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=Death Angels= server going down for good

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:31 am
by dudemcpek
DA website wrote:on 28.05.2007 our aq2 server ( will be shutdown.
if anyone is interested in sponsoring. contact me

thx to Gandohr for sponsoring in the last year.

So it's been known for quite some time, though most of you probably weren't aware of it.
The server's been serving us, mostly central europeans, very well for many years and I think it'd be a big blow for us for losing such a well-known server around here. There's still quite some options for us to choose from. If Pain gets enough money support for it he'd keep it up. Or there are also alternatives, like mof public one (, but some people complain about having lag or packet loss already.
Anyway, thank you Pain for staying with us and supporting us for so long time. :tup:

Any bright ideas? Bring'em on :)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:47 am
by fuct
Fuck it, hasn't been administrated properly in the last 3 years anyway.

e: Thats the final nail in my aq2 coffin then :(

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:32 pm
by Caracol
I'm actually glad about it, the server was some kind of enforced bad map rotation, enforced boring gameplay, enforced "keep loyal to urban and tj" and what not. It's although a pity many people will disappear, since it was a completely different kind of server, compared to catch-gamer's publics and others.

But there's still the never used birne-weg: , dunno if it's any good, but it has been as long as I'm playing AQ2 in Europe. And there are also many dutch servers, gelre, ^^oo, TPP and z0r, with its very special admins.
Now there's also mof, but as said before, it has sometimes lag issues.
Dunno, many of the people playing in DAMain will find their way to a server I hope, and the ones who disappear, well they can still do something about it.

EDIT: By the way, if it's really going to die, should we arrange a procession?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:29 pm
by dudemcpek
That's really not what I expected.. The server's been there for maaany years and I think it deserves way more credit. Maybe public playing has changed a lot in the last year or two but that's far from server's fault. You two might not care but DA's known almost to every non-scandinavian and it'd be just a big loss. Yes there are other servers to play on, but those aren't known to everyone, and public players go to a server they know, usually don't bother searching one. Maybe there should be one of those console messages on the server saying the server's going down on 28th and that there's a new (should also write the ip, whatever server it is) public to replace it.

And at least show some respect or something, faggots :(

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:51 pm
by minchiano
DA has been a name on the lists for years now so sure it deserves some credit. It's also one of the few servers nowadays to have FF on, which I will will miss dearly. Regarding the rotation I agree with Cara, allthough I must say DA was one of the few (the only?) server to have players that actually voted for fun maps when some shite came on.

Another giant put to rest.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 1:57 pm
by sayvzah
thank god its going down, its like a server for tj only,

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:02 pm
by BeAViS
i guess pain needs more band for wow.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:30 pm
by Caracol
If I go to some poor country offering rock hard bread, I wouldn't expect to be praised.
It's a bit extreme the example, but the server was just there, it didn't listen to the users and it didn't grow, now and then it got a new map or a slight change in the rotation, but it didn't make any change, it was the same anyways.
I admit I play a lot in there, I like FF and I like to play with ping 20. But not because of that I should write a letter thanking the oh so mighty admin who got it up the whole time. I suckled from the cow and I spat the milk I didn't like. Crucify me if you want, but it's not as anyone is going to die if the last server of AQ2 shuts down (and if one does, would be just laughable and pathetic).

And it wasn't wise either! Some lamers don't even have genitalia.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:54 pm
by emperphis
Aren't we used by now to lose much of our own aq2 history? So... it's time for DA main.

Fortunatly there are several alternatives. The problem is to have a matchpoint where ppl would just go. I'd like to see that p.e. at Wireplay which hasn't died (bad news to some) under (new address) and this server is regularly maintained by me.
You may see this as having someone's funeral coffin to take the opportunity..... well..... 'yes that's the case'. I've been putting my effort on that and it's barely used, so I'll hope to see some more of you there. Wireplay is a mirror of what you can find at NFSi, and i do see a lot of you going there! Please skip the blablabla_old_fart_past_issue with them and just use it!
You know where to find me, just give your oppinion on what to improve and I surelly implement it if appropriate.

Anyway I still hope someone makes that little miracle, it's always sad to see someone or something leaving the community.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:06 pm
by Haur
wow emperphis, looks to be a good server..! ping ~40 no pl.. almost the same as at catch, for me atleast.. Most likely a public server I will visit from time to time..

and on-topic.. bad luck, but we have survived, with all due respect, biger losses before (gameland and boomtown servers)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:35 pm
by Da^JuaN
Really too bad DA is going down.. as being a member of =DA= in the past and as current serveradmin of the server, i knew this was going to happen for a while already, but its still shitty. DA was (for the time being.. still is) one of my favourite public servers, especially when catch still had those shitty norse skins. Pings are like equal to me nowadays, maybe catch is even slightly better. It was like checking, what map/players are on catch and DA.. and then decide where to play.
Turning this server down could cause quite some german players to quit i think, because most of them only played on DA and on a server where they would meet other german players and im not sure if they will be familiar with the other servers and will find each other on other servers.

I really can agree on some of the negative comments bout the servers last years, as serveradmin i didnt really have any influence on the rotation or some settings. Pain had a strict hand into that and wanted certain maps he liked into the rotation, even when he didnt play so often.. or hardly.. or never and/or had no clue what maps would be in or out. But he was the one paying for the server by himself, so in that way i cant blame him for anything. However, he was open for discussion and did change some things requested.. but not as i (and others) would have liked to see it.

To conclude, its a real pity losing this server.. but thats the trend it seems to be lately, too bad. One of my favo servers during my aq2 career.. where i spend quite some time and had lots of fun. Thanks for everything Pain!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 6:38 am
by L0ki
refused wrote:They say the classics never go out of style, but they do...they do. Somehow, baby, I'd never thought that we'd do, too.
This is a grim day. :cry:

Thank you for supporting the german and european scene that long, Robert. /hug

Re: =Death Angels= server going down for good

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:07 am
by MDVz0r
AssKick3r wrote:Any bright ideas? Bring'em on :)
You should post here what it will cost to keep this server up. Maybe some people are interested in doing it together.. Would be a bad thing if this server is going down.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 1:12 pm
by pain
AQ2 never dies and i am glad that so much people enjoyed to play on our server.

therefore i have set-up a new server: =Death Angels=Dawn

please have a look at (or

currently anticheat is disabled, but i hope the server is soon registered by r1ch

feel free to report any errors, lags etc.

the server is a clone of the old one which still is online until 28.05.2007. only the binaries are brandnew

Re: =Death Angels= server going down for good

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:08 am
by pain
MDVz0r wrote:Maybe some people are interested in doing it together..
4 =DA= Members are now paying the costs. (Vince, Gandhor, Ostpreusse, Pain)

and many more wanted to help. really nice, thanks to all