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Animation editing?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 6:47 am
by MikuzA
Hello, forum users! :shock:

I got this megahuge interest of making own animations to quake2, for example the hand animation when you hold a gun etc.

Does someone have experience of this kind of modification?

I would like to know steps and programs how this happens :shock:

Thanks :shock:

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:08 am
by Den
well for programs u can use any 3d modeling program. such as 3d studio max, maya

i think there are 4 steps:

1: think what u want to create

2: model it

3: skin it

4: animate it

Usefull sites:

or check the forums from popular mods:

Im sure there are some threads about modeling/animating there