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Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:29 pm
by Hirchart
well. who play(ed)(s) this great RPG ? I have it for a month or 2 now, still very cool. I have several Chars.

Ill take a few screens of my chars soon and ill upload them.

If you play the game..

- What race are you?

- Where are you atm ?

- Member of Any guilds, if yes - wich one ? and rank ?

- Sign and Class?

- Level ( strength, speed, endurance, ect. )

- Best weapon ( weapon skill )

- and more info if you want :)

And a screenshot of your best char. will be nice too. And i think its a really amazing game, very nice graphics, really detailed, and a AWESOME BIG WORLD :).

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:38 pm
by Den
i got it but i prefer nwn :)

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:58 pm
by Jazzie
*spells the forum-part out loudly* M O D S *stops spelling the forum-part out loudly*

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:47 am
by Rallu
Jazzie, Morrowind is game... not mod :P

Quite pointless to ask what weapons and skill you have since after you have played that game about 2-3weeks you have all skills at maxium and best armors and weapons around ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 6:34 am
by Clown
The forums got changed around Rallu :(

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:01 am
by Kurupt
Yes, he posted this topic in the "Mods" forum.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 5:41 am
by Hirchart
hm, dindt notice that, sorry :)

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 1:36 pm
by Hirchart
come on, there gotta be more morrowinders ?:)

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 8:28 am
by Hirchart
O_o so there aren't :oh:

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 7:02 am
by minchiano
There is. But in heart I'm an AQ2 player and always will be so I usually just check those boards. Found this just now looking around =)

On the comp I'm on now I've 4 chars of which 3 has done the MW MQ and one of them also done the expansions BloodMoon and Tribunal. Just recently cleared the MQ (if you could call it that) in Tribunal with my lvl 60 Altmer male Spellsword. I also have a bunch of mods installed, one named Doom_Door where you meet some dude just outside Sadrith Mora and gets sent to Castlevania :shocker: to get some stuff. Well I either fucked it up or it aint working so I started a new char just yesterday. A female Nord Warrior named Elsbeth :rambo:

So you're not alone in the world of MW Hirchart. And if you don't have the expansions, get them! They rock!!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 9:11 am
by nufan
I hope jz don't see this :)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 9:14 am
by Jazzie
I guess I have to live with necroing on this forum. It's just so damn confusing. Reading the same threads all over again :/

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 1:08 pm
by n99
This topic is probably very old, but since you're so eager to hear from other people who play(ed) this game. Here goes. Morrowind has a beautiful, vast and very free-feeling world. There's lots of stuff to do, but it character/level-upping system the game uses is fucked up. I'll tell you why: All characters can do everything (sneaking, stealing, use of magic, use of armor/weaponry) if they become powerful enough. That might look cool on paper, but it effectively means that the more powerful you become, the less unique your character feels. At around level 35-40 I started to get the feeling that I could have started out with a different 'class' and, in a lesser extent, also a different race and could have ended up with a very similar character to the one I had made. The guild/property/ranks ideas are also very good, but I hate the fact you can screw up a certain mission before even joining a guild just by stealing something or hitting/killing someone. It happened to me with the Thief's Guild, in my opinion the nicest guild to work for, except for the Morat Tong or whatever they're called (Threads of the Webspinner). Lack of multiplayer and a poor combat/spellcasting system are also definite downers. Den is right, NWN is alot better, simply because they use the D&D Wizards of the Coast licence, a tried-and-true system used by millions of people (literaly). So, concluding, for scope and world/theme design it get's a 9/10, but the negative points make me not give it more than a 6 overall, which is a waste. Just one question - ever played pencil/paper rpg's hirchart?