasty Asskickin' Rulin' Fucka's
Nm3 - Enemy
No Hope
OLZ - Outlawz
Ontplof&Spring en HandCannon
pl - Pure Legends
quad. - Quadaver
Qc - Quaddro Cows
Red Devils
Scandinavian Assault Soldiers
sc* - Silent Chaos
SiK - Service Includes Killing
Speed of Light - SoL
SoV - Seals of Vengance
STR - Santarém
s4p - Striving for Perfection
The Newbies Niche
TFT - Task Force Tiger
UZI - UZI Gang
^V^ - Vampyre
Virtual Night Stalkers
YBY - Yeah Baby Yeah
.zen. - Zen
^^ - M00
# aka chug

AQSL Admins

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:39 am
by Repsaj
I think i only pldone seaseon of aqsl... namely the last one... Beforethat i wasinnone aqsl particpating clans. Tho i must say aqsl was and still is the best league there was/is.

And the fact they didn't have a 10th was because bw went commercial and stuff.... That also made alot of AQ2 players to become inactive/quit i think

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:04 am
by Da^JuaN
i pld season 7,8,9 n 10

aqsl was great, the best league ever, much better then the eaql these dayz, loads of clans, high activity, fair games, no whine n stuff like these dayz

/me dreams of the good old times :cry:

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:18 am
by Den
there was always whine :)

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:42 am
by Dennus
I think i played 4 or 5 seasons AQSL 2 with SND (1 time we won the AQSL) the other seasons with EPO and another clan i think :S :)

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:58 am
by Den
Da^JuaN wrote:i pld season 7,8,9 n 10

aqsl was great, the best league ever, much better then the eaql these dayz, loads of clans, high activity, fair games, no whine n stuff like these dayz

/me dreams of the good old times :cry:

nice to hear this from an EAQL admin ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 12:50 pm
by Da^JuaN
ghehe, i cant help it.. why should i lie about it? :)

AQSL was better then eaql now is, more clans, division style, no whining about the rules (at least less whining).. admins were hardly needed that time, now u cant play with out them..

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 1:02 pm
by Den

u needed an admin for every game :0

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 3:24 pm
by Da^JuaN
i said hardly, so i meant.. actually u didnt need them, but they just were there.. idling, turning next map on, nothing more :)

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 5:47 pm
by Clown
I played one season of BWAQSL and I helped our team to come top of our division with no losses. We made it to division 2. Guess what clan it is :)

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:35 pm
by goldblade
stop copy pasting from the old aqsl site

u could've just typed

if that site is still up anyway

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:39 pm
by Den
true :P who cares

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 7:29 pm
by MysteryMan
:?: (sssh)maybe new aqsl comming up(sshh) :?: