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Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:31 am
by Cogni
This guy has been busted like 6 times now?. He's known as NuKu, though he changes his nick frequently. You may remember the guy from the [r2k]^N thread.

He was in v8 as a trial yesterday and got cought once again... beaware of this braindamaged kid and please ban him from each and every fucking server thank you! ... 26&start=0 ... 15&start=0 ... 61&start=0 ... 64&start=0

The same guy...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:04 am
by Flunx
I can't read finnish. But thanks for the warning :-)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:13 am
by emu
its nothing new that NuKu cheats :wee:

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:47 am
by angra
kids now a days... :scratch:

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:56 am
by Beavisss
NuKu is a well know kid who likes to cheat. Nothing new.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:40 am
by Samislide
Yepp,, We played them yesterdays also. He wasnt even trying to hide it, and guess what.. :( They accused me for WH when they had atleast 2 wh'ers in their clan :D

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:58 am
by dudemcpek
Devvvan same scenario here.. O_o

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 8:33 am
by Sulfate
poor poor nuku..... maybe CS is something for him? :)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:47 am
by Repsaj
Devvvan wrote:Yepp,, We played them yesterdays also. He wasnt even trying to hide it, and guess what.. :( They accused me for WH when they had atleast 2 wh'ers in their clan :D
same here

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:20 am
by Saboteur
cheating sux. but there will always be there. sadly :(

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:24 pm
by Kurupt
Turns out we also played NuKu today. We only played one map tho, we left when they started to join the server with speedbots and when they changed their names to things like [SS]Hitler.

Anyway, for the people interested, the irc talk after we left;
(01:04:40) —› join: (Raekwon) (
(01:04:50) (franku) ne tulee
(01:04:54) (franku) ei hätää raekwon
(01:05:01) (Raekwon) IHA
(01:05:03) (Raekwon) OHA ;D
(01:09:02) (Raekwon) COMING ??
(01:09:10) (Raekwon) 3 min and then we win if you dont go
(01:09:16) —› mode: (Kurupt) sets (+b *!
(01:09:16) —› this (*! ban affects (Raekwon)
(01:09:16) —› kick: (Raekwon) was kicked by (Kurupt) (Kick sponsored by ‹3›)
(01:09:27) (franku) heh
(01:09:28) —› mode: (Kurupt) sets (+b *!~hieeeee@
(01:09:28) —› this (*!~hieeeee@ ban affects (franku)
(01:09:28) —› kick: (franku) was kicked by (Kurupt) (Byebye ‹4›)
(01:09:36) —› join: (Leonard_) (~brasil@
(01:09:37) (@fuppet`) stupid speehacking cunts:p
(01:09:41) (Leonard_) yes rakewon is a moron
(01:09:49) (@fuppet`) no shit
(01:10:10) (sinceRe) yes shit
(01:10:45) (Leonard_) yes
(01:10:46) (@fuppet`) ..
(01:10:46) (Leonard_) yes
(01:10:52) (@Zard0x) 01:10:55) (Raekwon): you dont play ?
(01:10:53) (@Zard0x) (01:11:07) (Zard0x): hmm lemmie ask
(01:10:55) (@Zard0x) (01:11:16) (Raekwon): ok
(01:10:56) (@Zard0x) (01:11:23) (Raekwon): we W.O if you dont get here 2min
(01:10:58) (@Zard0x) (01:11:24) (Raekwon): in
(01:10:59) (@Zard0x) (01:11:30) (Zard0x): we dont like that nazi shit and you using speedbot
(01:11:01) (@Zard0x) (01:11:36) (Zard0x): one of u killed me with speedbot
(01:11:02) (@Zard0x) (01:11:44) (Raekwon): We W.O
(01:11:06) (Leonard_) its no nazi
(01:11:14) (Leonard_) its #supersankarit super sankarit SS
(01:11:19) (Leonard_) meaning superheroes
(01:11:29) —› join: (ShamaNMan) (
(01:11:51) (@Kurupt) you think hitler is a super hero?
(01:12:06) (Leonard_) its hes own decision to have hitler as nick
(01:12:09) (@Zard0x) aan mij de eer een reportje te maken
(01:12:12) (Leonard_) its hes own decision to have hitler as nick
(01:12:19) (@Kurupt) yes and its our decision to not play u guys then
(01:13:01) (@Kurupt) that u cheat is one thing, but this nazi stuff is a bit too far over the edge
(01:13:44) (Leonard_) if your brains cannot digest the information im saying, then i cant help the situation much
(01:13:48) (sinceRe) go to berlin instead
(01:13:48) (@Kurupt) if it hasnt, he wouldnt be called [SS]Hitler
(01:13:59) (sinceRe) rofl
(01:14:01) (@Kurupt) dunno or u know what the SS was in ww2
(01:13:25) (Leonard_) it has nothing with nazi
(01:13:26) (Leonard_) as i explained
(01:13:30) (sinceRe) yes it has
(01:13:31) (@fuppet`) righty
(01:13:42) (sinceRe) and u r a freak
(01:14:33) (Leonard_) but hitler was cool anyway
(01:14:34) (Leonard_) .>
(01:14:39) (@fuppet`) ...
(01:14:42) (Leonard_) heil hirler!
(01:14:44) (Leonard_) hitler
(01:14:49) —› mode: (fuppet`) sets (+b *!~brasil@
(01:14:49) —› this (*!~brasil@ ban affects (Leonard_)
(01:14:49) —› kick: (Leonard_) was kicked by (fuppet`) (‹60›)
(01:15:30) (sinceRe) * You were kicked from #supersankarit by ShamaNMan (heil hitler)
(01:15:36) (sinceRe) :/
(01:15:40) (ShamaNMan) sincere
(01:15:46) —› mode: (Kurupt) sets (+b *!
(01:15:46) —› this (*! ban affects (ShamaNMan)
(01:15:46) —› kick: (ShamaNMan) was kicked by (Kurupt) (|¯| <- there's the exit ‹5›)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:51 pm
by Samislide
harr B>

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:26 am
by Den
01:13:48) (@Kurupt) if it hasnt, he wouldnt be called [SS]Hitler
omg how sad :)

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:20 am
by n99
This is hilarious. Everyone knows Hitler is part of the Finnish Fantastic Five. You got that guy who is made of rock, and then the rubbery guy, and the little, aggressive short guy with the mustache, ....

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:29 pm
by HcPeura
:santa: why does he have to cheat :P? f***ing idiot?