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Useful stuff and tips

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:38 am
by dudemcpek
I know there are some similar threads already, but since there are stuff you don't want for every moron on these forums to see and comment on, lets have our own here.
Scripts, triggers, tips,...

OK first of, I'd like to mention jajo's aq2 launcher. It didn't really get the credit it deserves. If you want to save cool recorded action or whatever, USE it.

Then the trigger kill messages. It's working great, almost everyone got them. Stan I think you're missing one important line though :D

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highlight *@_* 1

alias fragayss "frag"
trigger fragayss "*to $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*by $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*from $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*of $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*caught $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*after $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*via $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*accepts $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*see $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*remove $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*against $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*got $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*underestimated $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*ate $name$*"
trigger fragayss "*feels $name$*"
alias frag frag1
alias frag1 "radioteam 1;say_team @_ [1] [%K] ! ;alias frag frag2"
alias frag2 "radioteam 2;say_team @_ [2] [%K] ! ;alias frag frag3"
alias frag3 "radioteam 3;say_team @_ [3] [%K] ! ;alias frag frag4"
alias frag4 "radioteam 4;say_team @_ [4] [%K] ! ;alias frag frag5"
alias frag5 "radioteam 5;say_team @_ [5] [%K] ! ;alias frag frag6"
alias frag6 "radioteam 6;say_team @_ [6] [%K] ! ;alias frag frag7"
alias frag7 "radioteam 7;say_team @_ [7] [%K] ! ;alias frag frag1"
trigger "alias frag frag1" "*LIGHTS...*"
Some other trigger stuff that I use.

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bind g "sensitivity $sn;bandage;wait;wait;bandage;wait;wait;bandage"
trigger "say_team %H <<<; radio im_hit""You've Started Bandaging"

trigger "sky space1" "$name$ entered the game"

trigger "autorecord""The round will begin in 20 seconds!"
trigger "stop""Match is over, waiting for next map, please vote a new one.."
The last one is handy if you don't use aq2 launcher and you gotta record yourself. It doesn't restart recording if there are breaks during cw. Also, I think that Apr's autorecord thing is fixed so it's not that useful afterall anymore. hm..

Some more:

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//one button for modulate changing aka the modulate hack :(
bind l "glmod1"
alias glmod1 "set gl_modulate 1 ; echo modulate [1] ; bind l glmod2"
alias glmod2 "set gl_modulate 2 ; echo modulate [2] ; bind l glmod3"
alias glmod3 "set gl_modulate 3.9 ; echo modulate [3] ; bind l glmod4"
alias glmod4 "set gl_modulate 5 ; echo modulate [5] ; bind l glmod1"

alias cap "captain;wait;wait;wait;teamname -NARF-"

//one button ssg script - winner
alias L0 "lens out;sensitivity $sn;bind c L2;echo [6]"
alias L2 "lens 2;sensitivity $s2x;bind c L0;echo [2x Zoom]"
bind c l2
set sn 5.5
set s2x 3.5

//some rcon stuff
bind 8 "rcon sv stuffcmd all voteconfig matchmode"
alias rmapj "rcon sv softmap jungle1"
alias rmapw "rcon sv softmap wfall"
alias rmapp "rcon sv softmap plaza"
bind 9 rcon1
alias rcon1 "rcon_password xxx;echo rcon [NARF];bind 9 rcon2"
alias rcon2 "rcon_password xxx;echo rcon [GOLAR];bind 9 rcon3"
alias rcon3 "rcon_password xxx;echo rcon [SIOL];bind 9 rcon4"
alias rcon4 "rcon_password xxx;echo rcon [PICKUP];bind 9 rcon1"
Other rcon commands;
rcon status
rcon status 1 (this one shows what client a player is using, and when it's been modified)
rcon sv stuffcmd all say $gl_driver (or other commands instead of gl_driver...)

Go on..

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:32 pm
by Caracol
Dunno, I don't really have something special I haven't pasted in the public forums. The only stuff I use is lagometers aliases, a volume script from NRGizer that I adjusted for my sound configuration and some other stuff I never use, to change FPS and Vsync with the press of a button and that kind of stuff. Oh, and some sky aliases, teamskin, binds for captain commands... but nothing you wouldn't have if you'd need it.

What I do have, is a script to assist strafe jumping, but I never got used to it and it failed me more than the good ol' clickin'. You can try it yourself:

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bind MOUSE2 		"+moveh" 
alias +moveh "+moveup;wait;wait;-moveup;wait;wait;wait;+moveup"
alias -moveh "-moveup"
(I'm not completely sure if it's banned or if it's considered "unfair" or anything, use it at your own risk :P)

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:34 pm
by stan0x

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alias ban1						"bandage;radio im_hit; radio cover; say_team -‹‹[ I'm Bandaging with [ %H% ] health remaining ]‹‹-"

bind mwheelup 					"bandage"

trigger ban1 "*started bandaging*" 

trigger "gfb" "*$me entered the game*"
alias gfb "sky space1"

trigger "weapon" "MK23 Pistol set for semi-automatic action"
trigger "weapon" "MP5 set to 3 Round Burst mode"
trigger "weapon" "M4 set to 3 Round Burst mode"

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:38 pm
by Wolfeh
i got that stuff like 4 years back allready :P but then is it the same, i'll have to check my config lol

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:00 pm
by dudemcpek
Trigger thingie is pretty new, doubt you got anything with it already :)
It's very handy for some stuff, give it a try.

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alias headshot "centerprint *** HEADSHOT! ***;play ut/headshot.wav"
alias hson "trigger headshot *in the head*"
alias hsoff "untrigger headshot *in the head*"
When you hit a headshot it says unreal tournament's HEADSHOT and writes it in the middle of your screen. Good one :hop:

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:19 pm
by Caracol
Pretty useless though!
You could make one where if you get hit in the legs, you get laughed out by the PC. Would be awesome!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 8:18 am
by stingert
i never use grens at close range ;)

trigger "weapon" "use grenades"
trigger "weapon" "Prepared to make a medium range throw"
trigger "weapon" "Prepared to make a short range throw"
trigger "weapon" "Pin pulled, ready for short range throw"
trigger "weapon" "Pin pulled, ready for medium range throw"