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[pictures] NARF Meeting 2007 (Stay away, Dial-Up guys)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:11 pm
by Caracol

The Slovenes were the first to arrive at my place, around 19:00. Flop, Matic and DrIQ. They build their tent right away since the weather was fine (and from then on, it got fine and finer). After some time, and the first beer (and from now on you can just place a *takes a beer* every once in a while, the first one is the only one I remember, so to speak) Frank and the Cologne brothers arrived and a bit later, the Austrians. At first it was very tight and we were spread around my place without a logical sense, during that time Frank had to go to check-in at his hotel and then come back, since I knew where it was I offered myself to go with him and then come back to the rest. First sign of my lazyness, I just went with my slippers thinking we'll come back by car... wrong! We walked the kilometer back and I gotta say that it wasn't that bad to walk the whole way. Anywho, we arrived and ended drinking the austrian beers and the german ones, starting to know eachother and mainly sharing for the first time watching eachother's faces. Oh, thanks Robert (my flatmate) for sharing your room to the NARF bunch, including Georg who arrived while we were out with Frank. Let's go with the pics:

In my flatmate's room, Nils smoking, Flop thinking the best way to camp in such a place, Frank watching Urs' beautiful smile, DrIQ's neck and I suppose Matic holding a beer... who else?!

DrIQ meditating, Robert looking at his underwear, Andy sneezing, Flop flirting with Nils and in the back, Reini spectating.

Georg answering Matias' question: "which finger were you sucking before?" and Reini holding his legs with his head.

He might look nice, but damn is he evil.

We woke up early, took a breakfast of bad coffee and tea and went to the supermarket to buy the food and more beverages (Frank's Grolsch case was half the way gone, and the other 2 cases were also mostly drunken out, we needed a refill!). Afterwards we ate something fast and went to the Olympiapark. Maybe Nils can give some pictures of it, I didn't make any. There some decided to enter the stadium by paying 2,- and some others decided to not throw money away and buy themselves some beers while they watched... well, dunno what they watched (hehe). Then we walked a bit around the Park, visited some locations and took some group pictures that Nils took. Afterwards we went to the city and after a huge walk, and some other pictures, we (all except the slovenes, who stayed in the city searching for mousepads, failing miserably, right Matic?) went home and after a frustrating search for a ball we headed ourselves to a small Park near my place and started playing some football, just kicking the ball here and there and after a long while with the slovenes being away, and many phonecalls between the Leader and his trustee, me, the slovenes arrived when the first team's health bars were half the way down. We made the pickup german/dutch style and the teams were Matic, Matija, DrIQ and Nils versus Matias, Urs, Frank, Reini and Andy. After a while the scores were 9-5 for my (Matias') team and they managed to break our defence of tired legs turning the game to a 10-9 for them, winning the match and... well, ok, whatever, they won! Hahaha...
Then we came home, started the first BBQ and then, after many hours of everything you can imagine after a huge feast, we came inside the house, played some, talked some more and finally we all went to bed at different times.

A part of the river Isar... oh, and Urs somewhere there too.

Teamjungle all over again!

Matic coughing, Matija looking at him coughing, DrIQ not caring of him coughing, Nils looking at his delicious greek salad, Frank eating Nils' delicious salad, Andy not caring of Nils' salad, Reini doesn't eat, he drinks and there's also Urs, trying to read his brother's thoughts.

Reini making a striptease to the beer-god.

Matias: "I think these sausages are ready..."
Nils: "OH RLY???"


Unfiltered Gallery

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:44 am
by omega
pls some news on the webby:)

btw: you are drinking ottakringer in munich! that's great;)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:10 am
by dudemcpek
Ha, well written! Ace pic descriptions, now it's on nils to post his pro pics as well :)

For me the meeting was very successful, could hardly be any better at all, too bad some others didn't make it.
Hey footy was 4on5 anyway and we were also tired from that (unlucky) shop seeking. NARF won anyway :)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:56 am
by cheef
well a nice story, based on the truth :)
it was a real nice narf meeting. the 2times bbq was a great idea, the soccer game with field, and also the walk through muenchen (still got stiff muscle from it)
and the finish with biergarden was just perfect.

nice comments to the pics :lol:
(maybe you can make a package with the HQ pics and upload?!)


So here i am ...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:30 pm
by cRiMiNaL
Aye, of course i will paste my pics ... even if they are not as 'pro' as i would like them to be ... but whatever ...


Here i got Matic in profile .... due to his smiling i think he was watching Andi's muscles or something like that... ;-)


Well as Matias already mentioned some of us guys rushed the old olympia stadium (votemap stadium.bsp) .... The crowd was waiting for our entrance there ... i swear.


We checked out the area and Andi (on top) and Cheef (on rope) were checking some new rooftop-spots for our beloved floppy who was drinking beer meanwhile ignoring the hard work of those two austrian heroes ...


This are Andi, Frank, Urs and Reini spectating the scene from an good covered spot where they thought to be unnoticed ...


(this is an amplification with my binoculars...)


After reuniting the drunken and the hard working guys ... we just captured the hill and sit down to our usual camping spot ... on top of the hill ... ready to advance back to the toproof... (Matic, Flop, Andi, Djiga(?), Reini, Urs, Frank and Matias)


(votemap english_garden.bsp) Heck we love outdoor maps, don't we?
I still have that ringing in my ears due to DrIQ singing 'Under the bridge' ... even worse then grenades exploding near ya)

Greetz so far !

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:41 pm
by L0ki
:heart: :cry: :hail: :tup: :beer:

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:10 am
by cheef
hou hou great pictures!
wanna all of the in HQ, please ;)
great work for all
this narf meeting gets from me an
:hop: :hop: :hop:


Re: [pictures] NARF Meeting 2007 (Stay away, Dial-Up guys)

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:44 pm
by dudemcpek
Caracol wrote:TO BE CONTINUED...
You liar you!

And where are the HQ pics? :)

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:40 pm
by Caracol
Yeh, me liar. Sorry, but I went to Spain and now I'm really swamped, or at least I feel like it.
About the HQ pics, well, I saw the folder with them and it's like 90MB and I'm too lazy to upload them all. Besides, most of them are crappy, typical "flash-snapshots", so the motivation just isn't there.
I will try thought to make a small selection and upload them to, dunno, a rapidshare-clone webby. But be patient.

By the way, why should I continue the story?! I'm just the "trustee"!