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aprq2 1.21 loadgames/savegames

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:53 pm
by sempron

I appreciate aprq2 very much and have been using it (and modifying it for my personal use) in a long time.

What I noticed since version 1.21 (both 1.21 and 1.211) is that savegames or rather(?) loadgames no longer work.

I compiled aprq2 under Linux (glx binary, sdlsound, http download and mpd support, is also compiled).

Can anyone confirm this?
And maybe fix the issue?

I get a message about an undefined symbol "com_error" with the since version 1.21. In earlier versions com_error cannot be found when looking through the symbols. So something has changed here.


I just compiled the code with Visual Studio Express in Windows XP - same result: load-/savegames no longer work. - This also happens with the officially supplied windows binary!