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Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:52 pm
by emu
So, action quake is as usual dying. Been looking at draging a cup up again, with some new stuff. Going with this build and going to try and make this get some old players back. Wondering what clans are interested as I've been working on this when I've been drunk the last 3 nights. Oh yeah. Anyways.

I'd like to know which clans are interested. Same format. We'll invite some clans, and the rest of the clans have to fight it out for the last spot. The clans i'll prioritize is old school clans. I.E if some old (good) clans want to participate for this they'll get in. Match the old vs the new.

So.. Lets hope the respons is good :) PM me if your clan is interested, or type down your clan here. Im trying to get hold of that bleeding idiot z0, but in the end this was my idea, and my project, so fuck that lazy prick :m00:

Ideas etc are also welcome.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:35 pm
by Clown

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:21 am
by dudemcpek
Sure, make it happen! There's also some sort of league going to start soon.. I guess.
topic: Action Quake European League 2009 || Searching for clans who want to be in the league || 18/20 || contact fuppet, Mos`Rew, ax0r or Day1 || Information soon
#aq2eu.league is their chan :)
